Some of the biggest franchises ever to hit PlayStation have had caused quite a buzz over the last few months. Gran Turismo 5 and Killzone 3 are both runaway successes. And with anticipation building for inFAMOUS 2, we’ve been hard at work looking for ways to help up the ante in your AAA action.
That’s why we’ve joined forces with Edge and Schick to help you get more of an edge in your life and your gameplay. This week, special edition Edge Shave Gel and Schick Quatro products are hitting store shelves nationwide. These custom Killzone 3, Gran Turismo 5 and inFAMOUS 2 packages are more than just collector’s items. Enter the on-pack code at edgeshave.com/ps3 and get your hands on your choice of downloadable content including:
- A Killzone 3 Retro Map Pack featuring two popular maps from Killzone 2 OR three Unlock Points to use on the weapon or ability of your choice
- A customized Chevy Camaro SS “Edge Special” for Gran Turismo 5
- A special “Sniper Blast” in-game power for inFAMOUS 2. The long-range blast has a narrow area of effect to better equip you to take-on the enemy when inFAMOUS 2 arrives in June.
Gran Turismo 5: Chevy Camaro SS “Edge Special”
inFAMOUS 2: In game power: Sniper Blast
Killzone 3: Retro Map Pack OR Unlock Points
These special edition Edge and Schick products are available beginning today at select local retailers. You can head here for additional details.
I been meaning to shave now I think I will hehehehehehehe
Maybe you could include codes for PlayStation Home clothing inside packages of toilet paper next?
blast my need to grow a beard!!!
Will this offer be coming to Canada??? And when is PS Rewards coming to Canada, I’m tired of waiting!!!
This is Friggin’ Sweet
Awwww now I have no excuse to not shave.
No thanks, I like my current shaver, and I can live with one less power in Infamous 2 especially since it will probably be available on the store for everyone later. Cool promotion though.
moar GT5 cars plz!!
So it’s not enough to have retailer exclusive DLC, DLC out before the game even is, and $100+ “limited” edition DLC, now you also want people to go out and buy completely unrelated products as well? Give me a break. *reads comments* Or not. The “gamers” of today will bend over for anything apparently.
Loving these recent marketing approaches. I love collected limited edition game stuff. Ill be picking up another razor and some gel, I could use it anyways! Keep up the good work Sony! No one can touch you this year!
@megamixer. hmm no one is forcing you buy them. Personally I could use shaving gel and a razor. Who doesn’t use a razor? Why not get a little extra perk for buying something you need?
Pretty cool. Never really found much use for the Camaro SS in GT5, but I like to collect cars, so I’ll probably get it anyway.
Reply ASAP please? Leaving in 2 hours to pick it up, going on vacation all week. At what “select retailers” exactly will these be available at?
Sorry for the delay- these will be available in certain Target, CVS, Walgreen’s, and Walmart locations.
I have to shave to DLC. So each hair now has a price hahah
Please don’t use that word. It stings my ears even reading it. :(
I have no problem picking up say, happy meals, for cute little game-related trinkets because they’re just that. Trinkets. They don’t affect the game in any way. DLC or as the PS Store puts it “Add-On”‘s don’t deserve such titles when it comes to things like this. Not even microtransactions fits. Macrotransactions maybe? Whatever it is, this kind of junk infecting real world products is garbage. But hey, I’m sure Sony is happy to see plenty of bots happily shilling… er, selling out… um, I mean shelling out for this kind of thing. :)
Next up: paying for air! Breathing is SO overrated anyway.
I need a shave anyways, I’m in!!! 8P 8)
You guys should have been doing promotions like these.
I got a code from the website for 3 unlock points but PSN says the code is invalid. Any ideas on why?
Hold on to that code! Working on that issue right now.
All set now! Thanks for your patience.
Nice Promotion indeed cant wait to get my ps3 back from service so i can shave and play gt5
Get your Portable ID!
I usually don’t use shaving cream but that camarro looks great so I guess I start using it now.
Nice promotion, is it available in Canada too?
What will happen to other countries? I mean, I’m from Chile, and I have been a PS3 supporter since the ’06, we don’t get this content at all?
U.S. only…
Thanks for another great promotion. My clan already utilizes the Slurpee KZ3 promotion to reward its members for activity and outstanding performance in the field, and now we have another option to grab codes.
@#20 luciFOUR
Actually, for the Edge Shaving Cream, the UPC Bar Code Number on the back of the canister is the code. Trust Me, I should know. I did it this morning and the car is now in my GT5 Garage.
Awesome! I want the infamous one XD
I’m a total sucker for this kind of stuff. Definitely WANT that camaro! Go Sony, love it when you team up with other companies! <3
Well now i have a reason to shave
Are the codes universal? As in I can buy any product and pick any prize? Or are the prizes stipulated to each product?
