More BioShock Trophy Details

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Hello again readers. I am Tynan Wales, a game designer here at 2K Marin and I’m happy to bring you more tidbits from the BioShock vaults.


There have been many questions regarding the trophy system in BioShock for the PLAYSTATION 3, and we are glowing from the attention. As some of the trophy criteria noted in our last post seemed familiar, some drew the conclusion that the PS3 wouldn’t have unique trophies. That is not the case.

As BioShock for the PLAYSTATION 3 continues its ascent from the depths we have assembled new information regarding the trophies that will be available to players. Specifically, we have new intelligence on the trophies which are unique to BioShock for the PLAYSTATION 3.

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“A Man Chooses” is the first of these golden trophies and is reserved for those with the courage to complete Survivor difficulty. Its name is meant, in the words of Andrew Ryan, father of Rapture, to remind you that a man chooses because in Survivor mode every choice could mean the difference between life and death.

The final trial for any committed BioShock player is “I Chose The Impossible”. This trophy is named appropriately as attaining it will make even the most self-assured gamesman into a shaking leaf. To make this your own, you must complete BioShock on Survivor difficulty with the Vita-Chambers turned off.

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Each of these shining treasures can only be found on the PLAYSTATION 3. So tense up your trigger finger and polish your diving helmet, you will need them at the ready.

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