Who’s next this week on PSP? You guessed it – Doctor Who!
IDW presents the critically acclaimed Doctor Who comic book series, featuring all-new adventures of Matt Smith, the Eleventh Doctor, the 10th Doctor, David Tennant, and classics from decades past. We have no less than 36 Dr Who comics for you to try! In Agent Provocateur, the tenth doctor and Londoner sidekick Martha Jones stop oppression, darkness, and evil spreading throughout the galaxies… But someone out there has the Doctor in their sights. Classics Volume 1 features the Fourth Doctor in adventures written by renowned talents Pat Mills, John Wagner, and Dave Gibbons (Watchmen). Also available is Doctor Who’s first ongoing monthly series – with all 16 issues of Volume 1 and the first issue of Volume 2. Including Doctor travelling to 1920s Hollywood where he befriends stars and, of course, discovers an alien plot. Check out the full list below for more Dr Who goodness.
The biggest House of M story is finally revealed in Civil War: House of M (2008) – how did Magneto take over the world? Christos Gage (Thunderbolts, House of M: Avengers) and Andrea Di Vito (Annihilation) reveal how the penniless refugee rose to conquer the entire planet…
The truth is out there! Join Mulder and Scully in X-Files: Volume 1, and follow the FBI Special Agents as they confront a killer computer program, face a secret UFO crash site, get captured by survivalists, and investigate a vicious serial killer and mysterious deaths …
Here is the full list:
- 2000AD Prog # 1719
- 2000AD Prog # 1720
- Sonic The Hedgehog # 145
- Batman Beyond Vol. 2 # 7
- Batman: Black and White # 3
- Ex Machina # 36
- Ex Machina # 37
- Fables # 52
- JLA # 44
- Legends of the DC Universe # 10
- Pray for Death # 2
- Promethea # 6
- Sandman # 28
- Street Code # 4
- Superman/Batman # 55
- Supertron # 4
- Tom Strong # 6
- Wonder Woman Vol. 4 # 27
- World of Warcraft: Curse of the Worgen # 5
- Y: The Last Man # 34
- Clive Barker’s Hellraiser # 6
- Star Trek # 3
- The X-Files # 1
- The X-Files # 2
- The X-Files # 3
- The X-Files # 4
- The X-Files # 5
- The X-Files # 6
- The X-Files # 7
- Doctor Who # 101
- Doctor Who # 102
- Doctor Who # 103
- Doctor Who # 104
- Doctor Who # 105
- Doctor Who # 106
- Doctor Who # 200
- Doctor Who # 300
- Doctor Who # 301
- Doctor Who # 302
- Doctor Who # 303
- Doctor Who # 304
- Doctor Who # 305
- Doctor Who # 400
- Doctor Who # 500
- Doctor Who # 600
- Doctor Who # 700
- Doctor Who # 801
- Doctor Who # 802
- Doctor Who # 803
- Doctor Who # 804
- Doctor Who # 805
- Doctor Who # 806
- Doctor Who # 807
- Doctor Who # 808
- Doctor Who # 809
- Doctor Who # 810
- Doctor Who # 811
- Doctor Who # 812
- Doctor Who # 813
- Doctor Who # 814
- Doctor Who # 815
- Doctor Who # 816
- Doctor Who # 900
- Doctor Who # 901
- Doctor Who # BUNDLE
- Dungeons & Dragons: Dark Sun # 3
- Locke & Key: Keys to the Kingdom # 5
- Transformers 3: Movie Prequel # 201
- True Blood # 8
- The Boy Who Made Silence # 6
- Civil War: House of M (2008) # 1
- Civil War: House of M (2008) # 2
- Civil War: House of M (2008) # 3
- Civil War: House of M (2008) # 4
- Civil War: House of M (2008) # 5
- Ultimate Spider-Man (2000) # 18
- Ultimate Spider-Man (2000) # 19
- Ultimate Spider-Man (2000) # 20
- Ultimate Spider-Man (2000) # 21
- X-Factor (2005) # 3
- The Dreaming # 21
- Return to Labyrinth # 10
- Undertown # 13
- Van Von Hunter # 11
- 1001 Arabian Nights: The Adventures of Sinbad # 2
- Grimm Fairy Tales # 7
- Grimm Fairy Tales # 1000
- Return to Wonderland # 3
Please visit playstationcomics.com for prices and to see the whole catalogue.
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