Hi Everyone – It’s been a while since I’ve made a post, but since some of you guys posted comments wanting me to jump back on, *and* the very interesting pricing debate/discussion that has been going on recently, well … here I am with a couple of important updates!?
First off, has Warhawk gone “gold”??
Hells Ya! The PSN and Blu-ray versions have gone “GOLD,” completely finished and will go on sale August 28th … just a few weeks away! We’re all really proud of the game, and those of you who got a chance to participate in the BETA know why. We can’t wait to get online with all of you so we can beat the hell out of each other!
Next, what does Warhawk cost?
Ready for this? One Million dollars!
Ok, now for reals … If you didn’t already know, SCEA is taking an exciting new approach with Warhawk – making it available for download directly from the PlayStation Store *and* releasing it at retail simultaneously. Each one has a different price. Why different pricing? A couple of reasons: first off, we wanted to give all of you the option, the retail game is more of a premium version with some expanded video content, traditional package and manual (this seems to mean a lot with some of the gamers I have spoken to), and a Jabra Bluetooth headset bundled with the game – all for $59.99!
We’re also looking at including a set of Ginsu knives, and an extra-jumbo tub of Oxy-Clean!
Alright … I’m lying about the knives and the Oxy-Clean … Oxy-Clean does work really well though and I highly recommend it.
Anyhoo, back on track ….
The PlayStation Store version will be $39.99 and I’m really glad that SCEA came through with a “good value” price for this – it’s the right thing to do.
I’m a firm believer in the Google founders’ motto “Don’t be Evil” and the $39.99 PlayStation Store price is a good example of that.
Warhawk is a great looking, great playing multiplayer game but at the end of the day, it’s a multiplayer-only game and if you decide not to get the premium version at retail with the headset, this is a great option for you – at a great price.
Like I said previously, those of you who’ve had a chance to play Warhawk, know how good it is, and why a game that is fun to play for 70+ hours offers more gameplay than a lot of single player games that cost a great deal more.
…and yes, that’s just one of the statistics that is tracked by Warhawk’s Stat system. During the BETA we saw users log crazy high numbers – 70 was by far *not* the largest … most users had over 30 and we had to ultimately turn the servers off!. Who knows how high those numbers would be if we were to keep the BETA open?
Speaking of the BETA, I’d like to let you guys know that we were watching the Warhawk Statistics database during the BETA, looking for the top players. We ultimately used the Bonus Points category since it covers all play modes, levels, vehicles, troops, weapons, kill types, etc.
So…for the top 100 players, we have prepared a “Top-BETA-Players” award that you will be receiving in the mail soon. It includes a really nice print of the box-art, signed by the team *and* a very, very limited edition metal Warhawk Wings pin! So guys and gals, please keep your eyes out for this in the coming weeks!
Well that’s all for now. Hopefully that was informative.
I think for my next post, I’d like to show all you guys some of the great work that our IT-Team has been doing “behind-the-curtain”. Since Warhawk is a multiplayer-only game, for those of you who choose to play online, I think it would be good for you to see some of the server work that we have done since the BETA closed.
As always – Rock on!

I just wanted to say to the devs who posted here, thank you for standing by your game and actually answering some of the questions addressed. More developers should do this with their products, listen to the community and their concerns and address them.
Thanks and great job!
I wish that when I blew Ron up I had force feegback.
warhawks gonna rock!
think id get the premium since its got the headset. now all we gotta wait for is the rumble sixaxis
Remember Counter-Strike by Valve? I have logged more hours on that game than practically anything else and it has always been Multiplayer only. Warhawk is in that tradition but it packs in so much more.
I’m impressed by all the feedback we get from you Ron. Thanks man.
Think I’m gonna use the dl option on PS Store.
Looking forward to the release.
So How the heck do we get asked to be on BETA’s anyway?
Do you have to contact the developers or something?
just wondering!
also interested in knowing if the hard copy can be installed and will there be loading differences with the disc if it’s not?
another question, can the PSN version be backed up unto an external storage device?
as for the PSN price… five dollars too high
Certainly would like to know the UK/Euro date and price for this..hoping it’ll be out the same day but I doubt it.
I’m also glad to see the PSN offering full downloadable next-gen titles, and $40 is a great deal reguardless of what others may think. I’ll be picking mine up on blu-ray I’m old school and like the packageing, plus a free bluetooth headset along with all the extra features on the disk, hell yea!
@Andy D
I agree…i’ve never gotten a direct response before…i was speechless and extremely happy at the same time.
@Ron, I pray you and the studio stick to your word…Im sorry for doubting but lets be realistic…Sony and game studios havent given us fans anything but lies and smoke screens…
SO, THANK YOU! for responding like you did and again sorry for the doubts
You may take us out “Red Baron” style but get yo ass out of the plane and on the ground and that ass is mine…LOLOLOL
Please sony, allow people to use cameos from sony games on warhawk :) like (sweet tooth, kretos, Clive, Nariko)XD
just saying would be a cool feuture i really like to see on warhawk.