Alright i will check my local KMART.
Thats what im talkin about! This is also a reminder that i need to preorder the hero edition.
yeah uhh thanks for your input mega … however . maybe others do see value . it’s completly all right that you don’t … but the resolution for you is simple.. don’t participate . just sayin …. and pointing out the irony of somebodies “if you value things i do not then YOUR THE SHEEP ” Philosophy … a double standard at best .
Thanks…I swung by CVS but they had none, so I went to Walmart and they had plenty. The UPC code was what was needed. Awesome crossover promotion and now I gots a face as smoove as a baby’s bum.
Umm, I can’t even get the codes to work, I’m not even able to register on: http://edgeshave.com/default.aspx#!/ps3Giveaway/register There doesn’t seem to be a “submit” button after I’ve filled in my info in the fields, I did everything I’m supposed to do, I even checked the necessary e-mail third party offers, product news and promotions??? I went to the store and bought the Edge Shave Gel Killzone 3 can just so I can get the 2 maps and their link/site where I’m supposed to register and input the codes aren’t working for me, what’s up with that???
Canada definitely wants this stuff!! I reordered Killzone 3, but still didn’t get the retro map pack, so that, some KZ3 unlock points, and the inFAMOUS 2 Sniper Blast would be awesome!
I guess its a good thing I need to buy more shaving gel… Is it sad if I buy all 3?
Man, so I have to get the inFamous 2 promo because it’s not in the Hero Edition. I’m going to get the GT5 car but the Killzone 3 stuff isn’t worth the effort when 7/11 still has their offers going on, now even offering Double XP and stacked skill points.
I like it when I don’t have to go to a specific retailer to get special bonus, esp the pre-order one.
I will be checking out near by CVS tomorrow :)
To any Canadian out there, the UPC is universal, so anyone with it can get a voucher code.
Can I order this from US to Russia?
I’m not a fan of all this Infamous powers DLC that’s being given away in this stuff or preorder bonuses.
It’s removing too much of the in game content
that stuff would b awesome if I had hair to shave lol turn 30yrs old friday n i can honestly say that i have never owned a razor or shaving cream….
I went to Wal-Mart and bought the Limited Edition Killzone 3 Edge Shave Gel just so I can get the 2 maps and the link/site where I’m supposed to register and input the codes isn’t working for me? I can’t get the codes to work, I’m not able to register on: http://edgeshave.com/default.aspx#!/ps3Giveaway/register There doesn’t seem to be a “submit” button after I’ve filled in all the necessary info in the fields, I did everything I’m supposed to do, I even checked the necessary e-mail third party offers, product news and promotions??? I noticed the “submit” button is cropped out of reach so that I can click it; it’s glitched out even when I refresh the page. I NEED A RESPONSE ASAP
Hey there- Are you still getting the same problem or have you been able to register? That submit button should be fully functioning, so let me know if you are still having problems and we’ll get it solved for you.
I already have Infamous 2 hero edition preordered and set to arrive on its release date to my door….. it literally makes me itch with anticipation to be able to create missions…… and I needed a shave! so I bought some gel and another razor …. and on top of that, subway is where i eat everyday…. already won myself the Kessler skin… which i could get all the extra content there too…. I think the cross promotions have been used very well with Infamous 2 and I look forward to more! Keep em coming Sony! And if you could put in a good word for me (haha), I have registered to (hopefully) have access to the Infamous 2 beta in April…. Those developers at Sucker Punch are awesome!
wow so many goodies!!! i am definitely picking this.
@JT Pierce
I finally got it working, I had to press tab to get to the submit button, all is good now.
So I already have three bottles of Edge Shaving Gel in my cupboard, but of course I had to go out and buy another one to get in on this action.
However, once I got home and entered the UPC code, the page timed out and I had to start over. Now I keep getting an error that my code is invalid. The can doesn’t have the PS3 graphics on it, but the lid has a sticker saying ‘BONUS – DOWNLOADABLE CONTENT’ so I figured I should be good.
Can someone please help me with this? I don’t want to miss out on the Infamous 2 DLC.
Thanks in advance!
If it helps, here is the error message I am getting:
“The promotional code you entered is not valid. Please re-enter it.”
I have tried every combination of the UPC code I can think of. With/without spaces, with ALL numbers/with only the large group of number, and even using the number off of my Wal-Mart receipt. Nothing is doing the trick.
Can someone please help out with this? I just went and exchanged my can for one with the special graphics on the can and entered the UPC in and it is STILL telling me that the code is invalid.
Has anyone else had this problem? Any solutions besides going postal in the mens care section of Wal-Mart and covering the isles in fresh scent gel?