The Resurgence Package is here! The second game add-on for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is now available on PSN, and brings with it five additional multiplayer maps, including some of the most unique and awesome places you’ll ever have a firefight.
As always, we’re focused on bringing a little something for everyone in the Resurgence Package. Take Carnival, a desolate and large amusement park that’s perfect for objective gametypes and offers some amazing vantage points atop the wooden roller coaster “Dragon’s Den” or the looming sniper spot positioned high above “The World Of Tomorrow.” This place is like nothing you’ve ever seen in multiplayer before, with distinct locations all around the map which are perfect for calling out enemy positions and working tactically with your team.
Fuel is a sniper’s haven in this massive desert oil refinery with wide-open areas and extremely long sightlines. If you’re running and gunning, stick to the buildings in the center or take the underground tunnel route to get out to the snipers in the surrounding rocks and oil pumps. Trailer Park is maze of thin sheet metal fencing, torn up trailer units, and cluttered recreation areas. Trailer Park is ideal for the FMJ mod, and offers some insane Headquarters matches due to the soft cover points and thin walls that surround the objectives. We’ve also brought back two more fan favorite and classic Call of Duty 4 maps; Vacant and Strike. We’ve made some key tactical changes to both maps that veteran Call of Duty 4 players will pick up and start taking advantage of immediately. Such as the opening of the back room by Objective point C in the marketplace on Strike, and the now more accessible top floor of the flower shop overlooking the main street. On Vacant, the back gate of the office complex that leads to the hallway will now be open on specific gametypes like Demolition to give the defending team a faster route to the objective.
That’s just a bit of the new details you’re about to discover when you jump online and start exploring the five new locations the Resurgence Package adds to Modern Warfare 2. You’ll also notice we’ve changed up the playlists to introduce some new game modes and accommodate the new maps. You can now choose to play exclusively on the new Resurgence maps by choosing one of the two Resurgence playlists at the bottom. Just like last time, Resurgence and Hardcore Resurgence offers a variety of game modes to play. We’ve also introduced two completely new mosh-pit style playlists called “Barebones Pro” and “Objective Barebones Pro” which both have Killstreak Rewards disabled. So set up a new create a class, strip off Cold Blooded because you won’t be needing that, and see what it’s like to go head-to-head with no air support to worry about.
Most importantly though, let us know what you think. We’ll continue to change up the playlists based on YOUR feedback. So if there is a gametype variant or cool combination you’d like to see in a future playlist update, be sure to follow me on Twitter (@fourzerotwo) to keep track of those changes and let us know your thoughts!
and what about all this when you’re in a lobby with a friend (not in a party) but it’ll will come on youre screen “game lobby closed” but your friend goes into the game!! and you can join session :S
or when you’re in a party… and you all get put into different games!!
can anyone tell me why you have to have a certain blus code on your disc.. just wondering if it only works with certain disc’s.. its pretty pathetic that i shelled out 150.00 for the prestige addition and the disc wont work with the maps!! has anyone had this issue??
The Downloadable Content is region locked, all you have to do is ensure you’re downloading the DLC with the BLUS code that matches your game. As long as you have the matching BLUS code, then you’ll have no problem downloading and playing DLC.
How about fixing joining a match thats in progress. I hate when me and friend pick a playlist and then we get thrown into a match where a team is getting dominated or there isnt a team at all. And there goes another loss…. also think about taking out noob tubes completely in the next MW game also =]
I refuse to send $15 on this halfass maps when they are a month late to the PlayStation 3 and base on friend feedback, only the COD4 maps are good compare to the other maps. I got the first sets of map via a code to download them and hoping they same for this one.
Also, why did you guys F UP the Sniper-rifles (Intervention) in this game since the update? Since the update, I am getting hit marker with FMJ and Stopper Power about 70% of the time. I am a quick-scoping sniper and it really pissing me off when I get a hit marker and people don’t die.
