Here is the weekly PlayStation Store update:
PlayStation Plus
Full Game Trial
- Assassin’s Creed
Featured Games
- Dungeon Hunter (PlayStation Plus price $9.74, regular price $12.99)
- Might & Magic Clash of Heroes (PlayStation Plus price $11.99, regular price $14.99)
Featured Add-On
- Killzone 3 – Steel Rain Map Pack (Free to PlayStation Plus subscribers, regular price $4.99)
Featured Themes & Avatars
- Marvel Vs Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds 38 Avatars bundle (Exclusive to PlayStation Plus subscribers for $3.99)
- Yakuza 4: The Men of Yakuza 4 Dynamic Theme (Free to PlayStation Plus subscribers, regular price $2.99)
- Crane Dance Static Theme (Free and exclusive to PlayStation Plus subscribers)
Worms 2: Armageddon Battle Pack – Sale – (PS3) (now $3.49, original price $4.99)
Final Fight/Double Impact – Sale – (PS3) (now $4.99, original price $9.99)
Worms 2: Armageddon – Sale – (PS3) (now $7.49, original price $14.99)
Downloadable Games
Dungeon Hunter: Alliance ($12.99)
Dungeon Hunter: Alliance is the first action RPG game for the PlayStation 3 system that immerses you in the heart of a unique multiplayer experience, local and online. Face the world of Gothicus and its hordes of creatures alone or in teams of up to 4 heroes. The main quest, side quests, and the innumerable items to collect offer hours of play in a superbly modeled gothic universe.
ESRB Rated T
File size: 942 MB
Might And Magic Clash Of Heroes ($14.99)
Might & Magic Clash of Heroes is the ultimate RPG Puzzle game. Set in the classic world of Ashan, follow the adventure of 5 chosen heroes. Each must forge their own dangerous paths to grow in strength, unravel a demonic plot, and ultimately save the world from Chaos.
ESRB Rated E10+
File size: 1.57 GB
Assassin’s Creed ($19.99)
Assassin’s Creed is the fastest-selling new IP in videogame history. Set in 1191 AD. The Third Crusade is tearing the Holy Land apart. You, Altair, intend to stop the hostilities by suppressing both sides of the conflict. You are an Assassin, a warrior shrouded in secrecy and feared for your ruthlessness. Your actions can throw your immediate environment into chaos, and your existence will shape events during this pivotal moment in history.
ESRB Rated M
File size: 7.63 GB
Game Demo (free)
Swarm – Demo
Swarm is an action-platformer where you take direct control of 50 pudgy blue morons and drive them through an intense and suicidal gauntlet of destruction. Run, bash, huddle, boost, stack, jump, push and throw your way through a ridiculously dangerous world in your attempt to collect valuable DNA and ensure at least one swarmite survives.
ESRB Rated T
File size: 457 MB
Might And Magic Clash Of Heroes Trial
Might & Magic Clash of Heroes is the ultimate RPG Puzzle game. Set in the classic world of Ashan, follow the adventure of 5 chosen heroes. Each must forge their own dangerous paths to grow in strength, unravel a demonic plot, and ultimately save the world from Chaos. Try it now!
ESRB Rated E10+
File size: 1.57 GB
Add-on Game Content
Bulletstorm Gun Sonata DLC Pack ($9.99)
Download the new Bulletstorm ‘Gun Sonata’ DLC pack and gain access to 2 new Echoes maps: Guns of Stygia and Crash Site as well as 3 new Anarchy maps: Hotel Elysium, Villa and Sewers. As if that wasn’t enough you’ll also be able to use the Flamingo and Pulp leash variants to ensure you’re looking good whilst racking up the skillshots!
File size: 461 MB
Killzone 3 Steel Rain Map Pack ($4.99)
Download this Killzone 3 Steel Rain Map Pack now and set your sights on two brutal multiplayer battles.
