Every time we announce that we’re inviting you fine fans to a PlayStation meetup, we hear back from you, loud and clear: “Why don’t you come to [some city that we aren’t in]?” Many such requests come to us from the great state of Texas, which is understandable, as we’ve never held an event there. That ends this weekend; we’re bringing the show to Austin.
We’ve rented out a building on the corner of 2nd and Trinity, and we’re converting it to the PlayStation Lounge for SXSW Interactive. We’ll be bringing a lot of unreleased games to show to media during the day. But why let them have all the fun?
So, because sources tell me that things are, indeed, bigger in Texas – we’re holding not one, but two meetups this weekend!
So don’t make any plans for this Friday or Sunday evening, as we’re dying to give you a chance to play Ratchet & Clank All 4 One & Resistance 3, and SOCOM 4, respectively. We’ll also be bringing some great prizes to give out. Attendance is free, as are the refreshments, and you *don’t* need a SXSW badge to join us.
Here’s everything you need to know:
Friday, March 11th 5-8pm (Ratchet & Clank All 4 One and Resistance 3)
Sunday, March 13th 4-7pm (SOCOM 4)
PlayStation Lounge
333 East 2nd St, Austin, TX 78701
You, as long as you’re 18 or older. Bring your ID!
RSVP here (must be 18+) for Ratchet & Clank All 4 One / Resistance 3 and RSVP here for SOCOM 4; you’re welcome to attend both.
We expect big things from our first Texas meetup, and we hope to see you there!
Holler below with any questions.
There’s one dude in that picture who must be at least 50, dressed like he’s 25. The man has nerve, I’ll give him that.
Will there be a Comic Con/San Diego meet-up this summer? Perhaps one that doesn’t require a Comic Con badge (like this one). :D
Dang, I would love to go to this, but I hate having to navigate the crowds of SXSW, not to mention parking :(. Any chance of y’all making it back down for GDC Austin (woops, I mean GDC Online)?
i just moved from austin last year!!! what and sxsw moving to houstin? i dont think this will ever happen but anyways there is a NxNw its in portland oregon not quite as big but its getting there!
man wish i still lived there so i could get my socom dose in
Can we still attend either event without RSVPing…I don’t have a facebook so I can’t???
be there
I’ll be there representing TheRealSOCOM.com. Can’t wait to see you all there!
I live in Dallas and I’m still going to Austin. A chance to see Resistance 3 in action and Socom 4! I’ll be there regardless of the drive. Hopefully I can win something down there.
I hope to be there!
Very cool!! I hope I can make it. Loved the one in SF last Monday!
Hey guys can you tell me the name of the building where it will be at? Is it Fuego’s Bar?
Austin, Texas baby. Home of SXSW, ACL, LIVE MUSIC CAPITAL of the WORLD & THE Texas Longhorns. Will def be there. Playstation rules, Xbunk sucks the big one.lol
see yall there!!!!!
Is RSVP required or can we just show up?
Me and a colleague of mine will be there representing thesonygeniuses.com. See ya all there.
I live 10 minutes away and yes i will be going with a couple of clan members. This is great i have never been to a Playstation event since they never come to Austin. The music capitol of the world. hookem horns.
This is awesome Playstation.
Xbox had a SXSW meetup last year that was quite fun and introduced many of us to the awesome LIMBO.
I am up north right now, but I will be heading back into town later this evening to make it to this meetup.
Thanks again Sony.
Is that a pic of Amped from the Tester season 1 sitting down in those photos of the God of War 3 meetup?
Thanks for coming down to Austin! Had an awesome time this evening!
I was there, it was epic. Resistance 8 v 8 killzone 3 giveaway and ps3 giveaway, I even saw someone playing inFAMOUS 2 before it was changed. Epic ill be at Socom 4 Sunday!!!!!
Man… when I saw coming to Texas I was just thinking and hoping, Dallas… Jerry World… Cowboys Stadium… then I see Austin… and I see it today, I probably could drive and make it there by 4pm… but… thats a lot of gas for the Eddie B lol