Today, as a PS3 gamer, you should ask yourself only one question: where can I race a demolition derby car against my friends, build a fun house for my friends to come play in, battle monsters as a stealthy ninja, own a parrot and talk like a pirate, raise a dragon pet that poops hot coals, and ride a rainbow unicorn off into the sunset?
Starting today, the answer is Free Realms! That’s right, Sony Online Entertainment’s popular online virtual world makes its way to the PlayStation Network today and you can all play it for FREE. Free Realms is the first casual, free-to-play MMO ever to be offered on the PlayStation Network and definitely has something for everyone to play, adventure and experience.
Players can take on endless amounts of roles including ninjas, warriors, or wizards, while participating in a variety of activities such as adventuring for treasure, playing a soccer game, decorating their player house, or even entering a demolition derby! If you are seeking a totally different challenge, you can participate in minigames and quests that include decorating your player house, constructing a maze, or exploring the terrain on the back of a cool T-Rex Ride.
Much like the PC and MAC versions, Free Realms on the PS3 features the fun minigames, robust player housing system, adventure, and exploration that millions of gamers have come to love. The PS3 version adopts the console’s interactive capabilities: You can now use voice chat to communicate with your friends at the coolest dance parties and earn Trophies in combat instances or for completing collections. Be on the lookout for hidden Trophies while you’re at it!
If I’ve piqued your interest, download Free Realms for free from the PlayStation Store and immediately immerse yourself in a rich fantasy world perfect for sharing with family and friends. Join us and be a part of a whole new online gaming experience for the PlayStation 3 in a world where you rule!
This game looks more for kids (especially with the song you chose), but I will give it a shot.
GAME IS BROKEN, it wont launch… wow good job guys!!!
I am going to try again in about a hour and I am going to play Black Ops for a while. Feel free to add me!
Game is not broken!
this sucks they need to fix this now!!!!! :(
i got the update servers are unavailable for maintenance please try again in a few minutes
I got the same thing, they should be able to figure it out soon no worries.
Every time I try to download the game, the game says it is failing to connect. I’ve tried restarting my wireless network and deleting the game and redownloading. I’m convinced that either this is broken, or I was not meant to support it. Help!
There’s nothing wrong with my network Sony….how’s yours?
This is some BS….
this game better be freaking amazing if not ima be pissed that i waited 3 hours for nothing
Anyone heard anything on when there gonna fix this?
there is nothing wrong with my 50mbps connection I know I just check to make sure even though I already know there was nothing wrong
OMG what a complete [DELETED]-up this launch was… anyone have any luck PLAYING the game yet?
anytime now tic toc tic toc
guess it is back to watching anther netflix show at x-high/hd
I’m stuck on it Checking Game Assets (0%) for 10 minutes now. ><
Developers need to realize just how detrimental this crap is to their customer base. Every time I see that damn error the Free Realms images behind become saturated with HATE. At this point, the first thing I’m going to do when I get in there is punch that spikey-haired [DELETED] squirrel(?) right in the face. If I don’t delete it all in a fit of rage. I should NOT have bought the lifetime account before trying it first…. now I feel like an idiot for trusting Sony.
welI I guess they are still working out the server kinks,will try to log in mañana.
10 years later!!!
i keep getting this error MSG: unable to download game assets
now it’s checking game assets
still cant connect to this BS
No one cares about how good your connection is.
Well I’ve just wasted four 4 hours and 40 dollars on NOTHING. Thanks guys!! Always a pleasure….
Didn’t think I could have a worse day 1 experience than I did trying to install FFXIV….
It would be nice if someone from SOE would come on here and just say “were having some tech difficulties but were working on it”.
I definetly dont think this is coming out today!!! D: WHY WOULDNT THEY PREPARE ALL OF THIS LIKE LAST WEEK OR SOMETHING!!!!!!!!!!
Same problem as everyone else. Very frustrating
why sony why!!!
Oh come on guys, it’s sony/soe. The chances of them not working their hardest to get this done asap is just as low as someone getting the ps3’s source code and releas- oh…nevermind then
“Unable to download game assets. Please check your network connection and try again”. Oh Sony, can’t you do anything right? hahaha
hmm… waiting on the servers is really a bummer. 2 hours and still waiting. Hoping it will be up tonight. Anyone know if there are guilds in this game?
@Sorran: Aw, don’t let this get you down that much! They have to have it up sometime soon (even if that is tomorrow), and perhaps they’ll compensate by not counting the time the servers were down? Just think of it as that either way you’re getting what you paid for. :)
@Eagle7D8: I know, that’s what I keep checking for! Just them saying, officially, “We messed up, we’re working on getting the problem fixed now.” would make me elated.
– – –
Sony Online Entertainment: You have a huge base of people ready to kick this game off the ground! While I understand that things like this do occur unexpectedly, the one thing people hate more than anything is being kept in the dark. I’m looking forward to spending time on your successful game once everything is in order.
Anyone know if there are guilds in this game? And Agreed!!!! waiting sux!
Yea, I am getting the same message, “Unable to download game assets. Please check your network connection and try again.” Because of that message, I didn’t know it was a server error on sonys end, untill I checked here.I am Glad I did.
they can’t even make a good browser haha
still nothing. I agree though that an update would be great. being kept in the dark like we dont matter makes me more mad
finally it started
looked like it was gonna work for a sec could no launch the game
I finally got in.
I kept pushing x for retry and finally worked
@mmatrooper95 (#223)
WHAT?!?!?! it worked for you?? should I go upstairs and try it??
well I’m to tired now and it is late so I guess I will have to wait until tomorrow to play and I hope it works tomorrow
ok back to the could not launch the game message. well now i been waiting for close to 7 hours to get on this thing and im gettin pretty ticked
what you guys got in I’m getting could not launch message again
Yay, It’s up and running. See you there everyone.
im still not in. man this bites.
I’m back to the could not launch game error… :(
you guys are lucky!
yeah same here still not getting in well like I said it is late and I’m going to try tomorrow if it doesn’t work than I will reinstall it since it took less than 15mins