The day we’ve all been waiting for has finally arrived! The much anticipated remastered versions of ICO and Shadow of the Colossus are available today on a single Blu-ray disc. I have always been a big fan of Ueda-san and his work, and I was excited when I first heard about the project. It has been an honor to work on this collection, and I am just as excited as you all to play these new versions at home.
Beginning today, you are finally be able to get your hands on the shiny new HD and 3D versions of two the most beloved video games of all time. If you’ve already played these games on PS2, now you can experience them all over again like you’ve never seen or heard them before. And if you haven’t had a chance to play these classics just yet, now’s the perfect time to experience the beautiful stories and art design of Ueda-san and his extremely talented team.
The game has been brought to new life with these enhancements and exclusive content:
- Full 1080p HD resolution
- Stereoscopic 3D support
- 7.1 surround sound
- Full Trophy support, with unique trophies for each game
- 12-minute behind-the-scenes video about the making of ICO, Shadow of the Colossus, and The Last Guardian
- 20+ minute round table discussion between Ueda-san (Lead Designer, Director), Kaido-san (Line Producer) and Hosono-san (Designer).
- ICO concept video
- Shadow of the Colossus concept video
- NICO concept video
- Dynamic XMB themes (one for ICO, one for Shadow of the Colossus)
The disc comes with all of this for just $39.99. As if you needed any more reasons to pick up this collection, it currently has an average review score of 91, out of 35 reviews. Game Informer gave it a 9.75, saying “Playing through them again in this unbeatable package only serves as a reminder that no other developer can imitate Team Ico’s singular style.”
In celebration of the launch of ICO & Shadow of the Colossus Collection, Ueda-san has kindly sent us his comments:
We’ve finally made it to the release date of ICO and Shadow of the Colossus Collection. I would really like to especially thank the gamers, fans, and the media within North America, as the title has received such an incredible amount of support and praise from this region. I sincerely hope you will all enjoy the re-mastered collection.
I would also like to express my gratitude to the staff at Bluepoint Games and SCEA in the development and production of these titles. We were extremely lucky to be working with such talented staff. Their efforts helped the Collection exceed our highest quality expectations, as well as get though its development cycle without any major issues. I sincerely appreciate the great work done by everyone involved.
Get ready to take the re-mastered game home and be immersed in these highly artistic and picturesque game worlds today!
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