After the warm welcome I received on the PlayStation.Blog last month, I couldn’t wait to come back! Before we launch the final episodes of Blue Toad Murder Files, I thought I’d stop by and have a chat with you about your thoughts and theories on who might be the criminal mastermind in Blue Toad Murder Files. Or even if there is one villain behind it all?…duh duh duuuuh!
In the first three episodes we racked up three murders, a burglary, and a fire as well as gaining an extra Blue Toad Detective along the way. Obviously, I’m not going to give too much away until you’ve had a chance to play all six episodes, but I’m interested to hear your theories and observations so far. Have you noticed any recurring themes? What clues about the case stand out that haven’t been resolved? Who looks like they’re hiding something?
Episodes 4, 5 and 6 will be available on the PlayStation Store later today for $7.49 individually or the discounted bundle of all three for $14.99.
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