File size: 342 MB
Marvel Vs Capcom 3: Fate Of Two Worlds – Shadow Battle 03 ($0.99)
The 3rd installment of Shadow Battle allows you to fight special and unique AI opponents, and win new titles to boot! Do you have what it takes to take on these one-of-a-kind fighters in a match of MARVEL VS. CAPCOM 3!?
File size: 251 KB
Mushroom Wars – Five Maps Pack + Free Online Add-On ($4.99)
Download a pack of 5 new maps and get an Online Add-on for free! Battle over new lands in local mode or online and try your luck in the Global Championship!
File size: 600 KB
Mushroom Wars Premium Pack ($11.49)
Full Mushroom Wars strategy pack plus online add-on and five new maps! Battle over new lands in local mode or online and try your luck in the Global Championship!
File size: 101 MB
Hyperdimension Neptunia: Black Heart Booster 3 ($0.99)
Black Heart’s stat booster.
File size: 100 KB
Hyperdimension Neptunia: Compa Booster 3 ($0.99)
Compa’s stat booster.
File size: 100 KB
Hyperdimension Neptunia: Green Heart Booster 3 ($0.99)
Green Heart’s stat booster.
File size: 100 KB
Hyperdimension Neptunia: IF Booster 3 ($0.99)
IF’s stat booster.
File size: 100 KB
Hyperdimension Neptunia: Neptune Booster 3 ($0.99)
Neptune’s stat booster.
File size: 100 KB
Hyperdimension Neptunia: Quality Certification (Free)
Wing Armor, a security robot created on Lowee, has not met its expected sales goals. The manufacturer is holding a test run of the robot to advertise its functions. Fight the Wing Armor and help the company show off its power!
File size: 100 KB
Hyperdimension Neptunia: White Heart Booster 3 ($0.99)
White Heart’s stat booster.
File size: 100 KB
Red Dead Redemption – Deadly Assassin Outfit ($0.99)
John Marston’s Deadly Assassin outfit causes your Dead Eye meter to regenerate at twice the speed. With more Dead Eye, you have more time to place each shot with total accuracy, making you the deadliest gunslinger in any fight.
File size: 3.47 MB
Red Dead Redemption – Golden Guns Weapon Pack ($0.99)
Available for use in the Red Dead Redemption Single Player story, the player who wields the Golden Guns receives more Fame for each kill. The more Fame you get, the more in-game side missions become available. So there will be more opportunities to duel, more kidnapped townsfolk to rescue and you can bribe lawmen for less.
File size: 3.92 MB
Red Dead Redemption – War Horse Pack ($0.99)
There are countless horses to be found in the massive world of Red Dead Redemption, but none is stronger, faster or tougher than the War Horse. Whether storming gang hideouts, exploring the wilderness for hidden treasure, or outrunning the law, the War Horse gives gunslingers an advantage in nearly every situation.
File size: 2.43 MB
Yakuza 4: Upgrade Pack Free
Unlock your chance to increase your upgrade level even further and build your relationship with Haruka to a higher level! As a bonus, unlock 2 new and unique karaoke songs!
File size: 107 KB
Moon Diver – Silence And Score Attack Mode: Flow! ($0.99)
Download this DLC pack and get a new playable character and a new mode. Unlock and use Silence, a character you have battled countless times. Also included is the brand-new Score Attack Mode and a special stage designed just for it.
File size: 100 KB
WWE All-Stars: American Dream Pack ($1.99)
Get funky like a monkey if you will and download the American Dream Pack, featuring 2 new downloadable characters for WWE All Stars: WWE Hall Famer Dusty Rhodes and his son, “Dashing” Cody Rhodes.
File size: 100 KB
WWE All-Stars: Honky Tonk Man (Free)
Don’t be cruel! Download and play as the Greatest Intercontinental Champion of all-time, the Honky Tonky Man, in WWE All Stars!
File size: 100 KB
Yoostar 2: Blade Runner Scene Pack ($4.99)
Blade Runner Scene Pack – Pack includes 3 scenes from the sci-fi classic: “Voight-Kampff empathy test,” “More human than human,” and Hollywood Set “Flying over LA in the year 2019.”
