Hello, PlayStation fans! We’re excited to announce that this week PlayStation Plus celebrates its first birthday! Over the past year, we’ve given PlayStation Plus subscribers access to a number of great deals, including free games, huge discounts, full game trials, early beta access as well as additional exclusive features like online game saves and automatic downloads.
To celebrate, for a limited time, we’re offering “Birthday Bonus Months” for PlayStation Plus. Starting today, lasting through July 11th, when you purchase a PlayStation Plus 1-year package, you’ll get 3 additional months, and gamers who sign up for the 3 month package get 1 additional month. That’s 15 months for the price of 12 (just over $3 per month) or 4 months for the price of 3 (less than $5 per month). There’s no better time to sign up for PlayStation Plus and take advantage of these birthday savings!
So just what are the benefits that PlayStation Plus subscribers have gained that you won’t want to miss out on? In its first year alone, PlayStation Plus has offered access to:
- More than 50 Free Games
- Over 100 Free DLC Items (Add-ons, Avatars, Themes)
- 170+ Discounts
- Over 100 Exclusives and Early Access items
- $800+ in Savings
It’s hard to believe it’s been a year since we launched the program, providing subscribers with offers like the full PSN game WipEout HD, a number of PSP minis and PS One Classics, such as Age of Zombies, and more recently, the highly anticipated early demo of Mortal Kombat. Subscribers can also get early access today into the multiplayer beta for Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception.
Thanks again for all of your feedback and dedication to the program. Here’s to more birthday celebrations as we continue to evolve the service for users to expand and enhance their gaming experience!
only until July 11 :( i cant buy a new subscription when im already a plus member can i?! :( it should be extended more, mine ends after july :(
can we get a discount on infamous 2?
Not renewing, waste of 50 bucks.
i like plus and i have been a member since it started. my only complaint is the fact that lately its just been crappy old sega games for free. its not 1993 and i dont care about sonic or streets of rage. other than that its just the betas. the only beta i had access to was uncharted 3 which i would have had anyways because i have infamous 2 but im not big on online multiplayer so that doesnt bother me very much. if they would just get better free games it would be more worth it.
“i got the plus last night before this offer for 1 year so do i still get 3 bonus months in advances ?”
i would get this if i could just sign onto my account. tried to get on this morning and getting the message that psn is currently undergoing maintenance. that message has become a nuisance to me during the outage and now even. anyone else having these same problems?
Hiiii i have one question . that those who have free ps plus they will get this offer also??????
Cool :)
Bought + day one, no regrets. Will likely resub.
Wow I can’t belive PS+ lost it’s streak after the first 2 months when it came to free stuff! lol
Aside that, Im personally liked it just fine, it WAS better at first but eh wte, im good.
Can’t really afford 1yr plans so I just buy the 3months ones. Getting one extra month ain’t bad so i’ll go for it :)
For now I will say DON’T buy psn+ big waist of money.
Subscribe since march 2011 and my only free games is crappy old Sega games and
full of mini games that I have no intention to play. The ps1 games I already
play it so …
You can buy the Sega game at 10$ and give them on 6-8 moth long don’t convice me that ps+ is a good bargain.
Right now I just like the automatic update and the cloud save. The EU ps+ is something else. I don’t want to compare it but US are EXTREMELY late vs EU on ps+ and psn and have less thing on it.
u guys, are forgetting ot highlight the fact tht u could do cloud saving as well as automatic downloads with the ps-plus those are both to me huge benefits and i’m sure 80% of ppl don’t know about it, update this post and put it on as the additional features.
Me personally i haven’t liked Plus that much. Its great for the Automatic Downloads and Cloud Saves but everything else to me is like meh. I feel like so far in my 2 months as a member i haven’t really benefited the PS1 classics are not appealing to me and the themes so far have been the only thing i have really been picking up. I wish there were good free avatars that we would get in plus. If anything if i do resubscribe after my year it would most likely be for the cloud saves if anything.
How about some exclusive content to us first day subcribers?
