Yesterday marked the 10-year anniversary of the PlayStation 2 in North America, so we thought it would be fun to ask a few high-profile game developers and journalists to name their top three “must play” PS2 games. Word quickly spread, the project swelled in scope, and the result is what you see here — a definitive list of “must-play” PS2 games by some of the greatest living game developers in the business.
A few quick numbers: Ico earned the most mentions at six, while Grand Theft Auto III and Shadow of the Colossus tied with five mentions. Gran Turismo 3: A-Spec, God of War, Okami, and Katamari Damacy were also popular picks.
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Cliff BleszinskiDesign Director, Epic Games (Twitter: @therealcliffyb)
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Ed BoonCreative Director, NetherRealm Studios (@noobde)
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Scott CampbellCo-Founder and Co-director, Eat Sleep Play
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David CageCo-CEO, Quantic Dream
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Alex EvansTechnical Director, Media Molecule (@LittleBigPlanet)
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Chet FaliszekWriter, Valve Software
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Nate FoxGame Director, Sucker Punch Productions (@SuckerPunchProd)
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Tasha HarrisProject Lead, Double Fine Productions (@tashascomic)
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Todd HowardGame Director, Bethesda Game Studios (@BethBlog)
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Hermen HulstCo-founder and Managing Director, Guerrilla Games
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David JaffeCo-Founder and Co-director, Eat Sleep Play (@davidscottjaffe)
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Ken LevineCreative Director, Irrational Games (@IGLevine)
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Steve PapoutsisExecutive Producer, Visceral Games (@leveluptime)
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Ted PriceFounder and CEO, Insomniac Games (@InsomniacGames)
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Tim SchaferPresident and CEO, Double Fine Productions (@TimofLegend)
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Warren SpectorCreative Director, Disney Interactive Studios
*Note: These are excerpts of Warren’s full responses, which you can read at the bottom of this post. Please do: As always, Warren is brimming with passion and insight into the art of great game making. |
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Evan WellsCo-President, Naughty Dog (@naughty_dog)
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Tim WillitsCreative Director, id Software
Press & Community
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Dan “Shoe” HsuCo-Founder and Editor, (@bitmobshoe)
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Ben KucheraGaming Editor, Ars Technica (@benkuchera)
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Greg MillerExecutive Editor, (@GameOverGreggy)
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Gary SteinmanEditor in Chief, PlayStation: The Official Magazine (@tinymanrages)
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Ricardo TorresEditor in Chief, GameSpot
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Sid ShumanSenior Social Media Specialist, PlayStation (@sidshuman)
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Rey GutierrezSenior Social Media Specialist, PlayStation (@r3yguti3rr3z)
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Jeff RubensteinSocial Media Manager, PlayStation (@jeffrubenstein)
*Appendix: Warren Spector’s Full Comments So what is it that makes Ico great? It’s the characters, and, more importantly, their relationship to one another. And even MORE important than that is the relationship the PLAYER has with those characters – the boy in the horned helm you play and the girl that boy has to protect. The first time your character holds hands with that girl who needs protecting, you feel something never before felt in a game. It’s an almost indescribable feeling born of the power of touching, even virtually, another person. The fact that the girl is weak and slow, the fact that you have to wait for her, putting yourself in peril?