@127 MrMoparX
This is the PLAYSTATION BLOG, not the XBOX BLOG.
i know u guys know about all the glitches n whutnot and are workin on them my biggest peeve whit the game is campers if there’s away to kick em from the game if they arent actually holding a sniper rifle then that would be cool…also if u could add some new game modes, guns, perks, etc that would be cool too…grouping the game modes together would make space for new modes like tdm u click it and it goes to a second menu to choose express regular or hardcore…hope u read this and get some ideas for the next updates
E Money Baggs
look at the rating up there robert. 2.18 out of 5. that must make you proud huh. thats what people think of your game.
talk back dumazzes
Is there a way to turn off the map packs, if we would just like to play the old maps only? Dont want to remove them permanently, just to have a change of pace, to play some of the playlists against different people that we dont get to play with when we have map packs.
There is no way to remove the new maps, however we’ll even out the weighting when we add the Resurgence Pack to all playlists so the Stimulus package shows up as often as all other maps.
Robert, glad to see you here on the PS blog. Anyway, lets bring back Capture the flag. I have almost 30 days in this game, and have only recently discovered the fun of Capture the flag. But now that it only shows up every five or 6 maps (if that), I’m begining to lose interest. I don’t think that it’s fair to not even allow the option to play a game mode. Get rid of TDM express, or just regular TDM and keep express. Basically, there doesn’t need to be 6 options for TDM. Is there is a possibility of bringing Capture the flag back into the playlists? I’m getting too many points to enjoy the other modes of play anymore.
It’s a possibility that it will return when we do another playlist updated, based on feedback like this and others. I’ll keep you posted.
I Actually Still Love This Game… However I Know That People Are Still Doing The 10th Prestige Hack, Which Sucks – Because Myself & My Buddies Work Incredibly Hard To Get A Decent Ranking – & It Is Pointless With Kids Jumping Right To 10th Prestige With 70 Trillion Points…
I Also Miss Mosh Pit! I Was Pumped When You Tweeted About Barebones Pro – Sounds Like An Excellent Idea, However Mosh Pit Was My Favorite Because It Required You To Get Really Creative With Your Limited Number Of Classes To Have The Proper Class For Any Given Situation…
Otherwise, Keep Up The Good Work! I Have 20 Days Of Play Time & I Still Get Excited To Play Every Chance I Get!
And can the game automatically detect nuke boosters and kick them out. Like it some kill someone else 7 times in a row within 10 seconds with 1 shot headshot? I hate campers that use 1 man army, danger close, claymores, and 40’s, but I hate nuke boosters even more.
I’m sure you get this a lot, but why are the MW2 DLCs so expensive
the best map for shotgun is trailer park but carnival s d best
Bring back mosh pit its the only game mode that gives you variety. Kill streaks arnt the problem by the way its the the GLs and RPG more so the GLs since you can get an infinite amount of them with one man army. All people do is sit in corners or up high shoot 2 gls 1 man army get 2 more and repeat the whole game. You add danger close to that class and its even worst. Gls are more of a factor on these new maps you added because they are alot smaller and closed off then the orignal maps. 2 guys with a gl and can pin you inside of vacant since u only have 2 ways out.
We’re looking into tweaks that will prevent grenade launcher abuse. In addition, there are still Mosh Pit style (multiple modes rotating) available (Barebones and Resurgence) however the original Mosh Pit playlist may make a return if there is demand.
Robert thanks for taking questions (follow you on twitter which is where i found out about this)
First I am close to 40 and this is my first person shooter ever. I love it. I never thought I’d be as crazy for a game as I am. I am terrible and laugh more than get upset. I am glad for the new maps as they are all new to me. Every one of them so keep in mind there are hardcore gamers that will always be “bored” while others like me (dad of 2 with not a ton of time to play) loving new maps as new challenges and updates to the game. Few things I’d like to ask:
1) I love the diversity in the maps but most seem rather “large” why are there not as many “quick” maps like Rust?
uggh..out of space..sorry to do a few posts.
Thanks for the message. Most gametypes are for medium to large sized teams, with the exception of the Team Tactical playlist that is meant for smaller games, and FFA.