Thats cool
IM a get some $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
This is why I don’t read these comments most of the time. Most people just whining for whining’s sake. Serious folks, they are a company, they can’t just bend to your every whim because you didn’t get what you want. For you Day 1 subscribers, I hope they do something special for you, you deserve it. You jumped on a flagship service and it’s been worth it. I’ve been planning on getting a sub myself, but have no time as it is to play the games I bought, so why buy stuff I won’t have time for? This free month has influenced me though, I think I’ll probably jump in while the deal is on.
Side note, I know there is a website somewhere out there that has the list of what PS+ has offered for free or discounts and how much you would have saved by buying PS+ versus just buying the games. Not exactly accurate cause most of us wouldn’t have bought everything offered, but even from a gamer with little to no time like myself, it seems to be very worth it.
And no, I’m not a Sony fanboy. I just know how to give credit when it’s due and to complain when it’s needed.
good timing, I signed up the during the last time the 3 month bonus was tacked on (last December) .. now all the people who have had their free one month trial will get a well-deserved bonus if they decide to stay with the service.
@151 .. yes, you can. any length plus membership you buy will be tacked onto the end of your current expiration date. i signed up for 3 months first, liked it after a month, then signed up for a year+3mo bonus, and my expiration date became 1 year 6 months past original signup. 2 more months were tacked onto that for welcome back, so right now I believe I’m paid up through the end of August 2012.
How bout for bein loyal ps+ subscribers we get more of the ps1 classics for free would be nice
can you guys maybe get batman: arkham asylum on the store? i think i’m gonna be mainly download since infamous 2 is on there.
thats a very good deal might have to sign up for ps+
@6, you can see that info (how many months remain, when your plus expires) You just have to go to account management while signed in and go to services list, its in there somewhere.
$50 for a year is just not worth it. I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t get it even if it was $50 for 2 years. But $50 for 3 years, with the amount of wanted data that you actually receive from plus…. Then I’d probaby sign up for it.
Please do not ever add Cross Game Chat, only xbox freaks want that useless feature. :)
There is a way to see how many days/months you have left. It is under Account Managment.
@167, umm people paid for a service most feel is lacking, they have every right to complain. Auto DL’s is nice but not worth 50 a year, same with cloud saves and its tiny 150 MB space. My external hard drive works with practically every game I have owned.
They games they offer are a joke, where are the services? Why is the XMB and PSn falling so far behind xbox live? Messaging on PSn is poor, no voice chat, no auto syncing trophies, slower DL speeds, etc.. etc… etc….
Sony makes great games and systems, but has a spotty network and services behind it.
I started with PS+ back in March ’11 and renewed almost immediately after service was restored… To me, the ps3 was a good buy just for the access to PSN and the ability to download games whenever I felt like it… You kids are spoiled with technology and always complaining to want more…. Rome wasn’t built in a day children, and neither was Playstation…. PS+ will continue to improve and I will continue to subscribe. Thanks for the extra month Sony!
@mastorofpuppetz go play with your puppets and leave the forums to the adults – the same goes for the rest of you xbox users….
Will there be some warning (via email or PSN) that your PS Plus sub is expiring? I would hate to lose anything and don’t want to resubscribe until I have to.
Signed up in February and I’m loving this program. I hope we get some Vita goodies with PS+ when it launches.
I have a quick question. I am currently a paid plus member and my subscription is up in August. If I purchase this will it then just add those additional 15 months to my subscription?
@176 Masterofpuppetz, I 100% agree with you. If they pay for a service and feel it’s lacking they should complain. It’s how things get changed and made better. I agree auto DL’s aren’t worth $50 a year and cloud saves, with only 150mb are limited (although do you realize how many saves 150mb will hold right?). While your hard drive may work with just about every game, those that do not work, require cloud saving. Suggestion to make that 150mb go farther, ONLY use it for locked saves. I use a flash drive for my saves and if I decide to sign up for a year of PS+ that was my plan.
