Hello, PlayStation fans! We’re excited to announce that this week PlayStation Plus celebrates its first birthday! Over the past year, we’ve given PlayStation Plus subscribers access to a number of great deals, including free games, huge discounts, full game trials, early beta access as well as additional exclusive features like online game saves and automatic downloads.
To celebrate, for a limited time, we’re offering “Birthday Bonus Months” for PlayStation Plus. Starting today, lasting through July 11th, when you purchase a PlayStation Plus 1-year package, you’ll get 3 additional months, and gamers who sign up for the 3 month package get 1 additional month. That’s 15 months for the price of 12 (just over $3 per month) or 4 months for the price of 3 (less than $5 per month). There’s no better time to sign up for PlayStation Plus and take advantage of these birthday savings!
So just what are the benefits that PlayStation Plus subscribers have gained that you won’t want to miss out on? In its first year alone, PlayStation Plus has offered access to:
- More than 50 Free Games
- Over 100 Free DLC Items (Add-ons, Avatars, Themes)
- 170+ Discounts
- Over 100 Exclusives and Early Access items
- $800+ in Savings
It’s hard to believe it’s been a year since we launched the program, providing subscribers with offers like the full PSN game WipEout HD, a number of PSP minis and PS One Classics, such as Age of Zombies, and more recently, the highly anticipated early demo of Mortal Kombat. Subscribers can also get early access today into the multiplayer beta for Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception.
Thanks again for all of your feedback and dedication to the program. Here’s to more birthday celebrations as we continue to evolve the service for users to expand and enhance their gaming experience!
plus has been the money saver i was hoping for on the psn! signed up day one and havent looked back since,! keep up the good work sony, highly lookin forward to what plus has in store for its members this year!
The avatar in which you are referring is actually multiple sets that we’re given out during a period of time for users whom were lucky enough to partake in the PlayStation Reward “Beta”. Depending on your level “Legendary” being the highest and “Select” being the lowest; you were given a series (set) of avatars ranging from God of War to inFamous, and even KILLZONE. Unfortunetly the beta was very limited and selective and infact has ended. At this time it looks grim for the “Reward” program sadly as it seems to have been dropped or faces being shelved indefinently. Which is a shame. I have the T-shirt with “PlayStation” written in katakana which was given to all whom were involved with the beta.
If that is everything being offered for the first birthday celebration of Plus….
worst.birthday.ever. :(
You know what the great thing is? They’re celebrating a “birthday” by selling something instead of giving something.
2 questions.
1. Haven’t you been offering this deal for quite some time?
2. What about people who’ve been with PS+ for some time? It’s like “Happy Birthday!… those of you who supported us just sit back and enjoy watching new people get the kewl deals”…
it was a total waist of my money i thought that maybe i could get some cross game chat or somthing with it but no just a waist of $50
I think it’s not only a good idea to do this, those who try the month may have enjoy it and that’ll make want more and therefore, will take advantage of this deal.
Good job Sony.
Happy 1st PS+!!
Time to re-up…
PSN keeps kicking me off!
pay for 3 months and get 1 month free… ohww boy lol
hey did any1 else just get sgned out of the network? cuz me and my friends where playing call of the dead and all of a sudden we got signed out
yeah i did, so did everybody else!
@106 I’ve been kicked off 3 times so far. I keep getting back on about a few minutes later after each drop.
i have been signed out 3 times
so now what, is it being hacked again?
@108 i havn’t been kicked off again YET but idk whats going on but they need to tell us what is or atleast bring it down like they did wen they got hacked into OMG i hope its not happning again
@111 it is happening
ahhh sweet to celebrate a whole year of PSN + Sony is giving us the same deal they’ve had all year for subscribing to PSN+ WOWIE ZOWIE NEATO *fart*
Just got kicked off, tried to log back on but it wont let me.
hold the phones you’re telling me…. that having this deal the whole year… and then pretending its a new offer to wow people into getting psn+ ISNT CLEVER MARKETING STRATEGY…. WOWIE ZOWIE *snore*
haha yeah now when the PSN doesnt work we start to panic….. this sucks
@111 They should say something. One of my friends thinks it has something to do with the Uncharted 3 beta crashing the servers. I hope they didn’t get hacked again either.
is doing that to everyone keeps kicking ppl off then messing up again and again.. i was killing some zombies,,
I was trying to play some Black Ops, but keeps kicking me out. :/
here we go again!!!!!!!!!!!!! psn is down! wtg guys.
Guys from what I hear is the you signing in and out may be because of sony testing cross-game chat.
it is working fine for me :)
People having issues to login may be due to the high traffic caused by the Uncharted 3 Beta. But from what I understand, I if buy a year of PS+ right now it will stack to my current subscription. 49.99$ for 15 months is definitely OK in my book.
it works for me too lol
Maybe it is the traffic, Ill just wait to play COD tomorrow after work.
anyone want to play black ops
Someone at Sony please help me. I had a psn account since before the outage. When psn was restored, I got excited and shelled out money for 1year of plus just ONE day before the welcome package became available. To my horror, this prevented me from redeeming the extra 30 days from the welcome back package. I am also not eligible for 60days extension as I wasn’t a plus member before April 20th. And now three weeks later I am “punished” for supporting PSN during its comeback by yet again losing 90 days of Plus membership. Is there anything that can be done for me?
I kept getting kicked off too, probably some server problems, hopefully no more hacking stuff again 0.0 lol
PSN is acting funny today?
Thank you .. but what about Europe Store ?
@Gogo_ZvC, incase you read this, there is a way to check when your Plus subscription expires. Go to Account Management in the XMB and the option is labeled something like “services.” It entails all of the privileges your account has access to.
I say to celebrate we should get a 1st birthday Dynamic Theme. Something awesome like that.
Love to extend my membership at this time to take advantage of this deal. Is that possible for someone who signed up day one like myself ?
Some have pointed this out in the comments, but yep; you’ll be able to take advantage of this offer and the extra time will stack on to your existing Plus time.