Hi Everyone – It’s been a while since I’ve made a post, but since some of you guys posted comments wanting me to jump back on, *and* the very interesting pricing debate/discussion that has been going on recently, well … here I am with a couple of important updates!?
First off, has Warhawk gone “gold”??
Hells Ya! The PSN and Blu-ray versions have gone “GOLD,” completely finished and will go on sale August 28th … just a few weeks away! We’re all really proud of the game, and those of you who got a chance to participate in the BETA know why. We can’t wait to get online with all of you so we can beat the hell out of each other!
Next, what does Warhawk cost?
Ready for this? One Million dollars!
Ok, now for reals … If you didn’t already know, SCEA is taking an exciting new approach with Warhawk – making it available for download directly from the PlayStation Store *and* releasing it at retail simultaneously. Each one has a different price. Why different pricing? A couple of reasons: first off, we wanted to give all of you the option, the retail game is more of a premium version with some expanded video content, traditional package and manual (this seems to mean a lot with some of the gamers I have spoken to), and a Jabra Bluetooth headset bundled with the game – all for $59.99!
We’re also looking at including a set of Ginsu knives, and an extra-jumbo tub of Oxy-Clean!
Alright … I’m lying about the knives and the Oxy-Clean … Oxy-Clean does work really well though and I highly recommend it.
Anyhoo, back on track ….
The PlayStation Store version will be $39.99 and I’m really glad that SCEA came through with a “good value” price for this – it’s the right thing to do.
I’m a firm believer in the Google founders’ motto “Don’t be Evil” and the $39.99 PlayStation Store price is a good example of that.
Warhawk is a great looking, great playing multiplayer game but at the end of the day, it’s a multiplayer-only game and if you decide not to get the premium version at retail with the headset, this is a great option for you – at a great price.
Like I said previously, those of you who’ve had a chance to play Warhawk, know how good it is, and why a game that is fun to play for 70+ hours offers more gameplay than a lot of single player games that cost a great deal more.
…and yes, that’s just one of the statistics that is tracked by Warhawk’s Stat system. During the BETA we saw users log crazy high numbers – 70 was by far *not* the largest … most users had over 30 and we had to ultimately turn the servers off!. Who knows how high those numbers would be if we were to keep the BETA open?
Speaking of the BETA, I’d like to let you guys know that we were watching the Warhawk Statistics database during the BETA, looking for the top players. We ultimately used the Bonus Points category since it covers all play modes, levels, vehicles, troops, weapons, kill types, etc.
So…for the top 100 players, we have prepared a “Top-BETA-Players” award that you will be receiving in the mail soon. It includes a really nice print of the box-art, signed by the team *and* a very, very limited edition metal Warhawk Wings pin! So guys and gals, please keep your eyes out for this in the coming weeks!
Well that’s all for now. Hopefully that was informative.
I think for my next post, I’d like to show all you guys some of the great work that our IT-Team has been doing “behind-the-curtain”. Since Warhawk is a multiplayer-only game, for those of you who choose to play online, I think it would be good for you to see some of the server work that we have done since the BETA closed.
As always – Rock on!

Hail 300!!! Let’s get this to 1k? joke
So which format is it better to play warhawk in 720p or 1080i?
We ALL know 720p is better than 1080i.
You can’t notice 1080p unless you have a 48inch or highter HDTV. And you’ve gotta sit REALLY close to notice it.
Anyway I’ve loved this game since the beginning. The concept’s solid and I’ll be joining the war when it comes out in Blu-ray.
The headset will be awesome ;P
5 SECOND LOAD TIMES? Holy **** SWEET! I’m DEFINITELY getting this game now!
What is the clan feature in Warhawk?
BTW Dylan thanks a lot it’s Saturday, blog posts aren’t happening, and you are still here answering questions! Awesome man!
the game looks good..
some new interesting takes on online multiplayer… good to see
swweeeeetttt hurry it up i need a new game
Game looks awesome! I can’t wait 3 weeks seems so far away.
