A recent scientific study out of ModNation Laboratories Research and Development department (located in sunny San Diego, CA) reveals that 75% of ModNation creators are eagerly looking to further their Mod and Kart design education. Now you (yes you!) have the opportunity to learn and work with the best that ModNation has to offer. MNR’s Community College is now in session (or MNCC as we like to call it).
Enrollment starts this week for “Modnation Kart Posse Challenge 101”, the first of many Mod & Kart creation courses here at MNCC. Here is how it works… MNCC students register (for free!) for “MKPC101”HERE. The faculty will randomly place students into high-energy lab teams of at least three members who will put their creative minds together in designing their team’s karts “Posse” style. Teams’ names could look like “Team Too Many Stickers”, “Team Big, Bad & Ugly”, “Team Chicks Rule, Boys Drool” or maybe even “Team Color-Blind”, who knows? This is a great opportunity for you to learn and collaborate on the kart creating process with creators of all skill levels.
Our favorite “Posses” will be featured in the “Creations of the Week” section of an upcoming MNR blog!
At MNCC we let you decide the path of success leading to your degree what we like to call PCS-ology (get it? Play Create Share). Bad pun. My bad.
Top Tracks: Tracks That Made Us Say…HUH?
Students of ancient history understand that the period of time known as the 1960s and 1970s was a very awkward time indeed. Mankind went from “Peace and Love” to “Disco and Leisure suits”. We celebrate those “far out” days with tracks that obviously have tapped into that “trippy” vibe.
If you are looking for some more creative, mind-blowing tracks with a little more “WOW!” and maybe a little less WHAT?, WHY? and HUH?, try these creators – Bongsoldier, RADBOYROB, MagicalHamster, OnePoppa, Laidbackcat and BrianDaleBaxley1 just to name a few.
ModNation Player Profiles: Tuksilha
Tuksilha is one of the hardest working and most tenacious racers in MNR. Look at a few of his stats…
– Over 5,000,000 Race XP points
– Most total races with 30,267
– Most victories with 14,483
Read more about this amazing ModNation Racer in his profile HERE
Creations of the Week: Yowsah, Yowsah, Yowsah
Join us as we reach back yet again into the MNR time machine for a look at the Mods’ and Karts’ true “old-school” style.
If you come across and choice Mods / Karts in your travels, do me a solid and let me know. We will accept lame-o’s, dweebs, or totally bogus Cheese Weasels. Dig it?
Track of the Week
Beauteous Oasis by prob_alex
Hot Lap Tracks:
Monday: Beauteous Oasis by prob_alex (I am not sure the term “gorgeous” is proper to describe a racetrack but I am going with it. Gorgeous!!!
Tuesday: City controlled by Aliens by SergioChileno (I need to get SergioChileno, RADBOYROD and RockToonz to collaborate on a track! I think it may blow my mind, and my home’s power supply!)
Wednesday: Botanical Village by PH1LThy31 (three strong entries from PH1LThy31 this week. All great, but this was my favorite)
Thursday: Irabella Ice Jam by IvoYaridovich (Ivo has definitely found his groove with the Arctic DLC theme tracks)
Friday: The Low Country by atheistsw. (It’s a great track and a great race but the subtleties are what make atheistsw’s tracks excel, as this one of course does just that)
Saturday: The Lost City 1.0 by lop330 (the scenery changes and multiple terrain choices must be seen to be appreciated. I loved it. In fact, I wish I made it!)
Sunday: Walhalla by marusarusa (I holla, you holla, we all holla for Walhalla!)
No Guts, No Glory
Next week we will put your tracks though the ultimate proving grounds… the opinions of your peers! That’s right, Hot Lap Tracks will be selected by the MNR community (with our “guidance”) for the following week’s Hot Lap Tracks seating. If you are interested in becoming a Hot Lap judge look for more details HERE
Fight on MNCC!
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