Because of this, the majority of maps seem to cater towards those player counts, however maps like Rust are designed as Split Screen maps that also work well for small, fast-paced games. I’ll pass along your feedback for more maps like that though.
Bought them and have yet to see them in the mix for online! Total waste of $15 if you ask me. And my 3 friends even bought them and we played for hours and still no new maps for online!
Have you checked out the Resurgence playlists at the bottom? They will be added to all playlists tomorrow morning.
Looking forward to more new map packs.
Perhaps you can use the Burger Town sinlge player map for a multiplayer map. I was extremely disapointed to find out yet again a great map has not been used. Also Ambush and Backlot from MW1 please for the next lot of MW2.
the best map for shotgun is trailer park but carnival is my favoiret if any1 wants to play me online my id is………………………… (dsdarrens)
sorry my other few questions: I enjoy using the headset and have a few “good friends” on line I play with. I know there is a “mute” and “block” players list but is there way to make a game option to “clean” players? I am no saint, but some games the barrage of insults is downright sad. I have no issue with talking trash, but the racial slurs and homophobic rants are pretty sad. I know the game is rated M but a few folks just make it unbearable at times. Would there be options to play games where “no mics” can be used (unless its a friend on your list) or a more, as funny as it sounds “family friendly” game room. Again I know its rated “M” so its more a pipedream.
These types of options for Microphone and Voice Chat control are typically find on the Console’s settings. I know you can restrict chat options using Parental Controls on the PS3:
More information on setting that up is find in the link. Other than that, the only voice option in-game is to mute.
@ Anubis there in the resurgence pack areas at the bottom of the “choose gametype”.
Its a pain int he arse because I only play Team Deathmatch and do not like playing S n D, CTF or sabotage. Just plain ol Team Death Match.
and my final one:
3) Double XP. How often are they chosen to run? Is it sporadic or do you plan then around “long weekends”.
Finally as a new gamer what about “suggestions” for weapons or perks based on the maps. Some games allow time to make edits, but what about a method that keeps track of the % of people that use assault vs sniper vs pistols etc. Even if it was something users could choose to see or offer to keep track of what is used. I know everyone has their own weapon choices but I tend to NOT switch because I am so used to a certain gun.
Thanks for taking your time to read these. The game to me is a ton of fun and I am not bored of it at all.
Double XP is typically reserved for special events (like right now to celebrate the launch of DLC) or long weekends and holidays when we know our players can get a lot of enjoyment out of them.
Loadout specific tips during the loading of specific maps is a cool idea!
I love this game, but CTF needs to come back! it was the greatest game mode (especially because I kicked butt at it) and is pretty much the only game mode I enjoy playing. Please bring it back so I can enjoy mw2 like I used to
CTF is still available in several playlists, but thanks for the feedback as it will help determine it’s return in future playlist updates!
You should make more playlists within the resurgence and stimulus packages. (i.e. within the resurgence playlist you choose whether to play team deathmatch, free for all, etc. The same with the stimulus package)
Stop worrying about DLC and fix the issues with the game.
Host migration/Match making.
fix the flashbang glitch. It doesnt work and thats the one I use everytime. Also, is map pack 3 possible? I would like to see a playlist with just the 2 MAP PACKS.
Already fixed. Go flashing and see what kind of reaction you get….
Can you please lower the fmj and sitrep pro requirements. Maybe fmj could be 20 kills and sitrep pro 60
I’d like to know why the bugs and issues aren’t being fixed in the game. I mean there are some game breaking issues, and I am not talking about Commando and such, I have come to terms with that lol. I am talking about the rock glitch in Fuel, the One Man Army thing (this seems like an exploit to me honestly). You mentioned that you were bringing some of these issues to the development team and I was curious where that was at, maybe some kind of update is in order since that was quite a while ago?
