PlayStation Nation,
Two years ago we introduced you to our resident Vice President of just about everything, Kevin Butler, in the inaugural “Dear PlayStation” ad which was timed with the introduction of our “It Only Does Everything” campaign. Since then, the campaign has helped make the PS3 a household name in 50 million homes worldwide. Today, I’m excited to introduce you to a new brand campaign “Long Live Play” – designed to celebrate gamers from all walks of life and recognize you for making us who we are today.
PlayStation has always been about the gamer and the PS3 is the ultimate portal to a land of infinite experiences and accomplishments. PlayStation is reaffirming our commitment to gamers like yourselves with “Long Live Play” – mixing humor and a little good, clean fun with the kind of entertainment content you crave.
What better way to transition than with a visit from Kevin Butler, back from his four-day retirement with a special message.
Beginning today you’ll find “Long Live Play” rolling out on some of your favorite websites, TV networks and retailers as well as across numerous social networking outlets. It’s our way of inviting all gamers to come and join the PlayStation Nation. When we say there’s never been a better time to join, we mean it. With games like Resistance 3, UNCHARTED 3: Drake’s Deception, The ICO & Shadow of the Colossus Collection and more on the horizon, PlayStation is committed to creating a AAA software line-up that real gamers can get excited about.
The new PS3 price of $249, coupled with incredible gaming and sports content including DIRECTV’s NFL SUNDAY TICKET, MLB.TV and NHL GameCenter, PlayStation is ready to welcome gamers from all over with open arms and hours upon hours of unbelievable entertainment.
We are committed to the continued expansion of the types of services and content that have made the PlayStation name synonymous with interactive entertainment and hope that through the “Long Live Play” campaign our dedication to you, the PlayStation fans, truly shines through. For those of you who have friends that might be on the fence, I encourage you to invite them to come on over. In the meantime, keep your eyes peeled because in the weeks to come we’ll be turning the spotlight back on you, and you won’t want to miss it!
Happy gaming!
“You ARE the boss of me!”
KB is the VP of my heart. Welcome back
Disgaea 4 next week <3
What a great way to welcome it to the ranks of GOTY-no one plays.
Kevin, your absence has been missed. Next to Old Spcie's Isaiah Mustafa, you are a very close 2nd!
Where can we buy those Jack Tretton portraits??? and Kevin Butler ones too!
EPIC! Best commercials on TV! Welcome back KB! How could any Xbox or Nintendo fanboy NOT want to buy a PS3 for a mere $249 with all of the great exclusives, free online, better Netflix, Blu-rays etc? As a hardcore gamer I CAN’T imagine missing out on what the PS3 has to offer by limiting myself to just one console.
This is great sony just needs to keep leveraging their greater talents over microsoft and nintendo. Killing the competition with triple a games like resistance 3, uncharted 3, splinter cell collection 3d, ico shadow 3d, ratchet 3d, etc. Keep exclusive things like mlb.tv and new nfl sunday ticket. But sony since you own a huge network have the free ipad and computer app crackle why not make the app available on ps3 for free with all the seinfeld, breaking bad, men in black, and countless movies and series you guys own, theyre not on netflix so make it in ps3 since you own crackle and all those great exclusives. And please a ps vita release date I sold my psp getting ready for a november launch and bought preorder on amazon, now its ready for 2012? You guys should have app store with hulu, netflix, drawing move app, etc. And finally you should make a ps3 model with double the ram to allow cross platform chat, custom music that is the only feature i am envious of xbox for and would buy my third ps3 for that feature alone.
Long Live Kevin Butler! :D
Pure win Sony. Keep it up!
More, more KB please.
And quit trying to explain things to the haters, my Plus peeps. They’re just here to troll their stupid hate. And to anybody that hates on KB, just F*** them!
This trailer was epic and ps3 slim is way better than the other chubby PS3’s. You guys who work for Playstation are making gamers bettter at playing on different games. Good job! BTW Prejudice FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Needed a little kb fix .. BEYOND …
Never leave again, KB!!
Your comments always have something you really don’t like lol/
Kevin is awesome. Don’t ever lose this guy. The ‘old spice’ type commercial is very lame and overdone though.
