To celebrate the return of the PlayStation Network and welcome you back to Killzone 3’s online battlefield, we’ve got a Double XP Weekend lined up! Starting this Friday, May 20 at 17:00 PM UK time, and lasting until Monday, May 23 at 10:00 AM UK time, all XP you earn in Killzone 3’s multiplayer matches will be doubled.
The upcoming Double XP Weekend isn’t the only Killzone-related goodie in the pipeline. As you may know, Sony has revealed that Killzone: Liberation is part of its Welcome Back Program for PSN members, meaning you’ll be able to download the critically acclaimed PlayStation Portable shooter absolutely free of charge. And there’s even more… But we’ll announce that at a later date.
So stay tuned to Killzone.com, and remember to brush up your Killzone 3 multiplayer skills. This weekend, you’ll have a chance to catch up on 3 weeks’ worth of rank progression!
P.S.: During the Double XP Weekend, the Score Screen will display the message “Fast Starter Bonus” instead of “Bonus Points” – this is a string error that will be fixed in future Bonus XP events.
i love this game but i was playing black ops double exp weekend so by anychance could you extend it till tuesday plz that would be awsome
@197 There was a double XP weekend. The XP was doubled at the end of each match. Thanks Sony and Guerrilla Games for a great Double XP weekend!
No peripheral required to hold the pseye the flat spot on base was designed to assist in placing it on tv
see this video…I could not believe how effective this was and I had the eye ages before Move launched
This is going to be awesome for people with Killzone 3
I only care for Killzone 3 when it comes to any FPS up to date!! Its simply the best 2011 tittle by far!! Woot Woot!! BUT! Pretty Please!!! Bring some more KZ3 2ble XP events! ^_^
We need another Double XP weekend… for being your loyal fans.. and cause we stood by you during these difficult times…
Double XP weekend was awesome, [DELETED] and that gun mystifies still me its difficult and a [DELETED],
agreed we another
hope fully soon
I loved the DBL XP weekend I hope you guys do more, it was fun and great to be able to play my top favorite FPS on the PS3.
It’s a trap, they just wanna hide the slow recover of Playstation Store
I got the sharp shooter and I’ve had killzone 3 since it came out but I haven’t played much online, I’ll be on for sure.
sweet i’m there
dang i missed the bonus weekend damn lacrosse
killzone needs to fix this problem everytime i get on multi player it’s nothing but foriegn people can’t understand a thing they say i pick my region so i should not have to deal with this plus they seem hard to kill why i’m not sure but if this problem don’t get fixed i know a lot of people who will be selling there kz3 game FIX IT!!!!