File size: 371 MB
Yoostar 2: We Got Both Kinds: Country And Western ($1.99)
The Blues Brothers – On their “mission from God,” Jake and Elwood land at bar Bob’s Country Bunker and tell the waitress they’re the band.
File size: 153 MB
Yoostar 2: We Don’t Drink On Duty ($1.99)
Beverly Hills Cop – Axel jumps in the back of the car of the detectives tailing him, startling Taggart and Rosewood.
File size: 90 MB
Yoostar 2: A Bullet In The Buttocks ($1.99)
Forrest Gump – Forrest, a simpleminded man, sits on a park bench and tells a disbelieving stranger about his experience fighting in Vietnam.
File size: 81 MB
Yoostar 2: Am I Missing A Tooth? ($1.99)
The Hangover – In the wreckage of their trashed hotel suite, Stu realizes something’s wrong.
File size: 83 MB
Yoostar 2: Please Step Aside, Sir! ($1.99)
Meet the Parents – Greg tries to board his plane.
File size: 149 MB
Yoostar 2: I Love You Too, Sweetheart ($1.99)
The Terminator – Sarah Connor is on the run from the Terminator, a killing machine from the future, and calls her mother – or so she thinks – at her cabin in the woods to check in.
File size: 119 MB
Yoostar 2: Derek’s ‘eugoogly’ ($1.99)
Zoolander – Derek, clad in white haute couture, laments the loss of his male model friends and muses that chiseled abs and stunning features don’t protect anyone from a freakish death.
File size: 84 MB
Super Stardust HD – Impact Mode ($1.99)
Download this pack today for access to Super Stardust HD’s all-new Impact Mode! in place of the weapon system your ship is now fitted with an experimental new matter-to-energy boost engine technology, which means once you activate the boost, you can stay in boost as long as you can hit meteors and enemies with it! (Super Stardust HD Impact Mode add-on is now functioning appropriately, if you are having issues download patch version 5.01.)
File size: 100 KB
Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock
For all song credits please visit http://www.guitarhero.com/.
- “Lifelong Dayshift” – Middle Class Rut ($1.99)
- “Across 5 Oceans” – Madina Lake ($1.99)
- “Beyond The Life You Know” – Darkest Hour ($1.99)
- “Doomsayer” – Darkest Hour ($1.99)
- “Hey Superstar” – Madina Lake ($1.99)
- “Ignorance” – Paramore ($1.99)
- “New Low” – Middle Class Rut ($1.99)
- “Sad To Know” – Middle Class Rut ($1.99)
- “Savor The Kill” – Darkest Hour ($1.99)
- “That’s What You Get” – Paramore ($1.99)
- “Middle Class Rut Track Pack” ($5.49)
- “Darkest Hour Track Pack” ($5.49)
- “Emo Edge Track Pack” ($7.49)
File size: 31 – 43 MB (singles), 116 – 138 MB (track pack)
Rock Band 3
Build your Rock Band library by purchasing these song game tracks. For song credits, visit www.RockBand.com.
