PlayStation Nation,
Two years ago we introduced you to our resident Vice President of just about everything, Kevin Butler, in the inaugural “Dear PlayStation” ad which was timed with the introduction of our “It Only Does Everything” campaign. Since then, the campaign has helped make the PS3 a household name in 50 million homes worldwide. Today, I’m excited to introduce you to a new brand campaign “Long Live Play” – designed to celebrate gamers from all walks of life and recognize you for making us who we are today.
PlayStation has always been about the gamer and the PS3 is the ultimate portal to a land of infinite experiences and accomplishments. PlayStation is reaffirming our commitment to gamers like yourselves with “Long Live Play” – mixing humor and a little good, clean fun with the kind of entertainment content you crave.
What better way to transition than with a visit from Kevin Butler, back from his four-day retirement with a special message.
Beginning today you’ll find “Long Live Play” rolling out on some of your favorite websites, TV networks and retailers as well as across numerous social networking outlets. It’s our way of inviting all gamers to come and join the PlayStation Nation. When we say there’s never been a better time to join, we mean it. With games like Resistance 3, UNCHARTED 3: Drake’s Deception, The ICO & Shadow of the Colossus Collection and more on the horizon, PlayStation is committed to creating a AAA software line-up that real gamers can get excited about.
The new PS3 price of $249, coupled with incredible gaming and sports content including DIRECTV’s NFL SUNDAY TICKET, MLB.TV and NHL GameCenter, PlayStation is ready to welcome gamers from all over with open arms and hours upon hours of unbelievable entertainment.
We are committed to the continued expansion of the types of services and content that have made the PlayStation name synonymous with interactive entertainment and hope that through the “Long Live Play” campaign our dedication to you, the PlayStation fans, truly shines through. For those of you who have friends that might be on the fence, I encourage you to invite them to come on over. In the meantime, keep your eyes peeled because in the weeks to come we’ll be turning the spotlight back on you, and you won’t want to miss it!
Happy gaming!
faking epic
this was actually really funny. Really glad to see KB still got it. Hopefully Song can put him to good use with actual ad’s.
KB VP of awesomeness :)
I’m sold on everything PlayStation. Love it.
Long Live Play!!!!!
epic as always!
I was wondering why Kevin was wearing grandpa clothes at the beginning lol, looks like he was layed off for some time and had to resort to being a carpet salesman haha
@None-Believers: Off with you. We don’t need your heresy!
Kevin Butler for life!
lol economy flooring
good stuff…
Loved it… especially the “TV worth more than your car” and the “no look flaming crossbow shot”. EPIC.
? is did he really ever leave if that was just a stunt for when they launched. {long live play}
lol, best video ever
I didn’t even know he was gone! *Looks at Twitter feeds* OH! Got it!
Long Live Play!
great AD, love the KB vids. LONG LIVE PLAY!
Long Live Play!
Welcome Back Kevin! :D
Long Live Play! Man Kevin Butler is just too hilarious we gotta have an AVATAR of that guy
Neat commercial thing but… I don’t understand it’s point.
omg simply the best !!!
Nice he’s back :D
A-W-E-S-O-M-E,awesome,awesome,awesome…oh man I was missing KB so much…welcome back KB you are the GUY…and also I was looking for infamous 2 commercial…when I saw at final of this video…so amazing.Cant wait to see the commercials for all exclusives that will come…KB you are awesome PS community need you.
Bang on.
I cried from the epicness.
lmao my no look flaming crossbow shot.
This was funny and refreshing!
hahaha EPIC! I was really beginning to miss these.
Welcome back to the world of PlayStation, Kevin! Now, usher in the next wave of awesome games!
I approve of this
Glad he’s officially back.
Didn’t think he could stay away for long though ;)
Great job guys!
this makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Just got my ps3 last weekend and I feel like I hoped on the train just in time!
BEST commercial for anything ever.
Oh, my when Kevin whips out Jacks picture from inside his desk …. I was rolling on the floor. “You are the boss of me!”
Long Live Play !!!
Even i just got a YLOD on my old 80gb ps3… im comming back for more with the new Ps3 Slim at $249 !!! Hail KB and HAIL SONY AND PS3 !!
That was awesome!
I cannot wait for twisted metal smvr2012 and mw3 :)
happy this guy back miss him funny dude
keviin’s back Legit long live playstation
Look like selling cheap carpet was just a step down from selling ps3 games! loll I wonder who let that one slip.
@147, where did I say anything about the audience?? Sony is smart to go after the core audience, the casual audience is already witht he wii,…… Sony knows what they do best and have not been grasping sicne about 2008……
@131 and @147 http://www.gamepro.com/article/news/162608/report-ps3-sold-faster-than-xbox-360-for-same-period/
Do some research…
Amazing! This is going to be an awesome Fall. Disappointed that the Vita got pushed to 2012 for North America, but with Kevin back and the upcoming line-up I think I can wait it out :P
Sony needs to purchase the rights to “Airplane! The Movie” and cast KB as Captain Over….Roger…or was it Under?
so if its kevin butler is for the PS3, and its marcus for the PSP, then its kristen schaal for the XPERIA PLAY. who is it going to be for the PS VITA ? playstation?
Epic commercial.