Have you ever put on a wedding or a huge party? A bunch of us are in working this weekend, but it’s not just the normal bug fixing, polishing, and optimizing. Today we’re hanging art, arranging some furniture, and (shudder) cleaning up our offices. All of this is being done in preparation for the 60+ media members who will be flying up to Seattle on Monday for our “Media Day” event for inFAMOUS 2. So you can think of this as our once-every-two-years chance to spruce up the place, and put on a little bit of a show.
So here’s my Virtual Media Day for you guys, a blow-by-blow breakdown of what we’re showing.
In the morning we’ll be hosting all the international press members on a tour of our studios in Bellevue. We will hold out some hope for good weather so we can do some interviews and photos out on the deck. We’ll turn the visitors loose on the bustling metropolis that is Bellevue, Washington and start prepping for our afternoon show. South of the Mariners stadium, we’ll be hosting an evening event showcasing three inFAMOUS 2 highlights:
First, a battle with the monster we call The Behemoth. If you remember way way back to our E3 demos last year, we hinted at the existence of this monster…Well, here’s your chance to see him! As far as inFAMOUS 2 goes, he’s one of the most important enemies we’ve built. We showed an early version of him at our very first greenlight meetings back in December 2009. Seems like a long time ago!
Second, we’ll show a mission called Forced Conduits. If you’ve been following along closely, you know that Conduits are people who are candidates to become super powered. But in this mission, we find out that someone has figured out how to somehow force ordinary people to become conduits… An interesting development in the narrative of inFAMOUS 2!
Finally, we’ll show a handful of missions created in our User-Generated Content tools. I got the chance to play through these missions over the weekend, and the exciting thing for me was the diversity of gameplay being built by the QA staff helping us get ready for our inFAMOUS 2 Limited Beta (on Tuesday!!!). We’ll be showing nicely created combat scenarios, a very cleverly told story mission, and a lyrical reference to an arcade game gone by. A good set overall!
It’s a pretty exciting week, I hope you all get the chance to check out a little more about these new missions! Wish us luck with the media, and I’ll be back again soon with another update!
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