If I could be friends with anyone (or anything,) it would easily be a Death Eater. They’re the closest character resembling a Sith Lord in the Harry Potter universe — making them the villain I’ll be rooting for this week when the seventh Harry Potter film ends the saga. With all epic films, follows an epic game. Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows arrives on PS3 this week, with PlayStation Move support adding extra precision to your magic wand.
Also, demos and minis return to PSN with the help of a brotherhood of assassins. Enjoy this week’s The Drop.
PlayStation 3
Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows: Part 2 — In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, players will be on the run, fighting for survival on a desperate and dangerous quest to locate and destroy Voldemort’s Horcruxes, engaging with Death Eaters and Snatchers in epic battle sequences at every turn.
To amplify the action, players will encounter ferocious creatures from the previous films in addition to the adversaries Harry faces in the seventh film. They will need to muster their most powerful magic against relentless assaults from all sides. There are no more lessons, no more training. This time the danger is real. It’s time for players to fight for their lives.
NCAA Football 12 — NCAA Football 12 takes the journey of the college athlete to the next level of depth and authenticity. Experience the pride and pageantry of gameday Saturday with all new enhanced in-game presentation, traditions and school specific crowd celebrations. Make an impact on the field as your team takes down your heated rival on the road to the National Championship.
PlayStation Network
Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood — Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood offers a never-before-seen multiplayer layer. Players can help the Templars by using Abstergo to train in the art of Assassination to eliminate the Assassins once and for all. Players can choose from a wide range of unique characters, each with their own signature weapons and assassination techniques, and match their skills against other players from all over the world in different game modes.
PSN Demos
- Catherine
- PixelJunk Shooter 2: Online Battle
- Dead Nation
Mighty Flip Champs! DX — In Mighty Flip Champs, players control Alta as she warps through a virtual stack of maze-laden chambers that “flip” past like pages of a magical book. Will she land safely on solid ground, or be crushed under it? By cycling endlessly through room after brain busting room, players will match wits with some of the most inspired traps in puzzle/platforming history.
[Editor’s Note: The following dates are subject to change. Game details are gathered from Press Releases from their individual publishers and/or ESRB rating descriptions.]
Glad to see some demos thanks!
#45, I agree with you. All the time they are releasing games without demos, and sometimes without even videos of the game play. I’m not going to buy a game that I know nothing about, and will possibly hate anyway. Then, by the time they do put out a demo for said game, the sale is over with. It should be policy to release demos with each new game, but the only trouble is that those ad-wizards over at Sony evidently don’t think so.
It’s hilarious reading these angry comments people leave complaining about things. I always laugh reading through them. I mean, seriously, patience is a virtue and whining about it won’t make them put things out any faster.
On a serious note, I can see myself getting AC:B, and definitely the Catherine demo. If I don’t like it, I’ll be pre-ordering KOF13 over it.
Will Catherine be download game to buy? I really want the game and i love to download it if its under 10GB’s or 5GB’s which i hope for. The game is got me pump up so much and i love to see this great masterprice game in play on my ps3. Sony please make this download game, i really want it as download game sense alot store never had games like this on the marker sometimes.
AC Brotherhood is $39.99??? Amazon has it for $29.99 with free shipping. We’re paying more if we want the digital version? I don’t understand.
I was looking forward to Brotherhood, looks like a week of U3 Beta and EA Active 2 and UFC Personal Trainer.
Will there a demo for ‘Shadows of the Damned’ ?
Catherine Demo was released about two months ago in Japanese store. If you have multiple accounts, this should not be a big surprise. Anyway, the subtitle is english makes me feel better. Hope to get a lot of PSN games whihc 50% off for PLUS users. Pixel shooter 2, PAC man, back to the future, scott and Chime super, Oh my god, another 30 dollars!
Can someone at the blog post how much Limbo will be? Also god point about the DN demo. The timing is nonsensical.
