You know you’ve sang it, heard it, maybe even yelled it – the Happy Birthday song with the added “Cha Cha Cha” in-between the lyrics. Well. there’s been several instances around here where we’ve been singing the tune at the top of our lungs…
LittleBigPodcast turns 2!
We can’t believe our friends over at LittleBigPodcast are turning two! To celebrate, they’re about to release their 95th episode with a very special guest appearance by the team at Media Molecule. Check out the latest podcast and celebrate with us. Daniel and Austin: You guys rock! ..Cha Cha Cha…
LittleBigLand Unveils its Holiday Create Pack 2010
With the holidays around the corner, LittleBigLand is kicking off the celebrations with their release of a bunch of SHAREABLE holiday object goodness. Get online and be sure to play this awesome level by april2011, Dr. Pepper, Killer_Sackman, Poison_Samurai and Argetlam350 (aka The LBL Creators Club).
On the PlayStation Store
Birthday Cake for everyone!
Hurry and head to the PlayStation Store to download the limited edition Birthday Cake costume as we celebrate LittleBigPlanet turning 2. I’ll only be available for one week…Cha Cha Cha!
LBP and LBP2 goodness on the PlayStation Store in December
We’re sure you saw yesterday’s post on the upcoming Sackboy playables on the PlayStation Store. With the demo expanding, Sackboy’s Prehistoric Moves and the downloadable LBP2 Story Demo coming soon, we’re glad you’ll have some quality Sackboy time over the holidays.
LittleBigBloggies at PAX Finale!
For all you CREATE fans, we just finalized the last two Bloggies from PAX 2010. Check out these two games made in LittleBigPlanet 2 while on the show floor. Kudos to our Community Creators for coming out and showing us how its done.
…what’s a few celebrations with out cake, cookies and…glass statues?
…Cha Cha Cha…
Happy Birthday LBP!
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