Also I am getting an increasing number of game ending errors; “Client command failed.” Or something of that nature? I have to admit I have been getting a little frustrated by some of these things and it is somewhat annoying when we get zero information from you guys about it. I would rather hear, “Sorry, there is nothing we can do about that error.” Instead we just get nothing from a company that claims to listen to their community…Speaking of community why is no one ever on the forums from either the development team, you, community managers, someone? I have been seeing an increasing number of racist/satanic posts recently and it is a little troubling…
The Rock and OMA tweaks to prevent grenade launcher abuse are two things I have worked to get addressed in the next patch production does. I’m pushing for that to come out as soon as possible, but working with the schedules of code at the moment. It’s a process, but it’s making progress.
We’ve recently made some backend anti-hack tweaks, I’ll look into if that could be causing an increase in client commands.
Anyways it would take me probably the entire day to go over everything I think needs to be fixed or needs answers and I know that isn’t gonna happen, but any kind of comments on any of this kind of stuff would really be appreciated considering we have been shelling out our hard earned money for the game and its DLC despite some of the issues (and partly because we have fun, at least I do, so don’t get me wrong, I think we get some entertainment for said money, just would like to see more from you guys).
Thanks for reading, sorry for the wall of text.
PS sorry for the double post but the original was too many characters, thanks again.
the only thing i don like about the mw2 is that i wish they would do something about the noob tubers. if you run scavenger pro dager close and comando your pretty much unstoppable. to me i think that is a very cheap way to play the game.
Also i really dont like how my friends can join my game when there not invited
I agree with the one poster that wants new guns. Can you guys/girls at IW please think about bringing in new guns? I would love to have the Dragnuv and AK-47u again, hell I would even pay for this! Provided it’s reasonably priced.
when are you guys realizing guns like the dragonuv and the m1911 or the w1200?
also how about bringing Bloc back from mw1? sniping map ever =}..crossfire was also so much fun along with bog.
I love the online multiplayer but i have played it so much and it has felt like maybe a new game mode would help this. I like the idea of barebones but what about a new objective type. Maybe something new or brought back from the other games. Also great hear your working on nubetubes! When thats fixed i will be back.
Why do we have to wait 5 days for the playlist to be updated, when people from australia got an update since day 1? Stimulus pack only took 2 days. Stop being lazy and add the new pack to the playlist today should only take 2 minutes. Im tired of playing SnD with people that think we are on TDM.
I see that it’s already been covered but there no harm in reiterating. But reinstating mosh pit is something that is wanted by myself and quite a few others on a message board that I follow. As far as any suggestion to adding interest would likely be redundant to whats probably been said many times but a killstreak objective based playlist is something that our group misses. I don’t think they’d even complain if it only included the popular game types such as Search and Destroy, Demolition, Dominiation, and *sigh* TDM/FFA.
The news of OMA skill cannoning is one that I’m, and I’m sure many others, very excited for. Running into a lobby of OMA/DC/Grenade Launcher/RPG can take the life out of anyone. I’ve wondered why MW2 didn’t follow suit with CoD4 in the Grenade Launching taking the 1st perk slot. Unless of course this is the change that you are talking about…
You guys patched the elevator glitches! Is there any possibility that u could keep them for just private matches
also bring back overkill please
Correct. Just ensure you’re downloading the BLUS code that matches the one on your disc / game case. It’s because DLC is region locked.
Robert – Love MW2 – even though there are a few problems – like OMA – and MLC knifers – these are the two biggest complaints – why has nothing been done ? – also another comment – I don’t understand why you don’t spend ANY time at all on the official IW forums and we all have to read your personal Twitter for updates – this is ridiculous really. Comments ?
Guys! stop dissin! IW are far from the worst developer ever. They created Call of Duty! They single handedly popularized the FPS genre. MW2 isn’t the most glitchy game ever, its just the players that play it. who chose to search for glitches and try and hack it. The reason for this is because its such a popular game. Most other games have pretty much the same amount of glitches as MW2, its just that its played by more people and if they do find them, it will be more usefull because of all the players that play it, y’know?