And yet another week with no (new) Psp games. Like i have said time and time again is this basically what the Vita will become? waiting weeks, and weeks only to get nothing? how are suppose to take you guys seriously if you dont dont even take yourself seriously?
There really is no excuse why we having gotten at least 1 new psp game on the psp in the past couple of weeks. do you guys have anything to say about it? its not like youll answer anyway. It saddens me when every week i come in here thinking that maybe a game i have been waiting for since i got a psp go to be release only to be shattered to see nothing.
On the other hand i am thinking about downloading the Cathrine Demo. all my friends rave about it and i have played little of the JPN demo, but i cant really understand it. I honestly have no interest in the game, and it seems like something i would not enjoy, but maybe this demo will change that.
Limbo is next week!!
Rey, thanks for featuring Harry Potter; my favorite Death Eater is Lucius Malfoy, but Jason Isaacs is always a yummy evil-doer, lol. I checked my Deathly Hallows 2 pre-order last week & only then discovered the Move support. Immediately ordered the Move bundle & misc. accessories.
I’m probably the only gamer on the blog who is looking forward to this game, but I’ve played all of them & can’t quit now, even though the last 4 have sucked.
And of course, will see the movie in IMAX 3D.
Where is Back To The Future: The Game episode 5? And also, when will Rain be on the DLC for Mortal Kombat 9?
when is sorcery coming plzzz sony …….. tell me the release date all ready or just give me some tailor or something anything plzzzzz
an issue i wanted to discuss is the qriocity music unlimited service.why is canada the only country that doesnt get it?i checked on my psp and the canada flag was NOT in the options.now i find this very sad.there are A LOT of ps3 users in canada,i can guarantee you that sony.so please fix this issue,i was even considering paying for the service.
Can’t wait for the Catherine demo. Atlus really is one of my favs…..
AC Brotherhood is only $29.95 at my local Gamestop. Yet its $39.99 on PSN. Seriously?
Still not a peep about Daggerdale? Really?
These “drops” get lamer with each passing week.
Needs more retro flavor!
Every Mini should have a demo or game video since most are completely unheard of on the PS3.
And I also don’t have my avatar up. Apparently the only ones that show are the original ones. Please fix this guys since we spent our money on these things. I want to use mine on my doorway if I can. LOL
Hmm, I think I will try Catherine.
39.99 for AC:BH is a rip. It should already be a greatest hits and much cheaper.
As for the PSP support, they already stopped support for it. Talk about epic fail….
I want a PS Vita but am very hesitant….probably wait for more then just the lunch titles
Rey, is there any news of SNK Playmore releasing more games for the Neo Geo section of the Playstation Store? All I’ve heard of is Art of Fighting, Fatal Fury, and a few older games.
Can we get some more dissidia avatars?
PLEASE line us up some more PSOne classics. How about Suikoden 2! Breath of Fire III! Raystorm! There’s many more I could name, but these would be a great start.
Why is AC:Brotherhood so expensive? I can buy it new for $10 less at Amazon or Glyde, or less than $20 used. Drop the price to $19.99 and I am downloading it. At $40 it ain’t gonna happen…….
Lol, $39.99 for Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood, I saw this game for $19.99, you get a disk you get to keep and sell if you wish, plus you don’t have to wait a few hours for the game to download, and you’ve got an extra $20 to spend on another game.
Given that the last couple weeks has been a rather weak showing on PSN, except for U3: Beta, I feel it’s safe to assume that the “good” content will start flowing as soon as the free PS+ subscriptions are done. Not a good marketing idea. Give me some PSOne Classics like Legend of Dragoon, Legend of Legaia, Parasite Eve 2, Suikoden 2! Even some good DLC deals that’s not for rock band/guitar hero. Let’s see some content like we were before PSN went down!
Do you guys remember that you have a portable system, too?
