Hi everyone, and welcome back to the comics updates! Let’s catch-up with a whopping 154 new comics today.
The saga of the Transformers’ secret war on Earth begun in The Transformers: Infiltration continues with Phase Two: Transformers: Escalation. With the monumental menaces of MEGATRON and Ore-13 looming, the AUTOBOTS could be forgiven for thinking things couldn’t get much worse. But they might be wrong! All 6 issues of this mini-series available today.
Orson Scott Card,’s epic sci-fi saga Ender’s Game starts today with Ender’s Game (2008): Battle School, as well as parallel series Ender’s Shadow (2008): Battle School. There’s a war coming, and the same aliens who almost destroyed Earth once are coming back to finish the job. Who can help? According to the military, 8-year-old Ender Wiggin, who enters the mysterious training facility Battle School.
Fans of Star Trek and fans of awesome vintage comics, this one is for you: started in 1967, the same year the original television series premiered , the original Star Trek comics series continue here with 34 issues! Follow the original Enterprise crew, Kirk, Spock, McCoy, and Scott, in adventures available nowhere else.
We also have more Spider-Man, Batman, D&D, and many many more.
Here is the full list:
- 2000AD Prog #1724 2000AD
- 2000AD Prog #1725 2000AD
- A Bit of Madness #1-8 Devil’s Due Digital
- The Amazing Spider-Man (2003) #565-567 Marvel
- Batman Beyond Vol.2 #11-12 DC Comics
- Batman Beyond Vol.4 #5 DC Comics
- Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #3-4 DC Comics
- Celadore #4 DC Comics
- Clive Barker’s Hellraiser #7-13 Devil’s Due Digital
- DC Universe Online Legends #7 DC Comics
- Demon Wars: The Demon Awakens #1-6 Devil’s Due Digital
- Demon Wars: The Demon Spirit #1-6 Devil’s Due Digital
- Dual #6 DC Comics
- Dungeons & Dragons #5 IDW Publishing
- Ender’s Game (2008): Battle School #1-5 Marvel
- Ender’s Shadow (2008): Book 1: Battle School #1-5 Marvel
- Ex Machina #41-42 DC Comics
- Fables #56-57 DC Comics
- Gulch #1 DC Comics
- Hack/Slash #16-20 Devil’s Due Digital
- inFAMOUS #4 DC Comics
- Infestation #2 IDW Publishing
- JLA #48-49 DC Comics
- Justice League: Generation Lost #24 DC Comics
- Legends of the DC Universe #14-15 DC Comics
- Mercy Sparx #3-4 Devil’s Due Digital
- Penguin Bros. #1-5 Devil’s Due Digital
- Promethea #8 DC Comics
- Return to Labyrinth #14-15 TOKYOPOP
- Sandman #32-33 DC Comics
- Shades: Volume 1 Orb Entertainment
- Star Trek: Volume 1 #7-8 Devil’s Due Digital
- Star Trek: Volume 2 #1-8 Devil’s Due Digital
- Star Trek: Volume 3 #1-8 Devil’s Due Digital
- Star Trek: Volume 4 #1-8 Devil’s Due Digital
- Star Trek: Volume 5 #1-8 Devil’s Due Digital
- Street Code #5 DC Comics
- Superman/Batman #59-60 DC Comics
- Tapping the Vein #1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 Devil’s Due Digital
- Tom Strong #8 DC Comics
- Tomorrow Stories #8 DC Comics
- Top 10 #8 DC Comics
- Transformers: Escalation #1-6 IDW Publishing
- Transformers 3: Movie Prequel: Foundation #3 IDW Publishing
- Transformers: Spotlight Drift, Metroplex IDW Publishing
- True Blood #9 IDW Publishing
- Ultimate X-Men (2000) #3-8 Marvel
- Van Von Hunter #15-16 TOKYOPOP
- Wonder Woman Vol. 3 #31-32 DC Comics
- Y: The Last Man #38-39 DC Comics
- The Young Sherlock Holmes Adventures #1-2 Markosia
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Please visit www.playstationcomics.com for prices and to see the whole catalog.
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