Awesome news guys! The developers of Bulletstorm will be playing Anarchy Mode online on March 12th and we want to play with you. Developers from both People Can Fly and Epic (including me!) will be playing with the fans for a few hours to Kill With Skill. Anarchy Mode is all about killing hordes of enemies as creatively as possible while working as a team. Teamwork is required if you’re going to score super high! From what we’ve heard so far, people really seem to dig Anarchy Mode because it breathes some fresh air into cooperative play online.
Epic Games will handle the North American event to be hosted at 12:00pm to 3pm Pacific Time (3:00pm to 6:00pm Eastern Time) on Saturday, March 12th. We’re super thrilled over this opportunity to get to play with fans!
To sign up, just add our PSN IDs (above) to your friends list and we’ll invite people to games or accept invites from you. A full list of all the account names will be available on Bulletstorm.com shortly, so look there and add as many as you wish. It’ll all work out. During our play session, we’ll do our best to play with as many people as possible!
As a warm-up, I’ll give you a quick run-through on how Anarchy Mode works. You play in a team of one to four players as a bunch of enemies attack you. You have to survive and kill them all, but also earn enough Skillpoints to pass on to the next wave. Every wave have a set of points required, which will increase for every wave. As mentioned, between waves you get time to buy new gear and upgrades! If you kill everyone but don’t get enough Skillpoints you can try again, but you will not get to the next wave until you hit the required quota.
Teamwork becomes a must after a while to get enough points. Helping out with the Skillshots will give you A LOT more points. For example, two players can leash the same enemy at the same time, tearing him apart (haha!) to get a Team-exclusive Skillshot. Or one guy can kick the enemy and then someone else can shoot and kill him while he’s in the air. This way, both players will get points.
So there you have it. This Saturday from 12:00pm to 3pm Pacific Time, one player will slide into an enemy making him airborne, I will Flail him, someone else will set him on fire, and then you will use the Boneduster shotgun to send his sorry ass into the spikes of cactus! Deal? I hope to see a gazillion players online in Bulletstorm! I hope to see YOU.
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