Anyway, Rob, I have the Stimulus Package, but I have yet to pick up the Resurgence map pack, I’m kinda broke right now… ^^;
But my one complaint. The MG4 and M9 suppressors do not work. You show up as a red dot on the enemies map regardless of whether you have it on or not. Just thought I’d point that out to you…
And to everyone else. The reason there are so many boosters/campers/whatever you people complain about, it because its such a popular game, and everyone is playing it, you’re bound to come across some people who and use certain aspects of the game (tactical insertions) for an unfair advantage.
BTW, Rob, What would be your favorite map on MW2 out of all of them?
It’s hard to say my all-time favorite, but Highrise is definitely one of those maps I always have a blast on whether I win or lose.
@Robert Bowling
(PS3)I’ve been waiting for my chance, so here we go.
There is an awful bug that if you use equipment after planting a bomb, the equipment will be used and then the briefcase will come back up slowing you down and impeding your view. (this may also affect briefcase kill-streaks)
I am sure you already know about the rock on Fuel. PLEASE.
In the options, when you go back to sensitivity, it doesn’t remember which one you were on before as it did in COD4. That was always useful because I forget which one I’m on a lot.
I would love an option to turn off the 1-minute-to-go music. It is not so bad in most modes but in S&D, it doesn’t take long to start (every round I might add) and those 15 seconds of pointless music overpower all noise around you. It’s easy to get killed because you didn’t hear the guy running like a buffalo towards you.
Well, that’s my two cents. Thanks.
Would you please remove all the crutches from MW2 and please don’t promote camping. I know this is criticism, but it’s thought out, so I hope you reply. The newest CoD game features death streaks no of which are as bad as painkiller. If someone is very bad at Call of Duty, they should have to bear with the game, and progress through the ranks. Also, please nerf all weapons except snipers. This way, when someone is corner camping, the aggressive player has a chance to run away. The $15 MP isn’t your fault, but whatever, just dont chase money, chase happiness of the community and that will give you both money for you and happiness/peace in IW offices.
Hey Robert are we ever going to see those OMA changes you talked about or is IW just going to ignore the community again and do absolutely nothing?
More map packs ? Yes – No – Maybe ?
Rumour has there being a third with the new maps being Oil Rig, Gulag and Vertigo – with the old maps being Crossfire (good choice) and Shipment (WTF ? Shipment ?)
How could Shipment possibly even be playable in the new game ?
We haven’t announced any new map packs or plans for one at this point. So I wouldn’t trust anything you read from unofficial sources aka anyone who isn’t me.
You guys added the barebones playlist, how about a playlist that prevents grenade launchers from being used. It is impossible to find a game anymore that isn’t using them anymore.
I’m liking the map packs. Have them both on PC and PS3.
Robert Bowling i hope you see this .. id just like to ask is it possible to bring back some cod 4 guns ? im sure if you brought back the m40a3 sniper many players would buy it on psn store or xbl ! is the going to be another map pack dlc soon ?
People will always find a way to take advantage of anything in a game. This is common knowledge. One of the things most exploited is One Man Army.
One Man Army can be a useful perk but it’s widely taken advantage of – in the form of players constantly reloading their explosives (Grenade launchers, grenades, claymores, rockets, etc.)
Is IW going to change the perk? Maybe they could add a maximum amount of OMA changes in the one life of the player?
I dont care for the price tag on the map pack, but I got it for Trailer Park n the Amusement park maps, and it was worth it, they were well designed with all player types in mind, so i can respect that…i dont like the times exclusive thing, but as long as we get it, i dont have a reason to complain…
I’d like to see something similar to W@W with a new gameplay added, such as zombies, i think a single player mode or co-op mode gametype would pump life into the game…and all sorts of people would buy it, just make it something revolutionary…not zombies…but something creative…
Overall, I bought this game, only bought 1 map pack and prolly all i’ma put into the game other than play time…for those complaining…i understand…just dont flood the blog with it, it’s more annoying than the annoyance buggin u…
Old School Modes in MW2 FTW Please make it a playlist!!!!