Nearly 100,000 people have downloaded and played our “LittleBigPrius” level since it was released in early February. As you know, we asked the LittleBigPlanet community to use the objects they earned from playing our level to create their own Prius-themed levels, and the response was overwhelming.
The community has spoken, the judges have rendered a verdict, and we’re happy to announce the contest winners. Finalists, who have won a PlayStation Move Sports Champion bundle, include:
- “Prius Fights Back” by Hymanator
- “Prius Goes Hollywood” by Stephie Rawks
- “Prius Commercial” by wildbil1217
- “Driving Test” by GoodDogPhoebe
And the Grand Prize winner is… “Eco Adventure” by rhansen2!
From the main menu screen that lets you select chapters, to the level checkpoints featuring miniature versions of the windmills from our Prius level, this three-part platformer is so polished that we wondered if we had accidentally downloaded a level directly from developer Media Molecule! After some great action sequences utilizing the Grabinator and Paintinator in an outdoor environment and a futuristic Toyota factory, you’ll eventually make your way into the very heart of the gigantic Gas Hog — an evil swine robot bent on polluting Craftworld! The level works well as either a single-player or multiplayer experience, and it speaks to the Prius’s message of harmony between man, machine and the environment. Add hidden items and even an LBP-ized 3D TV for a level prize, and we think you’ll agree that “Eco Adventure” is something special. The creator, Rhansen2, has earned himself a 46” Sony Bravia 3D HDTV and a PlayStation Move hardware bundle for his effort. Congratulations!
If you haven’t done so already, download and play Eco Adventure and all the other contest winners inside LittleBigPlanet 2 today. A free dynamic theme based upon our “LittleBigPrius” level is also available for download from the PlayStation Store.
Thanks to everyone who played our level and entered the “LittleBigPrius” contest!
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