It’s here! March 22nd, aka the day we’ve been working so hard towards. I am pleased and proud to be able to say that PlayStation Move Heroes is complete and available today!
You can pick up your copy of this fresh new mash-up for $39.99, either from your favorite video game retailer or by simply downloading it from the PlayStation Store. If you don’t yet have a PlayStation Move, be sure to check out the exclusive bundle from Toys R Us. Retailing at $99.99, you’ll get the game, the PlayStation Eye camera, and the PlayStation Move motion controller – so basically, you’re good to go.
Our team at Nihilistic Software did a phenomenal job of putting this game together. They had a ton of fun working with the PlayStation Move, discovering new opportunities, discarding old habits, and always pushing on the possibilities that the PlayStation Move gave us for a new way of interacting with the game. Like bringing the user interface off the screen and into the player’s hand by showing the Combuster overheat on the motion controller sphere, or basing the whip on real-world whip moves. The development team took our first goal to heart: build a game from the ground up for the PlayStation Move.
No launch day would be complete without a little nostalgia for the best days we had working on the game. Here are some of our fondest memories:
- In early playtesting, one of our playtesters was a young lady who was also a dancer. She discovered that when playing a melee challenge, she could spin in a circle and get the system to recognize attacks; she played an entire challenge by spinning to attack.
- The first time we got the visuals, sound, and explosions working on the whip Super Strike, we turned up the speakers and tried it out. The big bass sound of the explosion was so… big… that it attracted people from all over the building. So we spent an hour or so just passing around the motion controller and Super Striking with the whip. Whoo, fun!
- Joe, one of our gameplay programmers, had an idea about incorporating some of the more technical features of the motion controller into the flight model of the disc. His first try took flying the disc from “Okay, this is interesting, what are we going to do with it?” to “Ho! Can you fly through that crack? Flip over and do a barrel roll? Watch out!”
All of that great stuff (and a whole lot more that I don’t have space to mention) led to some great features. Keep your eye out for some of our favorites:
- Team Strike: In each challenge, if you touch the motion controller spheres together during Team Play, you’ll trigger a one-time mega-blast that will obliterate just about everything on screen.
- Diamond Challenges: Complete all the story challenges with a gold medal, and you’ll unlock a bunch of new versions of our favorite challenges – but each one’s got a twist to make it extra hard…
- The Long Shot: Timer running out in a disc or ball challenge? Go ahead and throw – you’ll get to keep playing until your projectile is destroyed, even if you run out of time.
We have enjoyed making this game so much, and we hope that you will enjoy playing it just as much. We’d love to hear about your favorite features and moments, so drop us a comment!
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