The games they offer, well maybe a joke to you, but to others they are golden. Take for example, Lilo and Stitch. I couldn’t care less about it, but my kids would LOVE it. Something for everyone. Other PSX games, I can’t speak to because as I mentioned, I haven’t been on plus longer than the freebie. They did give Sonic 2 (Awesome game) and Streets of Rage 2 (another classic) so if that’s what you consider a poor offering, that’s your preference. If that’s the case, you shouldn’t use plus as the value isn’t there for you. I haven’t because it hasn’t been worth it to me yet. The discounts on the other hand, I’m excited about. I already saved $10 on Shank and if I pick up some of the other games I’ve been eying I’ll save even more.
Lastly, PSN and XMB is not in direct competition with XBL. They are different services with different offerings. I own a 360 and I don’t use LIVE because I don’t see the point of paying to play online. Others do. That’s a choice they made. If you dislike PSN messaging, fair enough, but no one is forcing you to use it. There is voice chat, just not cross game chat, which quite frankly, I would hate. I don’t even like people in the room talking to me in an intense game moment, why would I want a buddy of mine talking about something when I’m taking on a final boss on the hardest game setting? Auto Syncing trophies, I agree. I do wish they would auto sync. It’s not hard to click a button to have them sync though so I’m not that upset about it, slower DL speeds, also fair. This is where the paid network of XBL has an advantage. PSN gives you the connection for free, XBL charges. Yes I’m aware that silver users also can use live services and downloads for free and at the quicker pace that XBL has. That’s because the infrastructure is paid for by other users.
What I mean in my earlier post is people who are whining about stuff that just isn’t going to happen or has little to no relevance to this. For example (and I’m not picking on anyone here) but a poster asked for Batman AA to be a digital download. Sony has no part of that. People complaining that they don’t like the freebies, well that was part of the deal, freebies, not your choice of. People whining about buying a game that is later featured on PS+ for a discount. Sony is still a business folks. They need to make money while also trying to balance the free ness. Nor will all developers allow discounts first day. Under Siege was a $20 PSN game and it looks great, PS+ Subs got it for $10, Day one. That was a DEVELOPER choice, not a Sony one Again, I support everyone’s right to complain, but at least let it make sense.
And sorry for the novel.
I don’t care too much about cross-game chat (granted, I WOULD probably use that option here and there), I’d just like to be able to do the ‘Netflix party’ they do on XBL. That seems like something Netflix could implement without an over arching cross-game chat feature.
If I buy in on this now, does it just get added on to the remaining time on my PS+ subscription?
@VAMP, if you think PSN and xbox live are not competing you’re clueless. many people buy games on Xbox over ps3 because playing online on Xbox is way better. Like it or not online gaming is big. You lose all credibility saying they are not competing.
when people see all that live offers they wonder why PSn has had almost no improvements on 2 years.
The hack didnt help either.
offering ps1 games and sega games from the 90’s is crap, sorry.
Its not just cross game chat………… messaging psn PSn is idiotic when you’re in game, on xbox its all accessible from the controller button. PS3 has no voice chat….. Cannot even use my bluetooth mic to send voice messages, idiotic. Both users need a eye camera….. stupid.
You may not want party chat and a universal invite system, good for you, its the most requested feature for a reason. getting a group of friends into a game on PSn is at times convoluted and not well done and differes from game to game. ON XBOX its all built into the console dashboard. Simple and effectgive.
IT is a valid complaint they sony only offers discounted low budget games for plus. What if you already own said games? Sony doesn’t do anything for you, same as the welcome back program.
Easy to offer something of little value for free……………
150 MB is terrible for online stroage, MLB the show alone uses up most of that for backing up saves… You realize some games alone have 50 MB plus for saves?
@Masterofpuppetz The companies are competing entities. There is no direct competition in XBL or PSN. Yes, people choose a platform, and perhaps that is a factor. Show me a person that chooses a game for the platform solely based on online and I’ll concede the point (ie, do you know anyone that doesn’t want to pay for LIVE, hates the 360 controller, but goes out and buys a game for 360 just to play it on LIVE? or the reverse? I don’t either). And what exactly makes online on 360 better? Cross game chat? Servers? I’ve yet to find a reason why it’s better that isn’t strictly opinion.
