This Thursday, March 17th, the makers of Xi unveil their newest game experience in PlayStation Home. Enter Aurora – a mysterious archipelago of floating islands where players can take part in games such as OrbRunner, gaining XP and unlocking special rewards by defending the isles from enemies. Available this week from the PlayStation Home Navigator, Aurora is a unique game world full of challenges and secrets to uncover that will evolve over time with new features, characters, games, and narrative. Check out this video for a sneak peek at this awesome new space!
To commemorate the release of Top Spin 4, 2K releases a collection of tennis-themed clothing items (as well as the 8-Bit Tennis Buddy companion). Show the world that you can swing like the pros with these new Top Spin 4 items, available this Thursday in the PlayStation Home Mall!
Speaking of awesome new games, Konami serves up a slew of clothing and furniture items pulled straight the recently-released Hard Corps: Uprising, now available on the PlayStation Network. Join the Union Tribe by grabbing the Bahamut or Krystal costume sets, UT t-shirt, and furniture items for your apartment.
Lockwood Publishing brings a huge update to the Sodium store this week with two new virtual item ranges – Iron Fusion and Cucumber. Cucumber is a line of home furnishings that range from the bold and modern to more traditional styles. In contrast, Iron Fusion will bring you the latest in cybernetic fashion with the Menace, Fractal and Rosko Full Body Suits.
Drinkbox Studios brings more About a Blob clothing items to PlayStation Home this week. Check ‘em out!
Dragon’s Lair fans rejoice! Finally, you can add Singe, the evil dragon, or even your very own Giddy Goon to your collection of companions. Pick these awesome new items up from the Exclusives store in the PlayStation Home Mall this Thursday.
The one-and-only PlayStation Home Community Theater receives a huge update this week with new episodes of the Gamer Indepth videocast and the Hip Hop Gamer show. Visit the PlayStation Home Theater this Thursday to watch Homeboy79, SoAmped, Meesh and ChronosViper bring you the latest news from the PlayStation Home Community in Gamer Indepth’s ShoutOuts and catch HHG as he takes a look at Brink, the upcoming FPS from Splash Damage and Bethesda Softworks.
In other Theater-related news, one of America’s coolest film festivals is coming to PlayStation Home this Thursday, March 17th. Created in 2007 to celebrate the creative potential of disposable video (short films made on everyday equipment like cell phones and pocket cameras), the Disposable Film Festival hosts regular screenings, competitions, and other events to showcase the best work within the genre. Be sure to visit the PlayStation Home Theater starting this Thursday to watch videos from the finalists of the 2010 Disposable Film Festival and then come back next Thursday, March 24th, to check out the top entries for 2011 – the same evening as the live event held at the world famous Castro Theater in San Francisco!
See you in Home!
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