So… what are you doing this weekend? You can find PlayStation on both coasts over the next few days for some summer and (early) winter extreme sports events, along with a healthy dose of hands-on time with our upcoming releases.
Tomorrow, it will snow in San Francisco. With a high in the 70s. That’s right, 72 and snow (there’s an LA Story joke in there somewhere).
Icer Air is one of the more interesting, and entertaining, sporting exhibitions you’ll ever see: they set up a giant, snow-covered ski jump in the middle of the city – and jump off of it. With no time constraints, the goal is to perform the sickest tricks before skidding to a stop… with the Bay Bridge in the background.
We’ll be out there as well, offering gamers hands-on time with SingStar, Guitar Hero World Tour, Motorstorm Pacific Rift and more. After the boarders are all jumped out (and the snow starts to melt), The Cool Kids will perform.
PlayStation will also host 3 main contests through out the event: One contest involves Guitar Hero World Tour and the other two contests are on SingStar. The lucky winners will then become the “opening act” for 1 of the 3 bands that play on the event’s main concert stage, with each winner opening for a different band.
For more info on Icer Air, please click here.
As much fun as I had at last year’s Icer Air (Mos Def and Twalib Kwali performed), I won’t be attending this year. That’s because I’m on my way to Orlando for the PlayStation Pro – and I want you to join me there… More on that in a bit.
The PS Pro is the culmination of the Dew Action Sports Tour, the biggest skate and BMX event of the season. It’s a perfect fit for Motorstorm Pacific Rift, which will be playable at the PlayStation Experience truck (heck, our name is on the event!). Not only that, many of the athletes will put down their boards and pick up a DualShock controller for a charity bout of Pacific Rift.
About my earlier invitation: since I’m going to be in Orlando (again!), I managed to score ten (10) all-access passes to the PlayStation Pro for you loyal (and local) blog readers. That’s them, above. Tomorrow at about noon, I’ll be outside the gates to hand them out, first-come, first-served. Limit 2 per party, please.
Stay tuned to the PlayStation Twitter feed (what, you’re not following on your mobile?) for exact time and location of where I’ll be.
If you hit up Icer Air, let us know how it was. If you’re heading to the PlayStation Pro… see you there!
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