One question I have is, will we be able to Install the full game onto the HDD from the Blu-Ray disc? I would love to be able to do that since I want the headset and the box & manual. And I don’t to be taking out and putting in the disc.
Well hello people…
i wanted to share a little bit of my experience being that i can relate to some of your madness towards warhawk not having single player campaign..
i got VERY upset when i first heard this, i even made a thread in the G.A.P. about it.. i know there’s a great feeling about Beating a game.. plus sometimes you just don’t feel like playing online.. just you at home.
i signed up for the beta and i got in.. my first reaction was, man i’m gonna suck in this game.. (i was playing deathmatch), but then i played capture the flag. Me after playing counter strike for a few years i love online multiplayer, but i gotta tell you, i had more fun playing warhawk than i did c.s.
All i’m saying is that the multiplayer in this game it’s really something good…. i’m not trying to kiss ass to sony or incognito or whatever.. i’m just sharing my experience and try to calm some of your doubts.. the game IS great.. and if you are smart and play wisely you’ll get hooked..
Now i think a very strong suggestion or comment or whatever would be FOR INCOGNITO TO TRY TO IMPLEMENT BOTS THRU AN UPDATE IF IT DOESN’T COME WITH IT ALREADY.. i believe this would satisfy a lot of people that may not be that good @ online.. plus it would serve as some type of training..
and one last very important thing is, i want to know if the request of choosing vertical or horizontal split screen has been added?
and to the people that think that $ 40 is too much, i understand you have a right to your opinion but after being in the beta i would happily pay $ 60.. you will enjoy the game trust me
ya the game is great!! once you pick it up you cant put it down =\. The intense gameplay will keep bring you back =D. Hey just give the gme a chance, its tons of fun and it dosent get old.
Mr. Jobe,
I would like to thank you for the chance to be a BETA tester, some of the most fun i have had since super mario.
I wish i could have spent more time on the game, because i am now mega-jealous of the 100 stellar players that get the special edition swag…well, exclusive swag.
I just have one question. are you guys planning on creating any map packs or add-ons of any kind? I believe it is crucial to keep things interesting and up-to-date.
I love what you have done with the game, and thank you for your time :)
Congratulations. No problems if it gets delayed…good things take time. So i will get this one for sure, like HSword.
I am not a console fan, I bought ps3 cause it has free online play. I love it, she is just beautifull in my living room. With this blog and all firmware updates we feel we are connected with the brains of ps3. Thats wonderfull. With patience and great games sales will go up up up. So be patience hard workers. I wish u all the best…continue to entertain me :)
Great to see the devs still in here and even posting on the weekend?? AND they are going to post a Q&A for us? AND they are looking into the euro info for those asking? that kind of caring support is worth the price of the game.. good to see!
I acually dont see anything wrong with the pricing but did see the point some have made about wanting a retail copy without the headset.. I don’t have a headset for PS3 so I will be getting the disc bundle if I get a demo/rental/borrowed copy to sample first and end up liking the game and the controls but wont buy it before I get to try it..
Please give us a demo? I kno its an online game but ome sort of demo would be nice..
Just in case Sony doesn’t read old Posts Comments I am repeating it in the Newest post I hope it does happen though but to get on topic of the current post I sort of thing $40.00 is a little expensive I thought that $30.00 is a good price so I might wait till it goes down in price like Super Rub a Dub did. Which I am sure will be a long time but I’ll wait. I know it is going to be a good game but have my budget.
I am glad that Sony is reading this comments. I don’t know if they read old Posts Commments so perhaps they should make a Post specifically to Demos where people request them and a list can be created and crossed off as they are brought out. My two Requests are….
1.Pirates of the Caribbean at Worlds End
2. Harry Potter & the Order of the Phoenix
I have a question for Jobe, not sure if he can answer me here but I’ll try anyway.
We met at E3, Jobe, and talked a bit about the improvements since the Beta. When talking about the weapon selection system, IIRC you told me that Chaffs would now be deployed as soon as you select them (rather than doing select+L1). Is that still the case? I’m asking this because I’ve just got the review code and Chaffs work just like in th beta.
