Hello PlayStation Nation,
Early last month, with some ambiguity, we announced that we were looking for a few good gamers to assist us with a special assignment related to our freshly launched Long Live Play campaign. Long Live Play honors gamers from all walks of life and recognizes you for making PlayStation who we are today.
We asked members of the PlayStation Nation to email us with pictures of themselves holding their PS3 controller and in 30 words-or-less, describe how they epitomize the ultimate PlayStation gamer. I know that PlayStation gamers are some of the most impassioned fans in the world, but I was blown away by the thousands of responses that flooded my email.
After weeks of anticipation, I can finally reveal the complete ambition behind Long Live Play. I’m delighted to announce that we’ve painstakingly reviewed each submission and selected a dozen or so die-hard gamers to represent the PlayStation Nation in a brand new Long Live Play campaign that will air on national TV starting October 5th. We think this film provides an insider’s look into what it’s like to be immersed in our universe and why it’s so compelling to game on the PS3.
For those already initiated into the Nation, I think you’ll find this film almost like a game itself. You’ll see a rich layering of different characters from some of your favorite game franchises – including cool everyman Nathan Drake from UNCHARTED, the mighty Kratos from God of War, the nimble Sackboy from LittleBigPlanet, and a monstrous Chimera from Resistance – all gathered together saluting “YOU” the PlayStation gamer. We spent months building out this experience and loaded it with numerous PlayStation Easter eggs. I’m pretty confident it will take several viewings before you find them all. Towards the end of the film be sure to notice the collection of photos of your fellow members of the Nation. This is one small way of demonstrating our sincere “Thanks” and to celebrate your tremendous commitment to PlayStation’s thriving community. And with PS3s available for under $250 – we welcome all gamers to come on board to experience the best in Blu-ray gaming.
It is our hope that this film showcases to all gamers the incredible characters and experiences that make PlayStation 3 the ultimate platform for people who love to game. You know that PlayStation has the industry’s best line-up of exclusive software titles, features highly immersive motion-control and 3D gaming, and free access to vast amounts of sports, movies, TV, games and more on PlayStation Network. Now, with your help, we’re spreading the word so the world knows that PlayStation continues to be the top destination for gaming.
Long Live Play!
OK, the Little Sister kinda freaked me out….just sayin’
hey yall check the vita page in gamestop and amazon just a lil helpful hint closeist to knowing and ull know what i mean when u all look
Also liked the nod to Portal :-)
LOL at sweet tooth playing chess with Sackboy and Drake hitting on lightning
@45 it was a commercial teasing for a commercial, I honestly think it was pointless, the quality of this commercial is excellent, but teasing for it is a joke and as a real gamer, i don’t need to see commercials telling me I’m appreciated, I need and expect to see a quality service and at this point in time Sony are being outperformed by Microsoft, who are again releasing a new dashboard update, whilst the ps3 is seriously in need of one with none insight.
That was sick. I dont even know what to say this video is a masterpiece.
Alot of sour gamers here this morning lol ( coffee anyone).. the videowas very good and Thank you for showing us you care about us and our gaming.. I cant speak for the double console owners, but i can speak for 100% ps3 owners and sony hand held owners. .. Keep up the great things. and keep improving each outting. Thats what ps brand means to alot of gamers, alot great games have come from the brand& alot will continue too.
We understand you wont do 100% right by the gamer all t the time( with needs and wants) but things are are on the right track thus and you try’n which is better than just listeining and watching. So far alot are look’n forward to holiday seasons line up of games. Thank you for starting things off right in that direction :)
vp-psn legioniaree group
This is a great ad campaign idea (and I love the commercial), but I think that teaser trailer last week seemed really unnecessary. I mean, if you’re going to make a teaser trailer, make it for something substantive. I was really hoping for a trailer announcing the North American PSVita launch date.
Thank you for that. It was definitely worth the build-up.
Going to watch this again and again.
I think it was awesome. But I expected something bigger like a new service, a new game or a PSN redesign.
Michael is just one man…….out of a community of those who Play, not just to be the best, but to help those who need it and to just have fun.
