Bwing. Has there ever been a more beautiful sound than “bwing”? Until I release my rap album – I think not. There you are, furiously letting your fingers dance over the controller. Your health is low, but your hope is high. One last shot in the monsters eye and – BWING – you just earned a new Trophy. I don’t know about you, but I’m not used to hearing praise so I get as giddy as Gordon Freeman in a specialty crowbar store when I hear that glorious sound. It’s then I know that another Trophy has joined my wall of virtual pride.
Good news! On September 6th when Resistance 3 launches, my fellow Trophy hoarders and I will have the opportunity to hear the majestic “Bwing” 59 times! That means we’re guaranteed at least 59 more moments of pure joy. You can even get a Platinum Trophy. That’s a moment of super joy – I’m talking “Firefly gets a new season” joy. But getting there isn’t going to be a cake walk (which I don’t even know what that it is, but it sounds awesome). You’ve got 58 other “Bwings” to acquire before you can join the R3 Platinum Posse. Let’s see what some of my personal favorites are, shall we?
SPOILER ALERT! This list contains multiple spoilers for Resistance 3. So, if you want the game to be fresher than a Febreze factory – avert your eyes now. Specifically, there are mention of an unrevealed weapon and a new type of Chimeran enemy. Go watch a funny cat video or something. Have you seen the one with the cat playing with the iPad? It’s hilarious. I highly recommend it. SPOILER ALERT!
Master Mechanic – Fully upgrade all weapons in Campaign Mode (Silver).
This makes me all giddy because it takes me back to my Ratchet roots. I spend hours fully upgrading my colorfully destructive arsenal upon every new Ratchet & Clank release, and now I can finally do it in the Resistance universe. Except this time, there’s tons of blood. Yayz!
Nothing But Net – Score a basket by lobbing a grenade through a basketball hoop (Bronze).
I’m not the biggest basketball fan, but maybe I would be if they used live grenades instead of rubber balls. However, since I don’t know of a health care plan that covers “grenade dunks,” this Trophy will have to suffice for the time being.
Silent Partner – Damage the same enemy in Cooperative Mode for 100 kills (Silver)
Did you hear that you can play through Resistance 3’s campaign cooperatively? No? Well, congratulations because now you have! Why don’t you celebrate by working with your co-op partner to take down 100 Chimera together? That’s at least 20 percent cooler than taking them down alone.
Slaybells – Make Santa and his reindeer fly (Bronze)
I don’t care what my psychologist tells me – Santa is real. Who else would eat my cookies? I’m an awful baker. Knowing he is real is what makes this trophy so hard to get. Let’s just say you don’t make him fly by singing songs of holiday cheer. Sorry, Santa. Can I still get a PS Vita for Christmas?
Brutal – Complete Campaign Mode on Superhuman (Gold)
I love this Trophy because I helped balance the Superhuman difficulty. I played it – it was really, really hard. My feedback? Make it harder. Have fun, kiddoes! Muahaha!
Those are just a few of my favorite trophies. But you don’t have to take my word for it. You can find your favorites when Resistance 3 is released on September 6th. Here’s a list of the full batch:
Bronze Trophies
Gardener – Destroy 100 Blast Roots
Slaybells – Make Santa and his reindeer fly
Up Your Arsenal – Get a kill with every weapon in your arsenal
Overload – Use the EMP to take down 15 Steelhead auger shields
Cheap Shots – Kill 25 enemies firing the Auger through an object
Grenadier – Kill 3 or more Military Chimera with a single grenade
Raining Limbs – Kill 25 Grims using only Grenades
Corpse Wagon – Kill 3 enemies simultaneously using a single plagued body
Juggler – Inflict 4 enemies with each status ailment
Nothing but Net – Score a basket by lobbing a grenade through a basketball hoop
Weaponsmith – Upgrade 5 weapons in Campaign
This is My Rifle – Fully upgrade one weapon in Campaign Mode
Backstabber – Kill 20 enemies with Melee while they are idle
Toast – Use the upgraded Deadeye secondary fire to kill 2+ enemies 5 times
Counter-Sniper – Use the Deadeye to kill 20 snipers
Electric Avenue – Use the EMP to take down 25 drones
Warp Speed – Use the EMD secondary fire to kill 30 enemies
Feeling Lucky Punk – Detonate multiple Magnum rounds to kill 2+ enemies at once – 5 times
Fireworks – Use the Wildfire secondary fire to kill 6 enemies in one shot
Boom Stick – Use the upgraded Rossmore secondary fire to set 6 enemies on fire at once
Tag You’re It – Kill 40 Bullseye tagged enemies
Opportunity Knocks – Kill 20 enemies with environmental objects
Expert Sniper – Get 50 headshot kills in Campaign Mode
Collector – Collect 10 intel
Waste Not – Get 5 headshot kills with one Deadeye clip
Shoe Leather – Travel 100 miles on foot
Land, Sea, and Air – Travel in 3 different vehicles in your journey
Buckshot – Kill 2+ enemies with one Rossmore blast
Access Denied – Absorb 1000 damage with Auger Shields
From the Hip – Kill 25 enemies with the Bullseye or Marksman while moving
Chamber Full of Death – Kill 5+ Hybrids at once by using the HE .44 Magnum secondary fire
Helping Hands – Revive a Co-op player 20 times
Silver Trophies
Irresistible Force – Complete Campaign Mode on any difficulty
Master Mechanic – Fully upgrade all weapons in Campaign Mode
Archivalist – Collect all journals
Silent Partner – Damage the same enemy in Cooperative Mode for 100 kills
Gold Trophy
Brutal – Complete Campaign Mode on Superhuman
Platinum Trophy
Platinum Trophy – Unlock all Resistance 3 Trophies
Super Spoilers
(This is your last chance to leave unspoiled, amigo)
Short Out – Defeat the stalker in under 60 seconds
Bouncer – Keep Chimeran forces from entering the Brewpub
Calm Under Pressure – Defeat the Brawler in the Post Office in under 2 minutes
Snipe Hunt – Collect all Deadeye rifles without dying while fighting the Widowmaker in St. Louis
Roops! – Knock a Hybrid off the cliffs in Mt. Pleasant, PA
Frickin’ Laser Beams – Get to the first mineshaft without being hit by sniper fire
Vehicular Manslaughter – Destroy 10 Warden vehicles
Hello Driver – Kill 5 drivers without destroying their vehicle
BARF! – Make 6 Wardens puke at the same time in the prison
One Eyed Jack – Find and kill ‘Jack’ in Graterford Prison
No Escape – Destroy all Warden vehicles in the motor pool
In This Together – Defeat the Widowmaker in Times Square without killing a single Hybrid
Good Fences – Don’t allow any counter-attackers into the Washington Square base
Medusa – Freeze 5 enemies at once and destroy them with a blast of the Cryogun’s alt fire
Bull in a China Shop – Freeze and melee kill 3 Ravagers
End Spoiler-Thon
I haven’t been this excited about a list since my senior year musical cast list was put up (I was the best spoon Beauty and the Beast had ever seen). As you can see, Insomniac has made sure to give players just the right balance of fun and challenge when acquiring trophies. That makes each one immensely satisfying.
So, flex your thumbs, sanitize your controller and get ready to bwing on the “bwings.”
Now I wish there was a Trophy for using awful puns.
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