Well, we’ve managed to steal, er, borrow, a production sample of the UNCHARTED 3: Drake’s Deception Collector’s Edition. We had a little help from our friend Nolan North, otherwise known as Nathan Drake in the UNCHARTED games. Nolan stopped by the Naughty Dog studio with our ill-gotten sample of the Collector’s Edition and we couldn’t resist to shoot an unboxing video to give our fans a good look at what actually comes inside the awesome looking traveling case.
We’re really excited to be able to check out, in person, our first ever Collector’s Edition version of a Naughty Dog developed game. Watch the video below to see Nolan give you a firsthand account.
This UNCHARTED 3: Drake’s Deception Collector’s Edition will be released in North America on November 1 for $99.99. The entire Collector’s Edition will come housed in a very cool looking reproduction of a traveling chest – it’s got exclusive exterior artwork, comes with a lid that is held shut by a magnet and contains storage areas for all of the goodies that come with the Collector’s Edition.
As you can see in the video, inside the traveling chest are full size, wearable replicas of Nathan Drake’s belt buckle and his necklace with Sir Francis Drake’s ring. The UNCHARTED 3 Blu-ray disk will come in a collectible Steelbook with exclusive artwork for the Collector’s Edition – the outside has a great render of Sir Francis Drake’s ring, with the inscription debossed into the case. The interior of the Steelbook has been printed with the artwork of Drake under fire in the desert as a panoramic view across both covers. This is Sony Computer Entertainment America’s first ever Steelbook edition, and we couldn’t be more excited that it’s being debuted with UNCHARTED 3. The piece de resistance is a high-quality statue of Nathan Drake that we worked on with our friends at Sideshow Collectibles. And just like the exclusive wearable replicas, and the Steelbook, you won’t be able to get this Sideshow Collectibles statue at retail, it’s only available with the UNCHARTED 3: Drake’s Deception Collector’s Edition! Like Nolan mentioned, this edition is being made in a very limited quantity, so make sure to save yours by pre-ordering now.
It was awesome to see this in person this week – and if you want to check it out for yourself, the UNCHARTED 3: Drake’s Deception Collector’s Edition will be on display at the PlayStation booth at PAX Prime 2011 THIS WEEKEND! Be sure to drop by.
also, nolan north is ruttin’ highlarious
Haha i love this unboxing video, really funny especially at the end :P
Very cool. Nolan North is just as cool as Nathan Drake!
What’s the chest made of? Is it just thick cardboard? Plastic?
lol that was great nolan
Now I’m really wanting that steelbook!
Any possibility of the Steelbook case being sold without the collector’s edition?
Really want the Steelbook but not the other stuff. :(
I love Nolan
I hope ND have at least suggested to Neil Burger to give him his role as Drake in the Uncharted Movie…..maybe giving him hints every now and again
Any person who would want Fillion over Nolan is an idiot
hah aha Nolan North is funny , nice bundle though :)
$99.99 seems a little too much for what is being given. The Hero Edition is much better, it came with a freaking back pack that I am using in college right now! Should’ve came with a shirt at least.
Best onboxing EVAAAAAARRRR…. Me want UC3 !! (and starhawk, but that’s beside the point)
Nolan North FTW!
Day One Buy!!
The game has “gone gold”? If not, then how is it on a Blu-Ray Disc? Did you finish development Naughty Dog?
Nolan North is amazing. This game is going to be amazing. Uncharted 2 was the greatest game I ever played, and that could easily be coming off the single player alone. The multiplayer was a blast. Deception is just going to expand on that.
Awesome unboxing vid. The collectors edition looks sweet and im definitely getting this day 1.
Great job Nolan on that entertaining unboxing and Naughtydog for this cool collectors edition
LOL the end
LMAO! So good!
Nolan North continues to win.
AWESOME! cant wait to unbox mine
Pure awesome.
Day 1, Can’t wait, totally getting this edition!
Awesome video btw.
Already have it pre-ordered, BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, that was hilarious, you’re the man Nolan!!! 8)
Pretty funny haha. Will probably be picking it up.
OMG I waaaaaaaaaaaaant …that was amazing…very funny…nolan north is awesome….yees this was the best unboxing ever.
i preordered the collectors edition months ago.
If I don’t have to pre-order.
Fun video.
Off to GS to pre order!
Nolan North should play Nathan Drake in the Uncharted movie.
lol i just love Nolan and i think this was the best unboxing i have ever seen for a video game.
Laughed like hell!
I am so disappointed the statue wasn’t changed. It looks like garbage. I’m passing on the CE because of this.
The ring also doesn’t look to scale.
I would have liked to have seen the back of the belt buckle.
The box in the UK CE looks about 100000000000x better than this one.
Lol great video.
Awesome video, Nolan North is hilarious!
Man that looks like a big cheap cardboard box! 100 bucks for a cardboard box??? Come on guys..
I love steelbooks, my Uncharted 2 Limited Edition is steelbook too. And that Limited Edition is beautiful! Nolan North is great!
SOLD!!! Upgrading my pre-order to the CE version.
As for Nolan North: he is awesome. I bet that was all ad libbed. He should play himself in the movie. He’s very good looking. Just needs to tone up some & he’s ready to star in a blockbuster.
AWESOME…..okay i am going to pre-order this now and take a little nap until November 1st Good Night Guys
Naughty Dog is like one of the top most respected developers out there they know what the people want and they should be very proud of this game and of themselves great job naughty dog!
Where the heck did they get that putz from?
I like the belt buckle. I ordered one of these from Amazon.ca for $60.
That was awesome. I’m sold.
that was hilarious I have had the CE pre ordered for months the extra stuff is nice but, the main thing i wanted was the steelbook :P I can’t wait too play the campaign and multiplayer “I want to go to Narnia he he”
Chronicles Of Narnia: Revenge of The Drake “I’m going to Narnia”
I’ve already got my UC3: Collector’s Edition pre ordered.
This will be my first collector’s edition that I’m purchasing.
Looking forward to it.
Can I go to Narnia too? November 1st can’t get here fast enough. That case is pretty darn amazing. Can’t wait. Thank you Naughtydog! Wait… I think Nolan took MY collectors edition… and there is only two left :'(!! Lol. Counting down the days. As of today, 67 more days to go.
Also, Nolan should play as Nathan Drake in the Uncharted movie.
LOL “In there is Narnia!” “You don’t talk like that!” “I talk like you!” “annannanan” :P LMAO.
Favorite Uncharted dialog which I’m sure Nolan North ad libbed: in U2 to Chloe: “I’m sorry but do you have a plan to go with that grenade?”
Nearly 2 years later, I’m still laughing over that. Have not been able to work that into a personal conversation, though. ;-)
Jeez, if that man’s charisma could be bottled. Not a collector’s edition kind of guy (just don’t have the room for these things) but I’m tempted
Gotta love Nolan North…
Anyway, I’ve wanted this since it was first announced. Just wish it could have come with some DLC…