I don’t understand how, or why Sony is conducting itself so, poorly as of late. This includes content in general to neglecting whole systems (the PlayStation Portable) to even the pricing of “digital” content, and the latest fiasco and much more like ph(_)c|< up involving the "PlayStation Network Pass" subscrition services in which Sony has confirmed, but made no "real" mention of yet. How, do you though the pricing of your online "digital" content. Is it a wonder why companies such as GameStop do, as well as they do? Forty dollars for Assassins Creed: Brotherhood is outrageous. Especially considering I am not paying for any of the physical properties or secondary market that I usually would have. I'm starting worry really about Sony. Seriously. Get your act together.
Someone at Sony should lower the MSRP of AC: Brotherhood.
While it is still technically $39.99, I think everyone but Walmart is selling it for less than $30.
I’m pretty sure they can’t list a PS3 dic based game on PSN for below MSRP.
Unfortunately, this means that one is paying at least a $10 premium for a game that they do not even receive a physical copy.
Sony, make your customers happy and adjust the MSRP to what seems to be the market price of $29.99. Supply and Demand is a more efficient pricing mechanism after the first few weeks of game release.
I’m pretty sure price fixing and ignoring supply demand imbalances is used–badly–in another economic system.
Massive fail. Release Legend of Dragoon already you lazy bums.
Its great to see a demo for catherine its the only game other than uncharted 3 i was thinking about playing before XIII-2 comes out next year. Thanks so much.
Dear psn;
Ive been playing ps3 for a while and i would like to change my ps3 account. my friends that have xbox are able to change theres and i want to change mine. i know that microsoft makes you pay money to change it but i would pay to change mine too! it is a way alot of gamers would like and so wil i and you guys will get more money. but i am never buying a x box. so i hope you can do all you can do.
Um, so when the hell are we getting Comix Zone. We were promised it was coming to PS + months ago.
dude. the seventh harry potter movie is gonna be epic as long as they dont jack up the ending. if they do the movie will suck.
Can’t wait to play Catherine.
I bought Assasins Creed II when it was 9.99$. Now Assasins Creed I is back to 19.99$.
Is there going to be another sale for these titles so I can get the first game?
I think AC I and II should be 9.99$ and Brotherhood 19.99$ but thats just because I want them :)
I don’t get why people want PSone games if you want PSone games so bad why not just break out that PSone that in the bottom of your closet …What i would like to see is some PS2 games i would love to be able to play Tony Hawk 1&2 with trophys and online multiplayer
also like to second # 85 comment
Come on, Sony! This is a terrible store update!
I’m beginning to wonder why I’m wasting my time reading drops. Someone wake me when something that interests me shows up.
Least there’s a summer sale this week I suppose. I’m never gonna finish a game. lol :D
can someone please tell me why i cannot download the 4 free games with ps+ on the psn store?
all i get is a blank screen
Still waiting on games like Final Fantasy V and VI… along with Chrono Trigger/Cross and Parasite Eve II.
i thought we were gonna be getting all this content to catch us up from the Outage month … and multiple updates per week too … just waiting for the Portal 2 DLC!
Brotherhood was just on sale for $19.99 on Steam. You could buy all three Creed games in a bundle for 27 dollars. Sony is behind the times with pricing of digital content being too bound by retail restrictions.
20 bucks for brotherhood at ebgames/gamestop in Canada till the 18th for all you guys n gals so inclined.
having summer updates is good in a few ways you save money, play your backlog and actually have a chance at finishing your games and there have been some decent demos lately.
I actually don’t mind that sometimes… if your a psp person and don’t mind a challenge, ultimate ghouls and ghosts is 5 bucks, i’m probably gonna grab that myself.
Jumped on board with plus with the 15month deal, keep the welcome back stuff, get online storage for my copy protected saves (i wish those would go away) after losing my saves on my 60gb bricking right before the store came back, i feel comforted knowing NEVER AGAIN.
Thanks for responding to so many posts Rey, and guys keep in mind he just communicates what is released he isn’t holding back final fantasy origins psone classics on us personally.
I hoping the price of PS+ drops before every-ones free trial goes away. I want to sign up but $50 is too high. $29.99 is the perfect price point.