Get a Sneak Peek of UNCHARTED 2: Among Thieves on the Big Screen!

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UPDATE: All VIP tickets are gone for the October 5 events. But you can still purchase tickets for the October 6 events! Click on the links for each of the cities below to purchase tickets, or contact the theaters directly to secure a spot.

We first announced the special UNCHARTED 2 cinema events a couple weeks back, and since then, you’ve been asking us for details. Well, the time has officially come. If you are lucky enough to live near the Chicago, LA, San Francisco, or Seattle areas, you and a guest have the chance to get down with UNCHARTED 2: Among Thieves on the big screen before the game releases (you must provide your own transportation)!

UNCHARTED 2 Cinema Invite

The date is Monday, October 5, 2009. We’ll have food, an on-site tournament for a chance to compete for prizes, and the opportunity to meet the talented team from Naughty Dog. And best of all, a giant theater screen to see (and a chance to play) UNCHARTED 2 in big-screen glory. This is a very special event, and space is limited.

If you can make it, all you have to do is click on the link for your city below. We only have 50 slots (plus a guest) per city, and RSVP is first come, first serve! So what are you waiting for?

And if you can’t make this October 5th event, contact these same theaters for the Tuesday, October 6th UNCHARTED 2 event. Tickets might still be available!

Get all the official details here.

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1 Author Reply

  • Still no answer on all the questions about the event on the 6th….

  • I jumped on a pair of tickets for the 6th, as I was late to the whole “free on the 5th deal” … while $15 a pop did feel a tad steep I was willing to take the risk. I too am wondering if the event on the 6th will be exactly the same as the event on the 5th, clarification would be awesome since I’m not entirely sure what I just paid $32 for … but don’t get me wrong, I’m super excited ;-)

  • YAY all the cool things are for US and nothing for EU!!!! thanks guys u rule!


  • It truly saddens me to not have an event in NYC.


  • Hi, I see there is no chance in seeing anything for the ps3 until 6mnths after anyone else in this world yet again!!!!! I see we have the most expensive deals buying consoles and I live in England and all of us will agree that we’ve been screwed over yet again with this long awaited title!!!!! Can someone tell us WHY please??? We are 1 of your biggest costomers in the world, why are we put on back burner!!!!?? Please tell yours totaly pissed off tocaman!!!!

  • i have to admit, i still need to finish the first one :D

    those fricking zombies! (lol)

  • Why does Canada always get left out of these promotions? I mean, you guys usually won’t even ship a game/shirt/whatever up here.

  • This handling of the Fortune Hunter Edition is the worst marketing strategy I have ever seen. At least give everyone a chance to win one.

  • europe my friends thats how i feel about singstar . why cant it be sceg .. sony computer entertainment global

  • I would love to be a part of these events but sadly they are too far away.

    I really hope there is some great wallpapers, dynamic themes and videos released on the Playstation Store for Uncharted 2 before or shortly after the game is released. Perhaps even some of those fabled fancy new avatars. :-P

    Can’t wait.

  • ….. Still waiting for a reply to all the questions about the 6th.

  • One big question,

    what’s the difference between the Oct 5th event and the 6th one?

  • I can’t find a contact information for the person who posted this message so that I can ask what the difference is between the 5th and 6th.

    It looks like the 5th has the tournament advertised, but another page that I found mentions that you can win prizes without any specifications on the date.

    It would be stupid to have a chance to win the Fortune Ed. on only 1 day. I still don’t understand why the 5th is private and the 6th is general audience.

    Ugh. Sigh. The information is severely lacking for this and the Fortune Ed.

  • Well, I’m glad I BOUGHT a ticket, because NO INFORMATION was ever given to use on how to WIN tickets aside from “local radio”. We were told information on how to win tickets to the VIP event on the 5th would be given soon, but it never was. Thanks a lot.

  • When I went to the Theater the guy asked if I wanted “for the 5th or 6th”, and I asked what the difference was and he said “The 5th is a Private showing” So I figured I had to be invited, and so did he. So I bought tickets to the 6th event… Stupid me I guess.

