Hey ya’ll! David Jaffe here – I’m the co-director and co-lead designer of the new Twisted Metal for PS3!
I know we’ve been kind of quiet about the game since our super secret E3 press conference surprise, but all that ends now! GTTV just launched our latest trailer on last night’s episode on SpikeTV. Did you see it?!? If not, click here. The trailer – called BROKEN – has brand-new gameplay footage as well as a first look at some shots from our live action, in game-cinematics!
I gotta be honest with ya’ll: I had NO IDEA how the live action stuff was gonna turn out, but MAN am I super amped! I think it’s pretty sweet! Take a look, let us know if you agree. And the fresh Twisted Metal news doesn’t stop there!
In a few days we’re meeting with press from all over the world to unveil two brand new levels of the game. At that very same press event, we’re letting folks go hands on – for the first time! – with Twisted Metal‘s super-unique NUKE mode. We’ve made some core design changes since we last talked about NUKE (at E3) and we’re very eager/anxious/excited to see what people think.
But wait – there’s more! Next week we’ll also be unveiling BATTLEWAGON! What/who the hell is Battlewagon? Just the coolest, baddest-ass vehicle ever to dominate the car combat landscape! This is a vehicle that myself, Scott Campbell (the game’s other co-lead designer/game director) and Kellan Hatch (Eat Sleep Play’s Creative Director) have been wanting to put in a Twisted Metal game since we made the very first one back in 1995. I think it’s gonna give Sweet Tooth’s ice cream truck a damn fine run for its money!
“Holy cow, Jaffe,” you say, “that’s amazing!” Yes…yes it is! But wait…there’s EVEN MORE! Wha?!?! Really?!?! HAI!!!!! Because ya see: a few days after our press event, we’ll drop the EXTENDED cut of last night’s TWISTED METAL launch trailer! This new trailer dives a bit deeper into the character stories of Sweet Tooth, Dollface, and Mr. Grimm. The new cut also gives a bit more info on just what that creepy tower at the end of last night’s trailer is all about. And we may even get our first glimpse of Calypso, the sinister mastermind behind all the pain, suffering, and chaos of the Twisted Metal contest. And that is JUST in the next week!
From now until our launch date – OCTOBER 4th, 2011 – we’ll be showing more and more of our hand in hopes that ya’ll are going to be just as jazzed and excited for this new Twisted Metal as we are! We can’t wait to hear what you all think! Thanks for reading and giving our game your time! David ps. oh yeah, watch the video. You’ll get an update on that Sweet Tooth action figure give away from last Christmas.
Didn’t even mention one of the coolest parts! We’ve just announced our launch date: October 4th, 2011! See…I TOLD ya’ll we were hitting this year! :)
Jaffe is so cool. Love that guy. Cannot wait for TM. 10-4 Large Marge, Rusty Nail, etc
Just saw the new trailer and I must say the game is looking freaking fantastic, I hope its as good as it looks!
David Jaffe is awesome!!
Why must my wallet suffer? ;__;
Jaffe, you dominate my personal who-would-you-prefer-to-have-a-beer-with list. I mean, absolutely DOMINATE. First three spots reserved, LIVING contestants don’t even start until like 7. RIDICULOUS.
You don’t censor the Jaffe.
OT: I CANNOT wait for this game!
I almost forgot David Jaffe I have a few questions about the game that I’d like to know a little more about and to put in a few requests if they haven’t made it into the game already.
(Relating to offline and online play)
►Will we see In the 2-4 Player Offline Split-screen PlayStation Network Player Logins? Kinda like Little Big Planet 2 login screens when a player turns on a controller and choosing which Login he or she wants to use. (I would like to see this applied in the game for all Split Screen PS3 Games)
►If so can we see 2-4 Player Split-screen for Online Play? Along with the PlayStation Network Player Login also.
It would be nice if each split-screen person online status get updated to that persons PlayStation Networks Account when logged into there PSN Account with each Different Split-screen Player.
(Part 1)
Main reason why I request or like to see this applied is I hate playing a Split-screen and see a player show up on the screen and ill give example.
Player Skater_Ricky killed so and so and Player: Skater_Ricky(2) killed so and so and Player: Skater_Ricky(3) killed so and so. You get the picture David. It would be nice to see Different Names show up on the screen to feel as if you are your own person on the Battlefield.
Hope This Help for feed back David
Thanks for the hard work and cant wait to pickup my Copy on 10-04-2011 (
“10-4 good buddy ;) ”
►►PS David Jaffe do you have any plans for Pre-Order Bonus Items for GameStop? Such as DLC?