- “Dreams” – Fleetwood Mac ($1.99)
- “Gold Dust Woman” – Fleetwood Mac ($1.99)
- “Landslide” – Fleetwood Mac ($1.99)
- “Rhiannon” – Fleetwood Mac ($1.99)
- “Edge Of Seventeen (Just Like The White Winged Dove)” – Stevie Nicks ($1.99)
- “Stand Back” – Stevie Nicks ($1.99)
- “Fleetwood Mac/Stevie Nicks Pack 01” – ($9.99)
File size: 11 – 55 MB (singles), 219 MB (track pack)
Rock Band Network
- “[&] Delinquents” – Woe, Is Me ($1.99)
- “Devoid Of Thought” – Evile ($1.99)
- “Evil Inside Me” – Amberian Dawn ($1.99)
- “Jamie All Over” – Mayday Parade ($1.99)
- “Lexington (Joey Pea-Pot With A Monkey Face)” – Chiodos ($1.99)
- “Love During Wartime” – The Main Drag ($0.99)
- “Sexual Man Chocolate” – Attack Attack! ($1.99)
- “The Fire And The Fury” – Firewind ($1.99)
- “Those In Glass Houses” – Of Mice & Men ($1.99)
- “What’s Your Favorite Dinosaur?” – The Main Drag ($0.99)
File size: 17 – 44MB (singles)
Marvel Vs Capcom 3: Fate Of Two Worlds – Avatar Pack #1 ($1.25)
File size: 400 KB
Marvel Vs Capcom 3: Fate Of Two Worlds – Avatar Pack #2 ($1.25)
File size: 410 KB
Marvel Vs Capcom 3: Fate Of Two Worlds – Avatar Pack #3 ($1.25)
File size: 400 KB
Marvel Vs Capcom 3: Fate Of Two Worlds – Avatar Pack #4 ($1.25)
File size: 410 KB
Marvel Vs Capcom 3: Fate Of Two Worlds – Avatar Pack #5 ($1.25)
File size: 434 KB
Game Videos (free)
Portal 2 30 sec. TV Spot
File size: 45 MB
Castlevania:Lords Of Shadow Trailer (ad buy)
File size: 141 MB
Crysis 2 – Be Fast Trailer
File size: 63 MB
Crysis 2 – Be Invisible Trailer
File size: 70 MB
Crysis 2 – Prophet’s Journey
File size: 110 MB
Dragon Age II TV Spot
File size: 22 MB
Deus Ex: Human Revolution – Freedom Of Choice Trailer
File size: 119 MB
Fireburst Trailer
File size: 60 MB
Top Spin 4 – Controls Trailer
File size: 123 MB
SOCOM 4: U.S. Navy SEALs – Soundtrack ($9.99)
File size: 146 MB
PS3 Themes
Yakuza 4: The Men Of Yakuza 4 Dynamic Theme ($2.99)
File size: 6.05 MB
Call Of Duty: Black Ops Zombies Ascension Theme ($1.99)
File size: 4.84 MB
Call Of Duty: Black Ops Iconic Theme ($1.99)
File size: 4.55 MB
Call Of Duty: Black Ops Special Ops Theme ($1.99)
File size: 4.88 MB
Call Of Duty: Black Ops World Tour Theme ($1.99)
File size: 7.51 MB
Exodus Theme ($1.49)
File size: 3.02 MB
Statue of Liberty Dynamic Theme ($2.99)
File size: 2.55 MB
Source Code Dynamic Theme ($2.99)
File size: 1.32 MB
Scrapbook Theme ($0.99)
File size: 3.4 MB
Rango Premium Theme (static) ($1.99)
File size: 3.32 MB
Azmodeus Dark Angels 5 Premium Theme ($1.99)
File size: 3.13 MB
Commando Tiger Camo Premium Theme ($1.99)
File size: 2.87 MB
Soccer England Dynamic Theme ($2.99)
File size: 11 MB
Soccer Spain Dynamic Theme ($2.99)
File size: 11 MB
Convert The Wack Project Theme ($2.99)
File size: 5.58 MB
Shakur’s Desert Strike Theme ($2.99)
File size: 6.95 MB
PS3 Wallpapers (free)
Dragon’s Lair II: Time Warp Wallpaper
File size: 176 KB (SD), 975 KB (1080)
DC Universe – Catwoman Wallpaper
File size: 242 KB (SD), 992 KB (1080)
DC Universe Online – Batman Wallpaper
File size: 320 KB (SD), 891 KB (1080)
Free Realms: Chatty And Friends Wallpaper
File size: 329 KB (SD), 764 KB (1080)
Free Realms: Chatty Welcome Wallpaper
File size: 385 KB (SD), 987 KB (1080)
Free Realms: Pixie Wallpaper
File size: 348 KB (SD), 739 KB (1080)
Free Realms: Racing Wallpaper
File size: 338 KB (SD), 760 KB (1080)
Free Realms: Warrior Wallpaper
File size: 320 KB (SD), 761 KB (1080)
Free Realms: World Map Wallpaper
File size: 345 KB (SD), 855 KB (1080)
PlayStation Store for PSP
Downloadable Games (also available from PS3 Storefront)
Patapon 3 ($19.99)
The critically-acclaimed rhythm-based adventure game is now available offering new quests, increased customization and all-new online battles. As a special thank you to all the Patapon fans, we are also including a Digital Guide playable on your PSP to help get you started
ESRB Rated E
File size: 616 MB
Add-on Game Content (also available from PS3 Storefront)
Patapon 3 Online Entitlement ($9.99)
This Online Entitlement Voucher is used to activate the multiplayer features of Patapon 3. For those purchasing the game second-hand, the entitlement voucher will need to be purchased and entered into a PSN account prior to activating the multiplayer features. The entitlement voucher will be tied to purchasing PSN account and cannot be used by another account.