None of this matters, Sony refuses to market games like Resistance 3 which leaked early reviews are glowing.. PS3 gamers dont buy PS3 games like Xbox games do. Xbox exclusives sell more in 1 week then most PS3 exclusives. Why don’t you guys support Ps3 games? Why doesn’t sony properly market games like Resistance 3 like they should? It’s why MS dominates America, they advertise and market everywhere….. Sony get your game up.
You Are The Boss Of Me LOL great ad and love the flaming crossbow shot at the end I knew a new ad would be out soon P
@31, PSp has been a great success and still selling after 6 years, 3DS has been a collossal failure, do some research..
Good! I was scared! My PS3 cried with disappointment when he said he was gone. I was pretty sad to here that he left…. but now WOOT! Party! He’s back! YAY! :_)
whens the ps store update? its almost 2:30 my time. what time does it usually update?
Bring him to the UK. These adverts are brilliant
Awesome! My PS3 is yearning for Epicness of FIFA 12 and Skyrim.
Am I the only one that thinks KB isn’t that funny…?
YES!!!! HE IS FINALLY BACK!!!! I missed the VP of Everything, good timing too, LONG LIVE PLAY!!
Great! he’s back! i will never forget the 2010 E3 when he said “If you got an awesome girlfriend and then someone else gets an awesome girlfriend… you know who wins? EVERYONE!” i Actually use that in my life! even as advice to my friends!
I loved (and still do) love that conference!
Thank you! Kevin!!
@G_ROW: yes you are possibly the only human in this planet who doesnt think KB is funny, even the reluctant XBOTS admit his epicness
Yes, I suppose that much is “true”. Needless to say though; Sony needs to step their game up, and while most are content with “crap” and “shiny” aesthetics and the superficialities that society imposes upon them until it is all they know. I cannot and will not myself. I have standards. Sony (much less the world honestly) is just not stepping up to that plate. This commercial is again “okay” and all, but all it is (in reality) is Sony grasping at straws and trying to reel back in a lot of us whom have left, are leaving, threatening to do so, or otherwise (like myself just completly dissatisfied with Sony and appalled by their recent behavior and unethical business practices.)
It really is funny to see how, people forgive and forget so, easily. Sony throws out a very minor price drop and a, Kevin Buttler, commercial and of courses the masses have already vegitated into a mob of nulls (again.) I could continue on and on, but I’ll stop (for now.)
Welcome back K.B.!!!!!!
mortal kombat arcade kollection is already out :o
Dear Vice President Kevin Butler,
I don’t know what you do but welcome back. :)
great it’s about time they got rid of the awful tagline “it only does everything” cause really it didn’t if i can’t play ps2 games on it don’t use such a tagline. this new tag is cool though liking the “long live play”
Love it.
Welcome back, sir. Welcome back.
Woo! Glad to see Kevin Butler back.
So long live the kind of play that turns five more minutes into five more hours.
Long live owning a TV that’s worth more than your Car.
Long live what brought all of us to this party in the first place, PLAY!
And I believe in that as much as I believe in my no look flaming crossbow shot.
Welcome back Kevin..we missed you.
@126// Umm Ps3 has been outselling 360 since it launced, sony is not grasping at anything. Its library is unmatched… They are terrible though at online services, and advertising.
No more “it only does everything”, cause it really doesn’t do everything?????
@139 Please show this proof of numbers you have that says the ps3 has been outselling the 360 since launch.
Long live King Butler with his amazing crossbow skills.
Now this is what I’m talking about! Welcome back, KP.
Oh god yes, Kevin Butler is back! Where have you been,my friend? :P
OMFG! this is fuuny
That was Awesome!!
That is a bold claim considering that numbers from launch for almost two years afterwards proved other wise for the Sony PlayStation3. However! I’ll chock that all up to over inflated initial pricing ($600.00 USD) and the fact that Sony lacks “proper” commercializing (or effort really. They have strong bold campaigns. They Just fail to continue on the war front after winning a minor uninfluential battle.) I’ll even be so, bold myself to say that those lack of sales early on we’re both acquited to Microsoft having a minor one year lead over both Sony and Nintendo, and that Nintendo also had much stiffer and rigerous campaigns and commercializing that really bolstered sales (and a nice trim retail price helps too when compared to both Microsoft and Sony at the time.) Sony may very well be in the black now on sales figures and growth, but they were not so, in the beginning so, much. They are grasping though, and if you cannot recognize whom the “targeted” audience is with that commercial I cannot help you.