I still remember when I first played the original Ratchet & Clank, way back at E3 2001. A few days later, safely back at the office, the entire team (at a previous incarnation of Official PlayStation Magazine) was chattering away about their favorites from the big show.
“Hands down, Ratchet & Clank,” I declared. The others weren’t yet convinced, including one of my fellow editors who happened to adore the Spyro series (as I did too). Even he wondered at my enthusiasm for this still-unproven PS2 adventure platformer.
Then I popped the demo into a PS2 and walked everyone through why I loved the game. Bang! It was love at first firefight, and from then on, the franchise has been a favorite among PlayStation magazine staffs for the past decade. All of which is a long way of saying we heart Ratchet & Clank – and we’re proud to reveal our April issue cover, with the fuzzy lombax and his diminutive robot pal in their full glory.
It’s a great feature about a winning game. We dove deep into this new co-op adventure, taking turns playing as Ratchet, Clank, Captain Qwark and Doctor Nefarious, and we came away impressed. Be sure to pick up the issue to find out why this might be the ultimate in four-player fun.
Also inside the April issue: My hands-on report with NGP. I got a rare opportunity to touch, grab, trace, push and pull the system, and the April issue includes in-depth impressions you won’t find anywhere else. The winner of the next-gen portable wars? For me, that’s easy: NGP!
Rounding up the stellar issue: a six-page feature on Dark Souls, the spiritual successor to hardcore sleeper hit Demon’s Souls. New secrets revealed about The Last Guardian. A massive playtest with SOCOM 4. Our final verdict on Dragon Age II. And all the other reviews, previews and news we can fit into our glossy pages, wrapped up in a gorgeous cover, on newsstands March 15.
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