UPDATE: Get your inFAMOUS questions ready because we just locked down this Wednesday afternoon for a live chat with Sucker Punch! Head back early Wed afternoon for more details.
So with only 8 days left until inFAMOUS hits the stores, I wanted to share with you some quick updates.
Sucker Punch have created a 4-part comic that chronicles the days following that fateful blast that changed Cole’s life forever. Part 1 of 4 is already out, check IGN HERE for the final parts when they’re released.
Now if any of you are planning to watch Terminator Salvation this weekend, be on the lookout for the inFAMOUS 30-sec commercial that will be running in theaters nationwide from May 22nd to May 28th.
Not long to wait now…but just a reminder that you can get your hands on inFAMOUS before it comes out by playing the official demo that goes live on the PSN this Thursday. Hope you enjoy it.
That’s it for now!
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