How time flies: at E3 2010 we were checking out Sports Champions and just one year later, Zindagi Games is back with Medieval Moves: Deadmund’s Quest, a very different kind of game using the expertise the team has gained through developing for PlayStation Move. I spoke with Jeremy Ray at E3 while Colin O’Hara played through an early level.
Medieval Moves: Deadmund’s Quest is an action adventure set in a fantasy world of dungeons and goblins where the title character has been transformed into a skeleton and must overcome the curse. Most interestingly, the team has developed a fluid control scheme that allows you to switch seamless between your sword, your throwing stars and your bow without the need for any kind of weapon change interface – you simply perform the required action with the Move motion controller.
We’ll be keeping an eye on Medieval Moves: Deadmund’s Quest and will post when we hear of any new information.
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