Hey there PlayStation Assassins! Aren’t you LUCKY?! We have just announced that PlayStation Plus members get access to the Assassin’s Creed Revelations BETA on September 3rd! No, seriously, this is happening! Here is a quick glimpse of some of the things you can expect to experience in the ACR Beta (a much, much more detailed list that will be available on a special website we’re creating just for the Beta, but in the meantime, you can learn more in our forums.
Nine characters are available in the Beta which are all unlocked for your use at the outset. Though they share the same overall behavior, their animations differ and their ability sets are customizable. Available Characters include: The Sentinel, The Vanguard, The Guardian, The Vizier, The Thespian, The Deacon, The Bombardier, The Trickster and The Champion.
Three maps are available in the Beta and are all unlocked from the outset. Be sure to pay attention to their layouts in-game as these maps have been tuned to allow more strategy than those in Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood (it’s easier to break line-of-sight, for example).
· Knight’s Hospital
· Antioch
· Constantinople
Four modes are available in the Beta and are all unlocked from the outset. Two of these modes are returning favorites from Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood, while the other two are brand new modes designed in response to player feedback. Available Modes include: Wanted, Manhunt, Deathmatch (NEW), and Artifact Assault (NEW).
Eight Abilities are available in the Beta, but only some are available initially while others must be unlocked by increasing your rank. Although some Abilities return from Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood, you may notice some slight tweaks resulting from player feedback. Available Abilities include: Tripwire Bomb (NEW), Closure (NEW), Disguise, Fire Crackers, Throwing Knives, Smoke Bomb, Poison and Morph.
Prepare yourselves Assassins… to go undercover into the very heart of Abstergo’s training grounds!
I’m in UPlay, am I going to receive a beta? Or is it for some lucky users????
I just hope revelation doesn’t have the horrible white gradient effect on the top half of the screen like brotherhood has.
I just hope the multiplayer doesn’t take 5-10 minutes to get into a match, EVERY TIME. And that they leave out the ridiculous grinding trophies. If they put in a Level 50 trophy, or a “get all bonuses” trophy like they did in Brotherhood, I will again cancel my pre-order and buy it used after a price drop 5 weeks after it comes out, same as the last one. Saves me money, since I won’t waste my time on those.
I love this =)
thank you im a big fan of assassins creed Although no more trophies on multiplayer please!!!!!!
im 100% platinum on assassins creed 2
and 97% on assassins creed brotherhood
and for everyone asking YES! the beta is available for uplay members i would like to ask Sony for MORE assassins creed avatar there amazing!!!!!!!!!!
Sweeet!!!Cant wait for this,and the full game!!;)
Cant wait ^.^
Hi Gave I love Your Community Response Videos and Love AC….
Believe me.. I Hand made an Ezio cosplay.
But anyhoo I was wondering how Us Uplay members will be contacted on the beta.
Since the only access to internet I have is my ps3 browser I need to know how I’m Going to get ahold of the Code or whatever is going to be used for that Beta
How Do You Get Access To ACR Beta Via UPlay?
i really want to try out this new beta i planned it out by getting the three month package of playstationplus assassins creed is gonna be a good game
Hey Gabriel can’t wait for beta love assasin’s creed and have already pre-ordered revelations and im play station plus member so I will definetly try the beta. Just a 2 questions though in some other betas like uncharted 3 beta if u do certain things you will get a bonus or somthing along those lines when you actually get the game. So will we? and is there anyway to get the assassins creed revelations E3 or Pax demo?I would LOVE to play either of them. Thanks in advance fo any respone Ubisoft rocks.
looks like a great game, cant wait to try it. anyone know if u activate psplus on your psp and thenlog in on your ps3 willl it still give u the psplus features on the ps3
What is the difference between the multiplayer beta on PS Plus and Uplay
Gabe u rock for helping make AC BUT ANSWER MY QUESTION. ^
would the ACR beta for playstation plus members still have to pay… or is it free… or is it on sale…
Just got an email from ubi saying I was one of the uplay members to get the beta.
I was given a code that I enter into the ‘redeem code’ section on ps store and then I download the beta test.
WTF Why can’t you invert Y Axis in the beta? I hope that’s not going to be like that for the full game or no buy for me. :(