Hey everyone! It’s been a while since we visited these hallowed halls to talk about our upcoming PS3 and PS Vita game Oddworld: Stranger’s Wrath HD. If you’ve been following the game’s development closely, you may have caught our announcement that we delayed the release of Stranger’s Wrath HD on the PS3 into the summer from its intended spring release. While summer is almost at an end, we wanted to tell you that the game is in the final part of development right now. We’re in beta and fixing bugs, and doing some last-minute optimizing where we can.
It’s been a long road for us, and we’ve made a whole truck full of updates. We’ve updated EVERY one of 83 characters in the game, the vast majority of the environmental textures, and a lot of the environment geometry. We’ve also completely updated the user interface, added some easter eggs into the game, and a whole raft of unlockable extras — some never seen before, and some rarely seen.
To celebrate being at the end of the development cycle for Stranger’s Wrath, we wanted to share this trailer with you. The trailer looks great but the game looks better: you just can’t capture 60 frames-per-second action in a web trailer!
We hope you enjoy the trailer and we’ll be back very soon to share full release details with you.
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