File size: N/A
Lord Of Arcana – Pack 5 (Free)
New quests come to LORD OF ARCANA! This pack contains the missions “The King’s Domain,” “Despair in Hope,” “Beauty and Beast,” and “True Ruler’s Test.” Help a vain warrior defeat the Azure Dragon Lord, stop an invasion coming out of the Old Glestal Mines, save an idiotic husband from death, and prove yourself to be a true ruler in these all-new missions! More quests will be available soon—check back on the PlayStation Store!
File size: 908 KB
PSP minis (also available from PS3 Storefront)
3D Twist & Match – Minis ($2.49)
ESRB Rated E
File size: 22 MB
PSP Themes (also available from PS3 Storefront)
Scrapbook PSP Theme ($0.99)
File size: 404 KB
Dungeon Hunter Alliance is a blast. Easily worth the $10 I spent.
Awesome thanks for the info adolson and Trucidation. Looks like I’ll be buying it.
Impact Mode for Superstardust HD sounds fun
Is PSN in Canada TAX free now?
Bought DLC with no tax charges….
I’m thinking about getting that Marvel vs Capcom avatar bundle but I’d like to get a better look at all of the avatars first. Couldn’t find a preview of them online, I wish a preview was offered on the PS store like has been done for some other avatar bundles.
@151, Look at the other avatar bundles and they show you four at a time. You won’t get to see all of them, but you’ll see what 20 of them will look like.
I cant stop looking at my avatar… thanks sony… lol
almost forgot why did you guys cancel playstation rewards, hope it wasnt the beta users giving bad feedback so no one else can get the rewards they have…. i was looking forward to hitting legendary status, doubt this will be answered anyway o_O
They fixed the problem with the Super Stardust HD Impact Mode expansion, the game will now download a 200+ mb update and patch to 5.01 with the new mode added. No new trophies for those who care about those things.
Purchasing Dungeon Hunter Alliance gives you a demo + full game unlock key, so I don’t know why the demo was not made available today as well.
Free KZ3 DLC, sweet!
no trophies for AC1?!!
then why is it released so late on PSN :/
I’ll check out the Dungeon game…sounds fun.
please, please please, add more courses to sports champion disc golf, or a whole new game would be great!!!
Nothing for me in this update. :(
NICE!!! PS+ rules free killzone maps
Awesome! I’m definitely getting the Red Dead Redemption War Horse. I also want to MvC3 Pack 2 since it has Dante and Deadpool
hmmm, nothing for me today… good thing i ordered some new bluray movies to watch… and Spartacus Season 1…
is that 15 months for the price of 12 on PS Plus still going on or has that deal passed..?? i was almost tempted to sign up for all the free games and whatnot, but i didnt see that deal anywhere… besides, i still wish they’d offer something in the movie store as part of this PS Plus thing.. maybe 5 free rentals a month at least… that might tip me over the edge, well, other than the 15 months for 12 deal…. anyone???
update was cool!