EGM is so harsh. They said that if the Network version costs over $30 then one whole point should be taken off of their score. LAME. What does EGM have against Sony?
But I guess after this, Lair, and Heavenly Sword, combined with all Network and Resistance, MotorStorm, and Sigma, the 360 fanboys can’t say anything about the PS3 having no games.
Unfortunately we can’t release what SCEE are going to announce at Leipzig – I’m sure you understand that is their event and we have to respect their market and how they want to make news. Also there is no competition – Europe has it much tougher than us with release dates because they have to localize for so many different languages – think it’s a minimum of 12 might be much more – thought I heard in a meeting once that one product needed 19 languages.
I haven’t forgotten about your F1 questions – the truth is we still don’t know anything new. Word is Bernie has been looking for lots of cash! Look what happened to Indy and USGP for next year. Guess I’m either going to Canada or across the pond for a race next year.
Good night everyone –
BTW it’s great to hear another game supports ALL resolutions, rather than just 720p. People with 1080i are feeling left out with some of sony’s offerings, especially when you’re forced back to 480p. It’s not the worst ever, but you kind of wonder why you’re being treated by a second class citizen just because you haven’t spent the big bucks recently to catch up with technology.
The fact some studios *cough Heavenly swords’ cough* first reaction was to tell people to upgrade is disgraceful, and it’s great to see Warhawk as well as other properties allowing players to play the game in their chosen resolution.
EGM is a joke for saying that $40 is too much for multiplayer even though for Gears of War you pay $60 for a 4 hour single player basically making it a full multiplayer game only…
EGM are bunch of fanboys. They gave Lair a 5, wich wich differs from the 9’s the game has got from other magazines.
They would withdraw a whole point of a fully-fledged online game even though they gave Shadowrun a 8 retailed at 60 bucks.
They put in Itagaki’s fanboy comments in a middle of the HS preview just so the game would look bad.
Warhawk is gonna rock, the PS3’s gonna rock. Live with it, EGM.
@Ron Eagle
Thank you Ron!
I live in the uk and won’t be buying this, why is it that people in america always get beta’s first and then get the actual game first ?
Why should anybody get a head start especially in an online ony game where stats matter so much.
I think it’s because of the languages, like Ron said in comment 317.
UK counts as Europe (PAL) so they get the same version as all other EU countries.
Just a wild guess though.
12 languages? It’s to much… with 4 we’re happy… English, French, Spanish, Deuscht…
I hope when the game comes out that the headsets work because ever since the 1.90 update many peoples headsets including mines have stopped working. We can’t talk through them. We have to unplug and plug back in the USB. I hope this problem doesn’t occur in Warhawk. This including my friends always happens to us when playing Resistance.
No UK retailer has a date for this game, with actually most of them not even having the game listed down in their database at all!
And if Ron is saying a date wont be given ahead of the Leipzig Convention, then we can only assume the release date will be weeks ahead of the North American one.
Translation: We are in a spot of bother chaps
i cant wait for this amazing game, i will be getting the disc version, since i want the usb set, i would like to know if the disc version can be installed and played without the disc
thank you
@ Darkendless.
Me and a friend on XBOX live have beaten gears’ story mode in 2 hours before.
I can’t wait for this game, just placed my Pre-order
I was in the beta and I LOVED this game. I’m ADDICTED. I think what makes me unique is that I’m not your target audience: I don’t like shooter games, I’m female, and over the age of 30. Go figure.
I think $40 is a great price for this game. I might go for the $60 version because I don’t have a headset.
To those who think $40 is too high, YOU’RE CRAZY. Apparently you haven’t played it. I’d pay $60 for it without the extras!
I can’t wait to shoot you all! Thanks for making this game incredible!!!!!
Well if SCEE arnt going to announce a date until Leipzig at the end of the month that means the game certainly wont be out in august. So looks like september for Europe.
What have the SONY being saying all the time about this game? ” Warhawk will have a simeoultaneous world wide release” Yeah looks like thats going to happen SONY, thanks!
