I wanted to take a quick time out from having fun with Starhawk and invite you to check our new behind-the-scenes video below! In it, you’ll gain insight into how we created the Starhawk universe and story, as well as background thoughts on our protagonist Emmett from the team at LightBox. As a special treat, you’ll see snippets of our animated cut scenes as well!
Want more? Check out StarhawkTheGame.com for an extended cut and check out the PlayStation.Blog next week as we release a full cut scene in honor of Comic-Con.
Speaking of….
San Diego Comic-Con is next week and Starhawk will be there for all to play! It’ll be the first time gamers will get to try our single-player mode so come on down and give it a play if you are around. On top of that we’re having a panel discussion at 10:00 a.m., Sunday, July 24th so please come and join us! We’d love to meet you all in person.
Here’s a marketing blurb about the details. Come on by!
Timing: Sunday, July 24 from 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. PST
Location: Room 25AB at the San Diego Convention Center
Panel Description
The Evolution from Warhawk to Starhawk — The New Universe that is Starhawk and the Characters Behind the Conflict:
Meet the creative minds behind Starhawk, the spiritual successor to Warhawk, as they introduce you to an exciting new world set in the lawless frontier of space. The team at LightBox Interactive and Sony Computer Entertainment’s Santa Monica Studio are set to bring you an action packed story with compelling characters beginning with hired gunslinger Emmett Graves. Learn about how Emmett must navigate through Starhawk’s brutal playground of large scale combat where the tide of battle turns all the time, whether you’re on land, in the air, or in the far reaches of space. Throughout this discussion you’ll discover details about Emmett’s back story, his affliction to Rift Energy, and his overwhelming distaste for The Outcast, the war band of deadly monstrosities that he must fight to destroy in this PlayStation 3 exclusive. Join Starhawk’s Creative Director—Lars DeVore (LightBox Interactive), Senior Producer—Harvard Bonin (SCEA Santa Monica Studio), Studio Director—John Hight (SCEA Santa Monica Studio), and Starhawk’s Writer—Koen Wooten, as they provide insight into the creative process behind Starhawk’s space western universe with never-before-seen concept art, exclusive story details, and in depth commentary, straight from the men behind this innovative new shooter experience.
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