First off, we heart WordPress, it’s been a great platform for us to develop and run PlayStation.Blog. However, like most software, it never does exactly what you want it to do. That’s what makes the WordPress plugin system so sweet. We’ve used a number of plugins to tweak the functionality of this blog, but once again, sometimes there isn’t a plugin for your exact needs. What do you do? Develop your own. And that’s just what we’ve done on a number of occasions.
When we launched the direct response feature on this blog a few weeks ago we said that we’d be releasing some plugins to the WordPress community. Today is the day.
The full technical details/downloads for each of the plugins is available over at cnp_studio, the development shop we work with on this blog. Head over there to get your WordPress geek-on.
If you’re interested, here’s a brief overview of the two plugins we’re releasing:
Comment Replies
Think of it as a threaded response-lite. We wanted our authors to be able to respond directly to comments, but not create a completely threaded conversation. That’s the purpose of Comment Replies. You also have the option to style the responses in a number of different ways. Full details/download.
Image Rotator
On the front page of this blog we have a graphic banner that rotates (at the top) to feature different items with a corresponding link. Initially, we created a simple manager on the backend, but we quickly ported it over to a WordPress plugin. Just like the Comment Replies plugin, you can customize how the plugins works. Full details/download.
That’s it for now, we hope to share more in the future. Enjoy!
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