PlayStation Home Updates Core Client to Version 1.4

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Hey everyone!

Great news: On Thursday, November 11th, PlayStation Home will update to version 1.4. This update to the core client will have an enormous impact on users and developers alike, as it is literally jam-packed with new and revised features. A full list of these features will be posted next week, but before the weekend hits I wanted to hop in here and give you all a sneak peek at some of the exciting new features that will be coming with this update.

PlayStation Home Logo

Grouping and Voice Chat
That’s right – voice chat is coming back! With version 1.4 you will be able to form a “Group” with up to 8 people and chat with one another in both public and personal spaces. The best part is that these groups will have dedicated voice and text chat channels that allow you to speak to members of your group regardless of where each of you may be located in-world! New voice and chat channels will also be made available for clubs, making communication with other members of your club much easier.

Wardrobe Improvements
Alongside improved voice chat, many of you have asked for additional inventory/wardrobe management features. Our development team has taken your requests very seriously and have instituted sweeping improvements, including:

  • You will now have the ability to mark items as “Favorites” – making commonly-used items much easier to relocate.
  • Newly-acquired items (along with categories that contain new items) will be marked accordingly.
  • Options for filtering and sorting items have been added, giving you greater control over which items you see and how they are displayed.

There is also a new “Storage” section that will be added to your wardrobe so you can store away items that you do not regularly use. For those with a lot of items in their wardrobe, placing items into storage will result in your wardrobe loading faster, and will make it easier for you to browse your main wardrobe. This system is very flexible and allows you to quickly restore items to your main wardrobe when you need them.

While these are some of the most important changes associated with version 1.4, this does not represent the entire scope of the update. Trust me – we have tons of cool stuff in store for you next week ;) Stay tuned to this blog for a more in-depth list of all the awesome features and improvements coming your way next Thursday.

See you in Home!

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