And for that the PlayStation Universe salutes you for that……
To (Your Name Here)
the video is very cool! my only point is kratos absolutly DONT look like Kratos, i dont know why u dint find anyone who can “role play” that character. cuz the butchy animation DONT look like him!
everything else is very nice!!
Wow, that was awesome.
Looking forward to see more ads with gamers in them :)
Michael is not my name, but Thank You Sony for thinking of us fans in this video. It’s really fun and it’s cool to see the real life counterparts of our video game heroes. I just have to say though that Nathan Drake seemed to have gained a bit of weight. LOL Seriously though, this is Awesome!!
To those who are crying “epic fail”, you do not get what the ad is about. And for that, this ad is not for you. Sony has long said that cross-game chat is not coming to the PS3 because of hardware limitations. Move on. I’d rather have a rock-solid gameplay rather than play a game with terrible framerate just because the console is also busy processing voice chats.
Anyway, I hope that Sony would make an app that would allow us to put our photos/avatars on the video (in place of “Michael”) then share it to our friends. Similar to what True Blood did in Facebook. Do that and see this ad go a lot more viral! Just a thought. ;-)
I found the video awesome! Definitely nerded out over quite a few things.
Anyways I got an email from Sony a few weeks back asking if my picture could be used. I got chills when they started chanting Michael (cause you know, thats my names and all) but was a little sad it wasn’t me. Couldn’t even find myself in the video lol.
OSOM Bleat’
This video was nerdy at best…LOL I thought how they picked out the live actors for Nathan and Cole was pretty great, but the kid they picked “Michael”… if he’s supposed to represent the Playstation Gamer…. Sorry but that was a total nerdy pose. Not just that, the entire video made Michael out to be like a god to them, it just emphasized how corny this whole thing was.
First off, this idea isn’t particularly original. Dreamcast already been down this road with giving life to all their video game characters and assembling them in one place (yes I’m a diehard Dreamcast fan) but furthermore, what disappoints me is this video has nothing to do with any of us… so why did they make a big fuss over it? EVERYONE was talking about Oct 5th thinking it was going to mean something big…. and it turns out to be a new compaign that doesn’t affect us in any way. I woke up and eagerly checked this place only to find the big fuss was a new commercial? Sony, you guys need to get to know your fan base a little better. You guys act like you don’t have a clue what we want.
I tip my hat off to you guys for trying though..
I just wanted to let you guys know, that “Michael” is a real gamer and member of the PlayStation community, not an actor. I should know; he looks awful similar to one of the photos I sent in . . .
lame crap
This Fall/Winter Season, Online Warfare is taking a whole new level. Be Ready my PlayStation Brothers.
LOL that was a great ad, I thought is was GOW4 with the first tease.
It looks nice :D
LONG LIVE PLAY… station! I look foward to many many more years of Plastation use.
Kratos approves! XD
That was awesome! Great video, defines what it means to be a Playstation gamer!
However, I wish you all would have just shown this to begin with. It was a pretty epic tease and I was waiting for a big announcement and since this was the announcement, that’s kind of a let down.
It’s a great ad, it’s a magnificent testament to what it means to be a Playstation gamer and it’s very nice of you to show off that great relationship that we the gamer and you the publisher have. It’s also a testament to the great games and characters that have been released this gen and over the years, but I just wish you all would have shown it to begin with. I was really hoping for something big.
This was big, this was awesome, but it’s not really an announcement that was worth waiting a week for.
But man, I loved it all the same. Thank you! Long live Playstation. As long as you guys keep bringing me quality games, I’ll always stay loyal to Sony.
Epic ad is epic.
Awesome video Sony. I made a good choice getting the PS3. I have no regrets. Keep doing what you guys do best
People are really lame.. Honestly Sony tries, buy companies and makes games. Then makes an ad campaign just for us.. And you guys still complain.. Sad really :(
Hey Sony the video is cool and all but xmb needs to be revamp!Qore need to be streamlined very informative but most people don’t take the time to download it.Im not a 360 fan but its UI slaughter the xmb is becoming stale.