►► Also is there going to be a Collectors Edition or Special Edition or Limited Edition for picking up our Copy of the game early?
(Part 2)
i had a cb radio for a few years lol what a great release date. and if you dont know what one is watch the film convoy and you’ll get a pretty good idea.
seriously cant wait for this game.
good job jaffe.
Hey David,
I’m super psyched about Twisted Metal :-D. I remember meeting you last year at E3 and I got to talk to you for a bit and the great thing about you is that you are so enthusiastic and so genuine when it comes to your games. Playing the Demo at E3 was a blast. I decided to wait in line twice and when you heard that I decided to wait in line twice you were genuinely appreciative and excited that I was willing to wait in line a 2nd time. I hope that I can attend E3 again this year. BTW I’d like to Thank Sony again for the opportunity to go to E3 it was a week I truly won’t forget.
To be contin….
Hopefully their will be a public Beta or Demo available for Twisted Metal, but what I’d really like to see David is the re-release of the original Twisted Metal on the PSN. I mean Twisted Metal 2 is out there but we need the one that started it all out on the PSN before any of the others come out so hopefully you can get that going. Perhaps it will be released a month before the new one as a marketing tool or bundled along with pre-orders I don’t know what the marketers have in mind but I hope that it is in the cards somewhere in the near future.
Hopefully I’ll be able to go to E3 again this year and if so I’ll personally say Hi.
Keep up the Great Work
This is awesome news! Beta announcements soon? Let’s hope!
Im looking forward to playing this game. If only i could get a free copy due to the fact that it releases the day of my birthday.
Met you at E3, finally, you truly are a legend and one of my idols, Dave. I CAN’T WAIT FOR THIS!!!! PLEASE DO A COLLECTOR’S EDITION, I WANT TO GIVE YOU AS MUCH OF MY MONEY AS POSSIBLE! >:)))
TM1 is available on the EU PSN (its easy to make an account)
Came out a couple of months ago…
Heh heh, I love the video still-frame where he’s holding that action figure with that madman look in his eyes, lol. Classic.
I cannot wait for this
10 4 good buddy. i’m eagerly awaiting that date
You have my money, and my rocket launcher.
AWESOME JAFFE! I love how he made reference to… working with Sony Santa Monica Studios. His former hang-out before Eat, Sleep and Play. I love his Blogs, he’s just all over the place and totally relaxed. Its funny that ol Cliffy B. is trying to imitate his personality and how Jaffe interacts with his fans. Cliffy B. Like Microsoft just watches what everyone else is doing and follows that. I believe Cliffy B. called it, “keeping up with Pop-Culture.” Jaffe, Rock hard, dude. Looking forward to picking up Twisted Metal PS3 BRAND NEW! On launch day…. If I brought the game by your studio would you sign it for me?
Will there be a PSN demo?
Oct.4th thats my BIRTHDAY!!!! no lie
Awesome! My birthday :)
The big question I have is will it have 3D support? If it does I will buy day one, if not I will buy used later.
FINALLY!!!! some news its been a while since e3, for a sec i thought they were going 2 reveal more at e3 2011 but man!!! It was worth the wait 4 some information even though it was short.
October 4th? Happy Birthday to me!
AWESOME!! i cant wait D;
Oh man, can’t wait for this game! :D :D
I can’t wait for this game. Total Day 1 purchase.
Love you guys.
I know this is totally off-topic… but anyway… I noticed in the E3 videos that when a character dies ingame, it doesn’t scream like they did in (for instance) TM4. Thats veeeery dissappointing, I think one of the coolest things in this franchise is that charasteristic death scream! don’t you think guys? CAN’T WAITTTTTTT!
Just wanna say Thank you Jaffe and the rest at Santa Monica for bringing back my favourite franchise.
the Twisted Metal has always delivered tons of excitement for me and my friends.
We still play Black very often and it’s amazing how fantastic that game really is, along with the others offcourse (2 being my favourite)
Anyways, i’m so very excited about October 4th and the days somehow feel longer now that the official date has been set :'(!
But i’ll manage, and guess how i’ll spend my halloween this year? with my friends tearing the streets apart in TM offcourse!
All hail Jaffe. XD Twisted Metal will be a must buy!
MULTIPLAYER DEMO MULTIPLAYER DEMO MULTIPLAYER DEMO MULTIPLAYER DEMO I know it distracts from game development but it helps me get my friends to play it. maybe the mp demo can come out out after the game does
oh yeah loved u on gttv and jeff keilly too that was cool