When the friendly folks of the PlayStation.Blog asked if I’d like to close out their official E3 livestream with Deus Ex: Human Revolution, I said “yes” in about three-fifths of a second. We’re always eager to show what we believe is a great game, and, on a personal level, how could I resist appearing on a very cool livestream and blog?!
Speaking with host Sid Shuman was a blast. The guy’s a true fan of the series, so much in fact I was starting to get worried he’d stump me with a trivia question or random reference that I wouldn’t pick up. Thankfully, he held off on flexing his muscles and crushing me.
Demoing a game like Deus Ex: HR isn’t easy, but it also isn’t boring. As you can see in the video, sometimes our strategies don’t go as planned, so we must improvise and adapt. Adam, the man behind the controller (who coincidentally shares a first name with the game’s protagonist Adam Jensen), does just that by showing viewers multiple solutions to potential problems. Would you have played differently than Adam? Let us know below.
If you enjoyed hearing someone from Eidos-Montreal answer user-submitted questions, I recommend heading over to our tumblr page. There, members of the dev team, including myself, game director Jean-Francois Dugas, and more, read and respond to users. No question is too crazy, or too boring, so flood our inbox!
As always, thank you for your continued support. We all appreciate the comments, criticisms, and general interest, whether it’s positive OR negative, we’ve received. And I’d like to personally say it’s truly a pleasure to be the community manager for such a passionate and intelligent community.
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