That was a very good commercial.
I don’t understand why people are complaining about a commercial.
I guess haters are always haters.
IDK about some of theses PS fans saying this was lame, but as a Play Station fan my self i think this video was Awesome, i was calling out all the charterers as it was playing lol,
Thanks Sony.
Jose G, Play Station owner since 98
what channel lol
Is is too late to submit stories and picture?
Can you celebrate ME by
Made me feel all warm and fuzzy. Great video Sony.
I approve this video, enjoyed everything. I got to admit though the part with Micheal dropped my smile ( who is that guy?), I think it would have been better to go with gamers and slide through all the pictures or have a mosaic of all the pictures forming a PS3 controller or maybe the triangle circle cross square. Also have it as a downloadable wallpaper to find your picture. Anyone think the same at the end? However, video is awesome SNAKEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!
Getting Resistance 3 today. Been a PS gamer since 96!!!
… soooo…. nothing to actually announce; just a weird high budget trailer and that’s it? No announcement? …
I want that… xD
I spend my money only on Playstation/sony products since 95…
They have teach me!
@47…. Used game sales do hurt Sony and any other Development company. Think about it logically…One person buys one copy, then sells that copy to their friend for a fraction of the original cost, then that friend does the same and so on. Sony will only make money on the first sale, not the rest. It is pretty easy to see that! EB Games and Gamestop make Billions of dollars selling products they had no hand in making. ie. used games. Online passes are here to stay. Complaining about having to spend an extra $10 on your used game purchase is just laughable. Yes you can buy the game used without purchasing the Online Pass for single player play. Tell me why you think you should be able to buy a piece of intellectual property without paying anything to the original source? If you don’t want Online Passes you should be out front of Gamestop protesting their business model. Ask them to pay their dues to the developers on every used game sale and we will see Online Passes disappear. Until you are ready to do that, you have no right to complain.
That was awesome. Cole made me think, that’s Jason Statham
Don’t even think about bringing that stupid argument about, “If I buy a car and sell it used I don’t pay Mazda!” IP is different from a physical object. Microsoft will not let you buy a used copy of Windows. You will always have to buy a new license. Same with Adobe products and any other piece of software that isn’t freeware! You want AAA games you give developers credit where it is due.
Thats it i really dont see what the whole point of this was. if anything this commercial was pretty laughable. the acting was pretty bad, but i guess its ok because its commercial and not some AAA movie. Still it just seems to me that Sony has enough time and money to waste it on things like this and the Testers, but neglect things like fixing up their systems, getting decent psp games on the psn and other things that would probably be better to put your time and money in
Dont get me wrong ad works wonders, but do you really need it? I would assume with the price drop which happen some time ago people have already bought your system and possible others as well i know i did and if people are still on the fence for it they are probably cheap skates who want it at like 99$ or something
Lastly not to sound rude, but i doubt this commercial will help them into thinking the ps3 is right for them. It shows nothing of the ps3 itself. just people dressed up as game character its tells of no feature presented in the ps3, nothing of the movie/music services, etc. I would think if you want people to buy your hardware you would, you know show off what the hardware can do?
That was great. The only thing that would’ve made that any better than it already was, would to somehow add Kevin Bulter in there and have him do something unusual like he usually does. =)
Was great to see all the characters realized as living people. definitely gave me a little nerdgasm.
Playstation has some great mascots who have given me many hours of enjoyment. Funny to see them all thanking the gamers that control their fate; in the games world and in the real world (sales).
Thanks Playstation, gaming would not be the same without ya! :)
It amazes me how people still ask for cross game chat on PS3 when Sony stated that it’s NEVER happening. Second, how is this a FAIL? Sony is celebrating us, the gamers, the consumers, customers, etc… Despite it being one name and one photo they focus on in the video, it’s a message to all of us gamers as a whole.
Nathan Drake hitting on Lightning? My world is now strangely complete.
Questions: Are all the pictures that were picked of people holding their PS3 controller in this one video? Or are there going to be more Long Live Play videos/commercials with different people from the ones picked that will be recognized?