We’re excited to announce that Chime Super Deluxe will be released and available to download from the PlayStation Store on 29th of March in the US. We can’t wait! In the meantime, I would like to tell you a little more about what Super Chime Deluxe has in store for you.
To play the game, you have to place down irregular-shaped blocks one at a time on the grid, fit them together 3 X 3 or more and you will build a quad. The quads score you points and this creates coverage, which fills the grid. The challenge is to fill the grid before the time runs out. This core rule set alongside multipliers, time bonuses, block fragment crashes and more create an addictive and mesmerising strategic experience.
But where does the music come in? Each block you place plays a note, and a different note depending on where it is placed. Every quad you create plays a longer musical phrase depending on the size and shape of it. The backing track is driven forward depending on how much coverage you have. The composition of the music is therefore remixed by you as you play.
When you hit 100% grid coverage, clearing and resetting the grid, you are rewarded with a brand new grid to play. This is one of the ways we have adjusted and improved the difficulty curve of the game. There are five of these to master on each level and each one is more fiendish than the last!
“Perfect quads” have also been introduced. If you create a quad and leave no fragments behind you get a bonus added to your multiplier. We’ve also rebalanced the scoring and balanced the game so you can play for speed and get extra points from the 100% coverage bonus or you can play neatly and be rewarded with huge multipliers.
The Look
Although we loved the look of the original Chime we didn’t feel it was sharp enough for PlayStation Network and wanted to create something more elegant. We decided upon a glassy and semi-translucent finish to the blocks and we have also added a hypnotic set of grid colours, lighting, effects and background videos.
Game Modes
Chime Super Deluxe also sees us introduce four-player, offline multiplayer modes for the first time. We have developed a Co-op Mode allowing players to make music together and play collaboratively and a Versus Mode brings another fresh dynamic to the game play experience.
The Co-op Mode is perfect for those late night sessions with friends and tasks players to crack their high scores together. The Versus Mode is a particular favourite of mine as players work against each other by stealing quads and destroying each other’s coverage. The aim is to cover the grid with your colour against a backdrop of backstabbing, musical harmony and visual chaos!
The Artists
For Chime Super Deluxe we wanted to work closely with the artists to create music designed for the game and we are thrilled to reveal the remaining line-up of brand new artists to accompany those already announced. The artists and their never-before-heard tracks include:
- “Play With You” – 8-Bit and Chip Tune specialist, Sabrepulse
- “Tender Hooks “ – World renown electronica duo, Plaid
- “The Looping Song” – Beatboxer extraordinaire and World Loopstation Champion, Shlomo
Shlomo. Photo by Gabrielle Motola
The Zoë Mode studio has also contributed music to the game with tracks, “Machine Dream” from Nathan McCree, the guy behind the music in Tomb Raider and an orchestral piece, “Sympathy”, from Joe Hogan, completes the line up.
That’s it! There’s not long to wait now until the end of the month and we hope you are looking forward to getting your hands on the game and are ready to sample Chime Super Deluxe for yourselves! In the meantime if you wish to know a bit more, here is artist Sabrepulse describing his experiences with the game.
For the latest news on Chime Super Deluxe, please be sure to visit the website and join the Chime newsletter. Join the community on our Facebook page or follow the Zoe Mode studio on Twitter.
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