I had a thought come to me since Easter is here I think the PSN should give away a free or discounted game/ movie Hidden some where on The Store for Easter (Easter egg hut). But we all know where these Ideas go. back to Killzone 3:)
Review of DH:A after many hours of playing:
1. No voice acting, you read the interactions… Lame…very lame. Worst part of the game (so far, and hope there isn’t anything else..)
2. Music suits the game nicely and is of the “erie” variety….thus far.
3. Animations lack something to be desired, but the game environments are nice.
4. Menu use is smooth and easy to locate what you are looking for in your character menu. Can compare items.
5. Mage (only char. I’ve played thus far) has autoaim, which works the majority of the time…which is nice to keep the combat system uncomplicated.. Still plenty of action going on, even in early levels. Spell system is nice. Some ‘neat’ spells in there.
6. Invite friend system does NOT appear to be working.
7. Online appears to be going okay, though stability seems to be an issue.
8. Long(er) load times, but it loads the whole area, so you’re not always loading as your running around. Nice.
Playing now….but friend can’t join through invite nor find me on server list it seems. Hope this stuff gets fixed. Would like to actually co-op thus a game for once.
I’m sadly announcing that I’m not going to be renewing my Playstation Plus because of the past 2 months of the worst Playstation updates since its creation.
Sony, Your Spring Fever Sales this year SUCKED! I’ve had a ps3 since Jan 2007… what were you thinking????? Should have just not had one this year. Atleast I was able to get Angry Birds for 2bucks. Yeah, you’re best game on sale this “Fever” edition was a Mini.
How pathetic.
I play PS3 games on my PS3. I also play PSP games on my PSP. I prefer playing PS1 games on my PSP. Same with Minis. But, you know what? Regardless of the system they originated on: games are games. I want them available because I want to play them. Also I feel counting is important. Adding all of those up at the end of a month/quarter/year is interesting to say the least. I do think I should start accounting for genre variety though.
Its not really the Go I’m fighting for (though I do own one!). I just love the ease of digital gaming :) That said, the amount of legacy titles out there needs to increase or Sony is in for some more failure. Having such a limited amount of PS1/PSP games downloadable won’t be doing that PSPhone thing or the NGP any favors.
I most likely would include PS2 Legacy had Sony kept backwards compatibility in all PS3s! Maybe next generation =D
Yup! This week I appreciate the Yakuza 4 DLC, and the fact another game soundtrack is on the store!
That old routine eh? It seems more and more PSN games are going this route. I remember the first instance of it happening way back with Critter Crunch. This is what happens when demos aren’t enforced. They suck in as many blind buyers as possible then release a demo later. Thanks for the heads up!
Mostly so the text neatly lines up :P The same could be said of PSP games though, no? But they will technically be legacy titles when downloaded to the NGP. Same for PS3 games on the PS4! Future-proofing!
Seriously? You would say an overpriced port riddled with bugs and half the amount of levels other versions was the best thing they had going on the Spring Fever? No wonder /that/ game has outsold all other PSN releases *ever* in just a manner of months… sigh.
ehh update again need to be releasing more avatars. there easy for you guys to make. and they also shouldn’t cost as much as your charging. also again blahh themes, release the dynamic theme creator to the public that way people can have better dynamic themes
@174 megamixer: Aaah! I get you! thanks :)
Only one thing missing: the new Twisted Metal Broken trailer. Hopefully it will make it in next week. Other than that, nice update.
Dear Sony, Is there any chance of us getting any Sports avatars for PS+ like for ex. MLB 11 team logos. Tht would really be awesome if i could have the Baltimore Orioles logo for my PSN avatar. By the way Dungeon Hunter is worth the buy. PS Move enable.
<—-Thanx for the new avatars by the way.. One of my fav Marvel Characters
Assassin’s Creed has no trophies? I know it’s old but what happened to all games having trophies from here on out? I thought for sure you would patch this one. Is it really that hard to do?
Spam X, X, X, X, X, to join a game, as soon as you select your character. It’ll put you into the lobby and not kick up that error message.