Some of the biggest franchises ever to hit PlayStation have had caused quite a buzz over the last few months. Gran Turismo 5 and Killzone 3 are both runaway successes. And with anticipation building for inFAMOUS 2, we’ve been hard at work looking for ways to help up the ante in your AAA action.
That’s why we’ve joined forces with Edge and Schick to help you get more of an edge in your life and your gameplay. This week, special edition Edge Shave Gel and Schick Quatro products are hitting store shelves nationwide. These custom Killzone 3, Gran Turismo 5 and inFAMOUS 2 packages are more than just collector’s items. Enter the on-pack code at edgeshave.com/ps3 and get your hands on your choice of downloadable content including:
- A Killzone 3 Retro Map Pack featuring two popular maps from Killzone 2 OR three Unlock Points to use on the weapon or ability of your choice
- A customized Chevy Camaro SS “Edge Special” for Gran Turismo 5
- A special “Sniper Blast” in-game power for inFAMOUS 2. The long-range blast has a narrow area of effect to better equip you to take-on the enemy when inFAMOUS 2 arrives in June.
Gran Turismo 5: Chevy Camaro SS “Edge Special”
inFAMOUS 2: In game power: Sniper Blast
Killzone 3: Retro Map Pack OR Unlock Points
These special edition Edge and Schick products are available beginning today at select local retailers. You can head here for additional details.
My code is not working for me. I entered my code on the Schick/edge website like I was supposed, entered in my info as well and got an email with the PSN Voucher Code to DL one of the four choices, I chose the KZ3 Retro Map Pack. I entered in the Voucher Code on the PSN Store and it says its invalid. Can anyone help me?
This sucks! I purchased a freaking razor with the code and used it, got an e-mail with the PSN Voucher Code, and it didn’t work, then I e-mailed Sony, a rep. responded back and told me there was nothing they can do about it cause it was a scam… Nice one Sony. You guys always know how to make something “to good to be true”. Its just ridiculous.
Bought a razor. Plan on saving the code I got in the email for inFamous 2 until the game actually comes out (is that what we’re supposed to do?).
Anyway, does anyone else think it’s kind of risky to have the UPC code be what you need to type in from the Shaving cream containers? An early commenter had mentioned that someone who knows what’s up with the UPC code could easily just write down the code and not buy the cream. Then when someone actually does buy that container of Edge, their code doesn’t work and they have no idea why. Doesn’t seem secure enough to me. With the razor, you have to make your way through that obnoxious plastic packaging to get to not only the razor itself, but the small packet of paper that contains the code. That’s a much better way of doing things. Maybe the special Edge containers could have been packaged with perforated plastic with a sealed pouch containing a similar small paper packet? An idea for next time.
Hey leo9891,
I was having the same issue and neither Sony or Edge ever got back to me on my issue. I searched the net and found that there are a lot of forums out there offering other kinds of ‘help’ that made it so that I could finally get my code and the others as well.
Personally, I’m a little ticked off by this. I bought the shaving cream – which sucked. I bought the razor – which sucked even more (makes me love my Mach3 razor even more!) just for these codes that don’t work. I get no help and response from Sony or Edge.
Hopefully the next promo’s like this are better thought out. I’m too much of a PS fanboy to make me take anything away from Sony, but I’ll definitely never buy another Edge product again.