Hi, currently wondering whether to pre-order a US copy (60$ = £32, the average game is £39.99 rrp over here so quit complaining about the bundle price) or wait for it to come out on the UK PSN, couple of questions that are going to swing the balance:
1. I already got a headset free with my phone, but can someone playing splitscreen with me use a headset as well?
2. How much difference in loading times between the two is there and again, how big is the download?
3. Probably not the right place to ask, but are there any plans to add a feature to compress games down that you don’t play often, so you can save some space without having to re-download it when you do want to play it again?
This is looking sweet and the quick-split is a really nice feature, I’ll be picking it up either way. Cheers.
Nice to hear it went gold, definitely getting the box version on day 1. I feel both prices are right on. Enjoyed the beta, can’t wait to start playing it again.
LOL! Great blog Dylan… and having been a beta tester… I can’t wait for the Warhawk release!!!
I let my husband help test the split screen function, and I can’t wait to see him on the opposing team again, hop in a tank and blow him up! :)
I was on the beta, and this game isnt worth $40 as a download. Sorry.
$60 as an in-store price is high as well. The headset being packed in (Jabra BT125 or BT135) can be had online for less than $20. This means that there isnt any added value to buying the in-store version, other than a making-of video. I think the correct price for this game would have been $30 at most. And just like the PS3, this game will see horrible sales until the price comes down.
Maybe i’m missing something, maybe we need to get a break down of the games features. Maybe a list of vehicles, skins, maps, etc.
At this time i dont see myself purchasing this game for that price. And to be perfectly honest, the beta had sold me on it. But the price doesnt reflect great value, especially for the DL-version.
Gears of war had two SKU’s and it did just fine. Oblivion had two Sku’s and it did just fine. Halo 3 will have two SKU’s and it will do just fine. Please note the regular editions of those all outsold (are outselling (preorders)) the special editions. If there were two SKU’s you would get a lot of people buying the $40 dollar version… which might be the reason behind not doing it. This goes back to my post about the middle man (see post 152).
Thanks for that feedback! I still have not found many people (any people) that have prefered a $40 retail SKU (if it existed) over a $40 PSN version. This goes back to my post (post 137) about the whole PSN “bluray” releases being out of whack!!!
I kind of see what you are saying. I think the people who do not want the headset are getting somewhat screwed. Again see my posts above to read why.
Just wondering, cause you said you were getting the $40 DL version. Would you choose a $40 retail SKU (without headset) over a PSN download for $40?
game looks sweet! At $59.99 and a head set (blue tooth?), Jabra to boot, is an excellent deal!
congratulations on the gold status, looking forward to this game…my question is:
will there be split creen in ranked games?
that was my only complaint with the beta because I would really like to play split screen with other people and gain rank at the same time.
@ Ron Eagle
Might I suggest a reply button on the comment section?
Also by the end of this year, how many games are we except there to be on both Blu-Ray & the PSN?
Warhawk should be great. I want to know is there any plans on a Warhawk 2 or will that only happen if this one sells well.
Plus if there is a Warhawk 2 will it have single player added seeing as
multi-player would already be great.
Im REALLY excited for Warhawk. Thanks allot for the post!
i have something to say. why cant you make a playstation card because alot of kids dont have credit cards. xbox gets to do it. so does the wii. i dont want to spend money from my credit card and let the intrest go up. buying card from the store could be better you know.
Yeah the lack of the PSN cards in the US (think there is some kind of system in place in Japan) might hurt a bit. At least those that “have” to get the retail version will get the extras.
The biggest problem I foresee with this title is that none of my friends have PS3s (a few have 360s, most have only last-gen consoles), so a multiplayer-only game is largely useless to me – I’d have no one to play against. (I don’t do public matches.)
I was anticipating this game when it was a single-player flight-combat game, but it looks like the stuff that interested me got lost along the way.
This is why its hard to believe what Sony & Developers tell us
and just got word from GameStop that the releases for Uncharted : Drakes Fortune is pushed back 3 weeks and Heavenly Sword pushed back 2 weeks
so i hope you understand our skepticism or at least mine :)
This is now a must buy game for me. I wasn’t excited for this game at first, but the beta users were really excited about it, and the developers seem like they are good people. I am going to preorder it today!!!
Between this game, Heavenly Sword, R&C, Unreal Tournament 3, Uncharted Drake’s Fortune, etc, etc, I am going to be spending a lot of money this fall (and this isn’t even including clothes and hos!)
I will get retail box for the physical copy and Bluetooth headset..
will we be able to install the retail version to the hard drive though for better load times etc???
