Coming to PSN: Patapon 3 Multiplayer Demo for PSP

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I have been having a strange urge to walk around with one eye covered, humming hyper-addictive chants looking to impale anything (or anyone) looking to start something… especially two-dimensional-tribal-mask-wearing enemies.

Why the hyper-aggressive musically induced comic mischief rage? Probably from the days Iā€™m spending rocking out the new (very, very new) Patapon 3 Multiplayer Demo — now with more multiplayer!

Patapon 3 for PSP

So you say, ā€œWhatā€™s so special? Patapon 2 also had multiplayer!ā€

Well let me enlighten you with a few cool single-eyed-facts (to keep it in theme, Iā€™ll limit them to three):

  • Patapon 3 is a whole new chapter in the Patapon saga
  • There are some really cool new characters, including the Superhero Patapon.
  • To experience the awesome multiplayer adventures that lay beyond Patapolis, youā€™ll have to go through a strange portal called ā€œthe internet.ā€

Thatā€™s right. Patapon 3 has entered the interwebz (so to speak), with exciting new adventures that you can play with your friends via a Wi-Fi connection. This demo is but a peephole glimpse into a new world full of larger-than-eye enemies, super stylized eye-watering graphics, and eye-popping excitement.

Patapon 3 for PSP

Patapon 3 for PSP Patapon 3 for PSP

Should I tell you more? Ok, fine. The Patapon 3 Multiplayer Demo adventure can be downloaded for FREE on Tuesday, July 6th from the PlayStation Store… exclusively for your PSP.

If you are looking extremely confused and asking yourself, ā€œwhat is a Patapon?ā€, hereā€™s a quick recap of the story so far (now I am making squiggly motions with my arms taking you back in time).

The Patapons are an extremely ferocious warmongering tribe, whose only passion is to dance, sing, and pillage their way through the countryside in search of their beloved Earthend. Their adventure is a musical one, where you, as their leader, must lead them into battle with a series of timed-specific commands (attack, move forward, defend, retreat). Each command has a unique sequence (i.e. Circle, Circle, Square, Circle = attack), and each sequence must be entered in-time to the Rhythm of the Earth (an infectious 4/4 beat).

Why not give it a try this coming Tuesday?

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