And again, what does LIVE offer that PSN doesn’t? Online play? No. Chat in Game? No. Cross Game Chat? Yes. So please do tell me what is so lacking in PSN. Are you having lag issues? Cause to be honest I did for a while and then I got faster internet. My 360 still lagged which is why I don’t pay for Live anymore. I also like the PS3 controller more. And honestly, if you’re looking for hardcore online gaming, you need to be on a PC. Neither console competes with PC online.
No the hack didn’t help. Not one little bit, XBL has been done before too, so it’s not killing blow either (also consider that PSN has had 1 extended outage whereas XBL has had several. Don’t get me wrong here, I’m not knocking LIVE. It’s a quality service. I’m just not seeing why people seem to think it’s better than PSN.
DId you game in the 90’s? I did. So for that reason alone, I love the retro gaming angle. Not everyone will, which is what I said before. Opinion. If I didn’t enjoy the freebies and such PS+ offered, I’d not subscribe and spend that $50 on games I knew I wanted. I happen to enjoy the freebies and that makes it worth it to me because of I bought what I’ve already downloaded for free (or at discounts) I’d have spent more than $50.
I like PlayStation Plus. It’s awesome seeing things installed already while I was sleep or away from home, I can’t seem to get my PS3 to turn on automatically though (CECH – A I think it’s called, the 60gb one). I have to let my trial lapse though because I have to redownload Sonic the Hedgehog 2 now that I bought it.
Been a member since day 1 and in my opinion, it’s been worth every penny.
I’ve already stacked a year and 3 mths onto my current subscription about 5 mths ago.
This is a great deal.
And so what if it’s not 1993. If not for those old systems, what we have now wouldn’t be here today. You kids today don’t know what’s good.
How is Messaging so hard? You hit the PS button and move on the xmb to your message box, type out a message and send, (all from your controller, I don’t know how you’re doing it if not on a controller). PS3 does have voice chat, I’ve used it and you can do video even if only 1 person has a camera. I’ve done that too. So you’re wrong on those points. I understand the voice message thing, but I still use this thing called a phone and I could leave a message that way if I wanted…so I find it pointless. Now granted, I don’t know my either friends list in person and thus no number, but what’s wrong with a text message then?
I 100% agree with you on the party system. It is a pain in the butt on PS3 at times. It would be a welcome addition. Is it worth paying for Live? Perhaps, if you really enjoy it. The group I play with has no trouble getting in a lobby and joining, but it would be easier on the group and launch of XBL. However, it’s not that different when you consider that members still have to join the group to launch. But again, I agree, great feature there.
I suppose I should complain that the TV I bought last year is cheaper this year. Or the PS3 or 360 I own have dropped in price. I suppose those companies should do something for me because I bought day one. Oh wait, what’s that you say? It won’t happen? SAME HERE. It’s a dumb argument. “Hey I saw this movie in a theater and paid $9/ticket and the next day it moved to the $1.50 theater! I want money back!” Doesn’t work like that and everyone with a lick of sense knows it. It’s not just “discount games” either. Did you not see Under Siege on there at 50% off the first day it came out? You expect them to offer Modern Warfare 3? If so, you’re not being realistic. Again, developers play a part too. Every time the game gets given away, devs lose money. So yes, it’s going to be older stuff, because Sony is likely paying for it. And not all of it has been old either, The new Magic the Gathering game was discounted and the old one was free just recently as well. Not interested? That’s your choice.
And if it’s of such low value, then why are you even using it? Seems that it has more value to you than you’d think.
As far as MLB, di not know it was a 50mb save. That’s nuts. External drive that one! (But again, I agree that the save space should be increased. 150mb is just pitiful even if it holds a ton of saves).
Happy Birthday Plus!! And for you present I give you the ability to let me download the Legend of Dragoon….. wait never mind. :(
PS+ is a complete failure, it was evident that it would be when announced, its an overpriced coupon club on old games that are no longer selling, most of which never sold well to begin with. Its biggest claim to fame this year is the uncharted 3 beta a whole week early. And btw, both myself and many others have noticed the obvious ploy of placing marketing ad copy here in the blog comments. Its time to lay off with that, its amateurish propoganda and not the least bit believable.