Section 8 50% off on PSN, Prejudice Coming to PS3 in 2011

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Greetings PlayStation.Blog! Iā€™m here with two exciting announcements for PS3 players. First, I’m thrilled to confirm that we’re bringing our new title, Prejudice, to the PS3 in 2011! We’ve been working really hard to take our sci-fi shooter series to new heights; no easy task considering players literally drop into combat from 15,000 feet above the battlefield. Using all of the great feedback from our fans weā€™ve created a new experience that is guaranteed to blow you away. Here are some new screenshots and our debut announcement trailer:

Prejudice comes with epic multiplayer maps, new game modes and missions, and a huge arsenal of weapons. The all-new single-player campaign follows the story of Captain Alex Corde and the 8th Armored Infantry–known as Section 8 for their willingness to take on extremely dangerous missions. Old hatreds run deep for the enemies of Section 8. A war of prejudice is coming…

Prejudice for PS3Prejudice for PS3

Second, we are permanently slashing the price of the original Section 8 on PlayStation Network to just $14.99. The new price takes effect October 12th in North America, giving you lots of time to catch up on the story and practice your multiplayer skills before Prejudice drops onto the PlayStation 3. Not only is this the best price for a new copy of Section 8 on any platform, but the PlayStation Network version also includes three extra multiplayer maps at no additional cost.

To aid your advancement up the multiplayer ranks, weā€™ve placed a tutorial/strategy video just below. Even if you’re a Section 8 veteran, youā€™ll still want to watch this.

In addition to the lower price, there’s also a free trial of Section 8 and its 32-person multiplayer available through PlayStation Network, so download your free copy and stay tuned for more information on Prejudice. Until then, catch you in the comments!

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