I now cant wait to get on Warhawk so i can be owned by the Yanks. Which will leave me feeling frustrated and intimidated to even try and get into the game.
Thanks for your ID Ron!!
Any chance of getting yours and some other devs Dylan, so we can all see just how you stack up against us? :)
BTW i know it takes longer to make a european version of the game because of the language barriers. But you could hold tha game back in America untill the european version is ready.
Oh and i just know its going to be the same with SOCOM aswell. Its just so [DELETED] annoying, Europeans get shafted every time!
Oh and i just know its going to happen with SOCOM aswell. Us Europeans get shafted everytime its a JOKE!
any chances of a demo?
@ scar1983
Exactly mate us europeans get shafted with most games, how can it be seen as a competitive online game if certain people get a head start.
Every time we get a good online game we play catch up.
Will Warhawk support clans?
How will clan support be implemented?
Will clan leaders need to “invite” people in their clan like in Resistance?
Will there be a Friends list different from the XMB friends list?
Or will the game use the XMB friends list?
Will the game support more than one BT headset per console (for online split-screen multiplayer)?
Thanks Dylan and Ron for taking time out of your busy schedule to answer the playstation fans questions. Based on your enthusiasm about the game, it looks like it is going to be one awesome title. Can’t wait.
[…] at the official US PlayStation blog, Warhawk director Dylan Jobe announced that Sony’s online title has gone gold and will be hitting the PlayStation Network and retail […]
Thanks guys for giving us a little feedback…feedback…… It’s good to know when you guys are actually reading, because this blog could have just been a place for us to vent and Sony to ignore it, which doesn’t seem to be the case.
Glad you answered the question about load times with the BD and PSN versions. That was one of the things I was debating, although I am still unsure now if I want to get the retail if the disc is going to be required to play. You said it caches all of the info on the hard drive, but you didn’t say weather or not the disc will need to be inserted to play.
That’s pretty much the only stickler for me right now. Other than that, all of my other questions were given to the PSU.com staff for their Q&A they’re supposed to be having with you sometime. =)
This game looks like a lot of fun. With SOCOM I never played the single player mode so this being on online is fine with me. I wasn’t sure i would get it but now it’s a must. And with the headset package it’s great.
Great job on the feedback as well…
@ Ron
I am still wondering about head set support. Can the split screen online matches handle more than on head set on the same PS3?
What game companies forget is that having their devotees feel that they are being listened to is one of the biggest marketing tools ever. It keeps the faithful believing. I applaud you Sony for this blog and especially Ron Eagle for taking the time out of his schedule to address gamer’s concerns and questions.
If you continue this tack, your devotees will continue to be devoted and the word, according to Sony, will spread. Keep it up.
@ 40cal : If more than one headset is on the same PS3 aren’t you all in the same room? Maybe I’m missing a subtlety here.
I’m soooooo excited for this game! Aug 28th is going to be “I’m broke now” day for me! 2 Games (tiger and Warhawk) coming out…ouch…oh well! I’m going to get the Disk version since i dont have a headset and the game plus all those features….this is a deal I cant pass up! Thanks Sony for all your hard work and amazing title line-up! :)
What about translation? warhawk isnt story game… only need translate the start menu…
Yay, a cheaper, 40$ version (with no fricking bluetooth headset). Oh fu** joy, oh fu** happiness.
Why so nerved? Guess what – no playstation store for my country. Don’t expect 60$ (or local equivalent from me), so that’s just about 0$ you’ll be getting from me.
Oh, and guess what? I’ll burry you SONY. If you don’t give a F***, i don’t give a F***. I’m starting an anti-SONY campain over at http://www.ps3site.pl
And in case you’ve missed it: we’ve been only asking for store access, nothing more, nothing less. Well screw you, just like you’ve screwed us.
No cheers from me, or my folks. We’re fed up with your [DELETED].
And fix the darn pings/trackbacks, so they point back links to the site/article that sent them. That’s the way it works in the blogging community.
[…] Na oficjalnym blogu toczy się dyskusja na temat Warhawka. Można w niej wyczytać, że data pramiery dotyczy tylko i […]