MAG Mondays Featuring Exclusive Developer Diaries

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Hey PS.Blog readers. In case you haven’t noticed, over on GameTrailers, they’ve started “MAG Mondays,” featuring exclusive dev diaries from the Zipper Interactive folks working on MAG. The first video posted last Monday, and took us through the overlying persistent Shadow War, where each battle victory or loss contributes to your PMC’s world standing, moving it on the offensive or pulling it back to the defensive.

The second dev diary in the series posted yesterday and focuses on the scale of MAG, which for the first time ever will bring 256 players to a console. All environmental effects (explosions, gunshots, etc.) can be attributed to live players! Listen to what the devs have to say about 256 in the video below.

GameTrailers will be continuing the “MAG Mondays” feature with another dev diary next week, and we’ll post it here next Tuesday. Stay tuned!

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