Topatoi: The Pillar of Skies – A New Upcoming Episode in the Topatoi Saga on PSN

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Hi guys!

First of all, we are happy to inform you that we have taken your comments into consideration and now, the Topatoi demo is available on the PlayStation Store. But it’s just the first bit of news :-)

We’re finally glad to announce Topatoi: The Pillar of Skies, the second episode of the Topatoi saga!

The world of Topatoi: The Pillar of Skies is absolutely different and a little bit darker in tone from what we’ve experienced in the first episode, The Great Tree Story. Check out the screenshots, with all those cliffs and machinery. Episode 2 delivers a completely new environment, new enemies and an extended gameplay experience.

Topatoi: The Pillar of Skies screenshot 1 Topatoi: The Pillar of Skies screenshot 2

As we promised you in our previous post, Topatoi: The Pillar of Skies is actually longer than Topatoi: The Great Tree Story. Our estimates are about 10-plus hours of gameplay in the Arcade Mode that many of you loved in the first episode. Yes, this episode also has 10 bonus levels for Arcade Mode, which can be played alone or with a friend in the cooperative mode!

Topatoi: The Pillar of Skies screenshot 3 Topatoi: The Pillar of Skies screenshot 4

We’re planning to release the add-on early next year, possibly January or February. Follow our news and you’ll see more details about the new world. You’ll see how fascinating the gameplay is in this dynamic world of working machinery. You’ll see one of the main twists: in the dark caves of The Pillar of Skies, light is one of the main gameplay elements. And we really hope you will like how it all looks and works.

So stay tuned for updates!

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