We hope you’ve been enjoying the Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One Limited Beta over the last couple of weeks, and we’re excited for you to get your hands on the full game this October 18th. Recently, we’ve released videos showing off the different elements of the game, including a particularly epic spot focused on the light-eating Z’Grute boss that our heroes (and villain) must battle in the city of Luminopolis.
This latest video we want to share takes place on the Aldaros Plains, one of the first areas you’ll explore on Planet Magnus. This is an area of the planet where the rules of gravity seem to be bent, and floating islands of rock make up the shifting landscape. The boss here is a gigantic creature called an Octomoth. If the name doesn’t give you an immediate idea of what this fearsome creature would be like, watch the video above!
We hope you enjoyed today’s video, and have your pre-order for All 4 One all ready to go for the 18th. To keep up with the latest happenings, be sure to follow Insomniac Games on Twitter or Like us on Facebook!
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