… That’s design genius, friends. And then, toward the end when there’s a magic moment of role reversal? That’s when I knew I’d played one of the best games I would ever play. If you haven’t played it do so. Now. It takes, like six hours to get through, so no excuses. Beg, borrow or steal a copy and get ready to FEEL something as you play – and that’s a statement that can’t be made about many games, sadly. 2. Ratchet & Clank – I’ve always found the Ratchet & Clank series oddly inspirational. I don’t typically make games like them and don’t really love playing them as a rule. They’re action adventures, mostly, I guess. But I think what I love about them is the way they defy genre definitions. They feature RPG-ish character development and action-adventure story and puzzle-solving. Plus there’s some platforming. (If that sounds a little like Disney Epic Mickey, that’s no accident.) And beyond gameplay, the character designs of Ratchet, Clank and the rest of the cast are on par with anything Hollywood has ever put on the silver screen. The list of good things goes on: The writing, animation and cinematics work are all first rate. These games are fun to play, witty to watch and just fine entertainment. Now, for my money, the series has gone from good to even better with each installment. But the core goodness was all there in the PS2 entry in the series. I’ve been more influenced by these games than I like to admit. Gotta have a place on my list. 3. Grand Theft Auto III – I’ve gone on record – somewhat foolishly, I admit – as being annoyed with the GTA games. But I’ve always tried to be clear that while the CONTENT makes me feel this way, I’m in awe of the DESIGN thinking behind GTA. And I’ll be damned if the level of execution doesn’t match the conceptual brilliance. I’m a huge believer in the idea that games should be vehicles (pardon the pun) for player expression. The groundbreaking, open world, freeform, sandbox gameplay of GTA (with a story thrown in for good measure) takes that idea – that games are about the PLAYER’S creativity as much as, or more than the designer’s creativity – to ridiculous heights. I still don’t quite get how Rockstar pulled this off on a PS2! |
You guys should look at these lists as directions for more HD colections. For instance:
1)Dark Cloud 1&2
4)Silent Hill 2,3,4,
6)Clover-Okami,Godhand,&Viewtiful Joe
7)DMC 1,2,3
8)MGS Twin Snakes?,2,3
9)Persona 3,4
10)Resident Evil 4,Zero?,Code Veronica
so many people forgot about socom
1)Final Fantasy XI
2)Final Fantasy XII
3)Shadow of the Colossus
4)Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence
5)Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner
So does Warren Spector here hint at Epic Mickey on PS3? :3
1. Twisted Metal Black
2. Final Fantasy X
3. Amplitude
1) Metal Gear Solid 2
2) FFX
4)Deus EX: The Conspiracy
5)Red Faction
I’m kind of curious what the devs at Rockstar would pick…considering more than half the people on here list a GTA game as one of their favorites.
There are far too many for me to list, so I’ll list my favorites.
1) Kingdom Hearts 1 & 2
2) Ratchet & Clank (all)
3) Okami
4) Burnout (3 & Revenge)
5) Final Fantasy X, X-2, XII
I would LOVE to see these games get released in a PS3 collection!
My top 3 are,
1. GTA San Andreas
2. GTA Vice City
3. Gran Turismo 4
1. MGS3: Snake Eater
2. Devil May Cry 1 & 3
3. Resident Evil 4
Really cool article!
1. ICO
2. G-d of War 2
3. Shadow of the Colossus
Honorable Mentions: Metal Gear Solid 2, Gran Turismo 3: A-Spec
I’m going to have to get Costume Quest since Tasha Harris and Tim Schafer listed the 5 games I spent the most time playing on the PS2.
Frequency, FFXI, Katamari series and Okami
all great games
I’ll pick up Costume Quest tonight since you two have such great taste in games.
Why even bother asking Cliff B? Guys a total “DB”.
Where’s Hideo ;)
Great blog post!
i also want to shine some light on a game called kill.switch
Hard to pick just 3 but I’ll try.
1) Kingdom Hearts (series)
2) Persona 4
3) SMT: DS: RK vs KA
What can I say I’m a huge RPG fan…
1.DMC 3- as much as i loved the original, this game made me ignore God Of War for a good year after it’s release.
2.WWE Smackdown!: Here Comes The Pain- Last greatest roster ever.
3.Killer 7- although i played this on the Gamecube, i chose this because Suda51 is the reason why i am the gamer i am today. Punk Ain’t Dead!
1- Gran Turismo 3 – 4
2- Ratchet & Clank / Jak & Daxter (Series)
3- Shadow of the Colossus
I don’t think I can narrow it down to 3…
In no particular order:
1) SoTC
2) Champions
3) GTA: San Andreas
4) GT series
5) GoW Series
6) Dragon Quest VIII
Thanks to this post I have now pre-ordered my copy of the Ico SoTC collection. Thanks for reminding me!