    This is very poorly arranged if you ask me. And you have yet to give us any information about the difference between the 5th and the 6th events… And that leads me to believe that the 6th event is going to be shafted.

  • Luckily it appears refunds can be given up to three hours in advance of the date … so if we don’t get details by the 5th, I’ll probably be reclaiming my $32. Spending 1/2 the cost of a game on something that might not involve the Fortune Hunter Edition or other awesome Uncharted Swag just can’t be justified in my book.

  • @Griffin83: Im in the exact same boat…. Thanks for pointing out the refund policy!

  • reserved my tickets for the tourny earlier this evening, bring on Oct 6. thousand oaks is about an hour and 30min drive from home, and my gf is driving yay!!! (i dont think im 83 ranger would make the trek =[)

  • Uncharted looks great. I played on the first beta. This game is a must have, not rent, not borrow, A MUST HAVE like MGS4.

    I hate the fact that most special events for Sony are held mainly in San Francisco. Why not try to promote gaming somewhere else in America for once. Get more people interested. How about Chicago or even have a gaming event in South Beach. E3 should be held in South Beach it would be blast.

  • Nothing in Montana…but I am about 12 hours from Seattle. Naw, I’ll just wait till October 13. Can’t Wait!

  • North carolina is never involved in anything!

  • @ TheUNamericanMe

    im going to the thousand oaks event too, and it’ll also take me an hour and a half. but im going on the 5th

  • it says suiveniers on the poster, so there will probably be swag

  • I don’t live around these areas. =( But hey if anyone from ND is looking here, is the Uncharted 2 GamesCom trailer coming to PlayStation Store in the next update? It’s a well made trailer, epic and dramatic.

  • i don’t care if i get to go or not i all i care about is oct 13, and i hope that they work on a drakes uncharted 3, if they do tthis is going to be playstations new franchise game. there already working on a uncharted movie i think thats gonna be sweet.

  • I called this number:

    MUVICO Thousand Oaks 14
    166 W. Hillcrest Drive
    Thousand Oaks, CA 91360
    (805) 496-5487

    and asked about the Oct 5 event, trying to book a ticket. But the operator told me there’s no Oct 5th but only 6th event. This really has me confused. Do I have to go to the theater personally to get a ticket or what?

  • @ reetr, How did you manage to get the 5th ticket?

  • Sounds like an event that should happen more often.

  • Could someone (in charge of the event) please clarify the difference, if any, between the VIP Event on the 5th versus the Event on the 6th?
    I don’t want to find out I paid $15 for nothing but a glorified version of the multiplayer beta. Will Naughty Dog be present at both dates? Will we be able to win the Fortune Hunter Edition on the 6th?
    Hopefully the more people that ask the same exact questions someone will answer!

  • im mad they forget entirely about the east coast >:( we exist 2

  • So I realize the Go is launching this week Sony blog gods, but there have been 131 comments on this article and 1 reply by someone in the know … a quick update with a few more details about the event on the 6th would be absolutely awesome for those loyal Sony fans who hang on your every word and throw down wads of cash to attend events that companies like Capcom host for free. ;-) Imma let you finish, but I’m just sayin …

  • HI CHRIS!,
    I just have one very important question for you:

    Will the OCT.6 event be the same as the OCT.5 event? Will there be food, souvenirs, an on-site tournament for prizes, and a chance to meet the developers from NAUGHTY DOG? Or will it be a gimped version of Monday’s PRIVATE Event? I only ask because I don’t want to feel like I missed out on anything.


  • Please, PLEASE some one answer my question. There are a few others here that also want to know if we are going to experience all the same things as those who attend the Monday event. Will we get food? Will we meet members of Naughty Dog? Will there be tournaments and prizes?

  • Got my tickets for Bellevue!

  • does anyone know the name of the web site to print your ticket?

  • Sorry for the re-post but does anyone know the name of the website to print your VIP ticket?

  • Went to the Seattle event last night – WOW. Everyone there had a blast!!! Thanks Naughty Dog and Sony!

  • Went to the San Francisco event on Monday and it was amazing. Hope everyone got to attend one of the two days! If not, you missed out! Great job planning it out and thanks for the giftbags!


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