With Uncharted & Heavenly Sword being pushed back you’ll be fine with spending the money for Warhawk :)
Uncharted: Drakes Fortune
Old Release Date – 11/1/2007
New Release Date – 11/20/2007
and Heavenly Sword
Old Release Date – 9/4/2007
New Release Date – 9/12/2007 (and watch that get pushed back further)
Please consider this scenario. It will make Sony look much better in the public’s eyes providing needed positive PR and meeting ALL of the gamers needs. Change the download only price to 29.99 or 34.99. If not that please consider having two SKU’s for retail. The one collectors SKU as you have for $59.99 but another at $39.99 or $49.99 (depending on the final price of the PSN SKU) Have the lower priced retail SKU have just the game without the headset. Most online gamers already have bluetooth sets so it would be superfluous in most cases. I believe these adjusted price-points will make your team and Sony as a whole much more appreciated. You can spin it any way you want in a subsequent press release of “Sony unlike its competitors listens to its gamers feedback and is therefore reducing its pricepoints etc,etc..” Far from making you guys seem indecisive it will make you guys shine. TRUST ME. GO FOR IT! PRESENT IT TO YOUR BOSS IN THAT LIGHT. We all stand behind you. Other than that I look forward to kicking everyone’s butt come the 28th.
I was in the beta and I really enjoyed it. It was lots of fun. I was hoping at a $30 sweet-spot for the PSN version, but I will gladly pay $40 for it.
I hope more games implement the download strategy for full games. I live overseas (South America) so getting a game is a major PITA, as I usually have to wait months till I can get someone to bring it over.
I really like what you guys have done to the top 100 players in the beta. Its a cool way to award those who really made an effort to improve the game by playing it constantly.
Good job guys!!!
Great job Can’t wait!!
@ venividivinci
Agreed. I hope Dylan and Ron take our advice seriously. I believe we are all provding some valuable insight that might counteract the “groupthink” going on with the developing team/SCEA.
Nice thing to have the Q&A.
Please address the Bot question I did, some things about the offline mode and the ability to install the retail package into the HD.
Any chance of this having a demo? I doubt it since it is all online, and people know it will be a good game so they will buy it regardless, but it would be nice to know.
YES finally dAMNIT fianlly quality games
i do agree with commander that sony shouldnt release blu-ray games on psn 60gb aint alot for those things it will be full in no time…. + the fact that it will take ages before its finished downloading..
NOPE not me ill get the retail version..
question how large is the warhawk psn file anyway ?
Missed out on the Beta sadly and have been waiting for a long time. Pre-ordered the bundle back when it was $40 and can’t wait!
Question: What is the approval process for Beta’s like this?
also if i already had a bleutooth i wouldnt buy both versions..
i mean i would buy the psn version if it was a retail version and not a psn download version…
9+ gb is just to much psn download limits should be 2 gb and not higher
i personally think
warhawk+ headset 60 buck retail
warhawk 40 bucks retail without headset
forget the psn version
game looks good im fo sho buying this.. i wish the release date could be moved up though.. how come we gota wait so long……… this is like the only good game this month lol.
it’ll be the ONLY game this month…LOL
[…] sent out word that Warhawk for the PS3 has gone gold via PlayStation.Blog. The game will be available on August […]
augest 28th is hella long time….
@ legalize
We are on the same page. I have not heard much opposition to our views. Any thoughts anyone?
I do not think there will be that much of a difference for loading times. One of the benefits of requiring a hard drive is that devolepers can use the hard drive cache to optimize load times.
What? Are you talking exclusives only?
Cause GRAW2 is coming too.
And according to IGN PSEye is too, and that is exclusive.
tekken online to :)
I do not have a headset. Even if I do, I think I would not but the PSN version.
It is not for the download issues. It is just that I prefer to have the media disk just in case something is wrong or if I go to a friends house.
If you take in mind that every map is, I dont know, 1 GB? 10 maps is like 10GB and then there is the AI, stuff, menus, 12 GB download?
It is not that much for a game, but yeah, it sounds a bit too much for a game. What I am thinking is they might have the game in several packages.
1) Core download
2) Individual maps
3) additional content: videos and stuff.
You get all the first time you pay, but you dont have to download all at once. That would be sweet.
[…] Warhawk to cost $40 over the Playstation Network ($60 in stores w/ headset) […]
The 28th is not that far off. Let’s keep giving Sony mature responsible feedback and hope they keep listening to us as they seem to be. Let’s not represent ourselves as stupid angry gamers but adults who have great ideas on what could help Sony win this next gen war. They can do it they just need our help. Please listen and act Ron, Dylan, and whomever. You guys have the harware and software potential. First thing to do is drop the 60gb console one last time to $399. And then Sell the 80 for $459.99. Another daring move would be to retail all your 1st party titles to $49.99 instead of $59.99. THis will rape the competition. The fall line up in conjunction with these moves will in the short run cause some loss to Sony but the skyrocketing sales will boost your perception, make your stock rise and ultimately bring you back to your rightful place in console gaming. Take the risk Sony-the gamers will respond. The developers will too knowing people will buy systems and ultimately their games. GO FOR IT!
[…] Game Director Warren Jobe recently announced that the PlayStation 3 exclusive has officially gone gold, and finally revealed the two different […]
umm the game will not be 12 GB 0_o. The game should be under 1 GB(around 850-950). I did the beta and the size wasent that big =\