Metal Gear Solid 3
Metal Gear Solid 2
Way of the Samurai
1) Ratchet & Clank: Going Commando (HD Collection please!)
2) Jak II
3) Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
My top 10:
1) Ratchet & Clank: Going Commando (HD Collection please!)
2) Jak II
3) Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
4) Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal
5) Jak 3
6) Ratchet & Clank
7) Ratchet: Deadlocked
8) Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
9)God of War
10) Dead to Rights
BLEACH: Blade Battlers 2nd
Devil May Cry
Metal Gear Solid 2
Even though this list is to commemorate the PS2, I’d be really interested in their list for best 5 games of all time.
Interesting how Stig and Even both do not have a listing for “Current Project”… come ‘on guys, we know you’re working on SOMETHING… right?
Arg, this is gong to be tough, but I shall give her a shot.
1. Final Fantasy X – The game that introduced me to gaming. For that it will always hold a special place in my soul.
2. Ratchet and Clank: Up Your Arsenal – Amazing gameplay, amazingly funny. This is the perfect Ratchet game. Plus, this gamer really attached me to multiplayer.
3. Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence – This was the first game to make me cry. Also, MGO was just pure fun back in the day. So, many memories have come out of playing this game.
I wish I could put more (I feel almost criminal for not having Shadow up there) but I shall restrain myself XD
My “top 3” are:
1. ICO & Shadows of the Colossus
2. God of War I & II
3. Kingdom Hearts I & II
Kingdom Hearts was the first action RPG I actually finished. I wasn’t really into RPGs of any kind, and I loved it. I really missed the game when I finished it, I didn’t want it to end.
It’s too bad Square Enix is on a one-way trip to hell. I am really afraid of the fate of the KH series. I haven’t played Birth by Sleep because I sold my PSP, but after a lot of spin-offs we really need KH3. Hopefully is just as good or better, which at the current state of SE, is debatable.
1) Okami
2) Metal Gear Solid 2
3) Gran Turismo 4
4) God of War 1&2
5) Shadow of colossus
6) Anubis: Zone of the Enders
1: Shadow of the Colossus
2: Resident Evil 4
3: MGS Snake Eater
4: MGS 2
5: GTA Vice City
6: Gran Turismo 4
1. SOCOM – Voice activated commands! Online gameplay! Even better, tactical team stealth gameplay!
2. SOCOM II – Clans were introduced to the community, new maps, more guns, and most importantly, more of the same – which is all we SOCOM heads ever wanted. Small close quarters tactical firefights.
3. SOCOM III – Lets forget about the vehicles and oversized maps… The first online CO-OP game (as far as I know) on PS2!
Honorable mentions; Gran Turismo 3, Black, Final Fantasy X, GTAIII: VC.
I’m going to do my Top 10 since the PS2 is the by far the best console of all time.
1. God of War II – This game defined the PlayStation 2 much like God of War III is a defining game for the PlayStation 3.
2. Spider-Man 2 – Best movie adaptation yet.
3. Kingdom Hearts – Took 2 of the most successful franchises to date and merged them in a way that worked.
4. Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence – Maximized the experience given by Snake Eater
5. Shadow of the Colossus – This game took the PS2’s hardware to its limits.
6. Soul Calibur 3 – The best fighter on the console hands down. It also has a riveting story.
7. Devil May Cry 3 – This game took what made Devil May Cry 1 so good and polished it to the point where it became the best of the series.
8. Kingdom Hearts 2 – This game took what Kingdom Hearts 1 did and made it 1000x better.
9. Guitar Hero – The most innovative game to ever hit the PlayStation and it started a phenomenon.
10. The Bouncer – A PS2 Launch title that was surprisingly polished and had considerable replay value as the game went on.
Man, its so hard to pick a top 3. Like, really hard.
1. We Love Katamari
2. Katamari Damacy
3. SSX3
That could change the next time you ask me. But like Tim Schafer, I’m a sucker for the Katamari series.
This is one of the best articles/features written on the PS Blog. More of this please.
Thanks! What other variations on this would you like to see? I’m always open to ideas