Hello and welcome to this week’s comic update!
Today we have seven new titles on the store. Let’s start with a new addition to our Batman library: Batman: Arkham City. The Joker took over Arkham a year ago, and Gotham isn’t quite back to normal. An attack by a pair of super-powered twins increases the threat level and triggers Gotham City’s new mayor to call for drastic measures.
For all you Mercy Sparx and Hack/Slash fans, you will be very pleased with the cross-over title Hack Slash and Mercy Sparx! It’s a fun violent romp that brings DDP’s sexiest seductresses together for the first time, and will be sure not to disappoint.
We also have two new Tank Girl titles, Transformers: Devastation, the follow-up to last week’s release, Transformers: Escalation, and many more!
Here is this week’s listing:
- 1001 Arabian Nights: The Adventures of Sinbad #4 Zenescope
- 2000AD Prog #1726 2000AD
- Batman Beyond Vol. 2 #13 DC Comics
- Batman Legends of the Dark Knight #5 DC Comics
- Batman: Arkham City #1 DC Comics
- Bayou #15 DC Comics
- Bottle Of Awesome #4 DC Comics
- Clive Barker’s Hellraiser #14 – 20 Devil’s Due Digital
- DC Universe Online Legends DC Comics
- Doctor Who: Volume 2 #4 IDW Publishing
- Dungeons & Dragons #6 IDW Publishing
- Ender’s Game (2008): Book 2: Command School #1 – 5 Marvel
- Ex Machina #43 DC Comics
- Fables #58 DC Comics
- Grimm Fairy Tales #10 – 11 Zenescope
- Gulch #2 DC Comics
- Hack Slash and Mercy Sparx #1 Devil’s Due Digital
- Imaginary Boys #4 DC Comics
- JLA #50 DC Comics
- Jurassic Park #5 IDW Publishing
- Kill Shakespeare #10 IDW Publishing
- Legends of the DC Universe #16 DC Comics
- Lenore: Volume 2 #1 – 2 Titan Publishing
- Lovebunny and Mr Hell #1 Devil’s Due Digital
- Promethea #9 DC Comics
- Return to Labyrinth #16 TOKYOPOP
- Sandman #34 DC Comics
- Simon’s Cat: Free Preview Canongate
- Stormwatch PHD #22 DC Comics
- Superman/Batman #61 DC Comics
- Supreme #46 Devil’s Due Digital
- Tank Girl: Bad Wind Rising #1 – 3 Titan Publishing
- Tank Girl: Skidmarks #1 – 4 Titan Publishing
- Tomorrow Stories #9 DC Comics
- TOP 10 #9 DC Comics
- Transformers 3: Movie Prequel: Foundation #4 IDW Publishing
- Transformers Devastation #1 – 6 IDW Publishing
- Transformers: Heart of Darkness #2 IDW Publishing
- Van Von Hunter #17 TOKYOPOP
- Y: The Last Man #40 DC Comics
- Young Justice Vol. 2 #4 DC Comics
- The Young Sherlock Holmes Adventures #3 Markosia
Visit www.playstationcomics.com to see the full catalog.
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