As most of you know, last Wednesday we announced a new exclusive game development deal with NCSoft, the company behind big MMO games like Lineage and City of Heroes. We’ve been getting a lot of questions about it and thought you might be interested in checking out this interview our friends at Global Gaming League and Epileptic Gaming did with NCSoft’s President of North America.
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Sigh, no game demos for the most anticipated games, still lacking key features on the PS3. At this point I dont even care for a thursday update. I used to be excited about every thursday, but beggin and not recieveing gets old fast. the only thing that is keeping my PS3 on is Rainbow Six Vegas, and we still have problems with that game. I hope the Online contect cames fast and in a hurry. There are no reasons why we cant even get demoes After a game comes out. At this point i think it is too much to ask to get demos Before a game comes out.
Loucifer, if you feel that way, then why don’t you go buy a Xbox 360 if you feel their content is better. Remember, they were in the same position when they first started as well, GIVE THE PS3 A CHANCE. Things are looking up, and people like you need to realize that and stop complaining.
Haha wow…i’m just happy to watch some of the making of Heavenly Sword and I’m definitly going to put perhaps the greatest Castlevania game onto my PSP. I didn’t expect a Heavenly Sword or Lair demo but I was hoping for some sort of demo. I’m quite satisfied…::shrug::
Sony as the saying goes “can’t please all the people all of the time” I don’t think everyone is that pissed about the update lol
I think the update is fine. A great PS1 game and HD trailers. I happen to like having them in HD anyway so I can show them off on my TV through my PS3. Next week is probably the Heavenly Sword demo, but I guarantee people will still be [DELETED] that it wasn’t good enough for them.
I’ll stop [DELETED] when i feel like i got my $600 value out of my PS3 that i’ve had for months with no content!!! that i spent my hard earned money on.
Sony you need to make it where you dont have to keep pressing the PS button to switch back and forth from PS1 PS2 and PS3 games…
@250 I agree commercial after commercial. I am glad I have not sent my 360 back for this garbage.
I already own a 360 how do you think i know what they have and Sony doesnt…
BUT in all fairness i got the 360 free so i could care less when it blows up….but i bought my PS3 in hopes it would kick MS ass…at this rate the PS3 will be in a position to beat MS in 2015
This is a blog. Not a magical genie.
What are you guys 5 years old you all sound like a bunch of sissy fanboy brats. Go stand in a river bed and cry me a river so you can drown in it.
If not please enjoy some stfu cry baby juice.
Ofcourse they are reading this, they can block you if you dont stop acting like an idiot, I was mad that there were no worth while games, but if sony releases any FINAL FANTASY GAMES on the ps store they would make such great money.
To The Playstation Network Director,
Are you in charged of setting the price of games that are sold there? While I love the price of the Ps1 games at 5.99. Does that mean 3rd party can pick a reasonable price or are you guessing what should be sold more?
For example, an excellent Ps1 Classic: Castlevania: Symphony of the Night hits the store just recently, I was happy. But the price was marked at 9.99. Does that mean future titles will be around that? Or can we just have ONE Price for all games which should be 5.99 Or just lower the others to 7.99 at least.
Why is Castlevania Symphony of the Night $10???
XBLA has it for $10 but theres an option to enhance the graphics which is why ours should be cheaper since we don’t have that option.
thanks so much for the demo sony (the darkness) love you guys.
European bastard
(Just kidding man. The US Store did not get the demo) so a lot of us are pissed.
@ Fiaz
Xbox live “silver” membership is free, and that allows you to atleast chat with MSN messenger friends, your xbox live buddies, download trailers, movies, game demos, xbox live arcade games, and whatever else you can find. One of the things you can’t do with a silver membership, is play online games. You would need a “gold” member ship, and that comes at a monthly cost, or an annual fee. I don’t have the “gold” membership, so I didn’t bother researching how much it cost for a year. Hopefully that answers your question. ;_)
why does this blog have a comments feature??? It’s useless
I got a message from psu saying that the darkness was coming soon last week to the ps network maybe its a glitch?
How do you fight against bigotry in HOME. Do you keep your avatar the same as your race and just ignore it or do you just leave it white and be merry. HOME is a great concept but with big consequences. Thank you.
They will have a notice post set up so that if said events take place, they will be banned, probably instantly. It’s a simple fix. Nobody better be racist in HOME, nor in real life, that’s a bunch of bull…
I really hope they do that. Kids and young teenagers play PS3. Gaming to me is very universal. Home might change my view. I love playing video games.
thanks but no free online gaming. Thank You sony
The comments aren’t useless… It’s a good way for Sony to hear from their biggest fans. And they’ve heard at least a few times, so…
SotN hit PSN? I need this game… I wanted to buy it on ebay, but I was seeing it for, like, 40 bucks… This will likely be the first PS1 game I buy on PSN… Even if it is inferior to the 360 version (lame, Konami… Lame)
Of course, I forgot for a minute that the PS1 version can be played on PSP, and XBLA cannot be played on any portables yet… That may change… It’s very possible that Microsoft’s portable console may be able to play XBLA games…
@ bobtheduck
Microsoft’s portable comsole? They havent even turned a profit on the first X-Box yet.
Yes SotN is $9.99 the game is worth a hell of alot more than that. And I can play it on the road or at the house. I got my ten bucks worth tonight! GOT ME A PSP AND A PS3 GAME FOR 10 BUCKS. COULD NOT BE HAPPIER.
Yes the movie trailers are not up to par for me so I did not download them. OK, I got the Resident Evil one. If you do not want movie trailers stop downloading them. Sony tracks downloads!
Last but not least. The Heavenly Sword video was cool. The actress playing Nikeo is kind of cute and it made me want to play the game/demo (not in that order please Sony) even more.
You make good points. But don’t forget to breath bro.
i do agree that he makes some good points but… why do i get the feeling Loucifer is some guy from the xbox360 blogs/forum site or just a 360 owner who has nothing better to do…
*sighs deeply*… hey Loucifer if you have a PSN account i’ll happily show you what my PS3 is capable of… maybe then you won’t be so quick to judge…
@ Sony/ 2K games
I also got an email from my PSU account that said the Darkness Demo would be downloadable. That was acouple of days ago.
I have The Darkness, been playing it, it’s at great game. But the DEMO would have sparked another wave or two of people to get off of the couch and go buy it. Games getting bought make you guys MONEY. Again DEMO=MONEY.
Anyone want to give me a job yet. I will quite the one I have.LOL LOL
Very posible.
LOL…i did forget to breathe there for a sec :)
dude trust me i wouldnt give MS any of my money…hate MS and dont even own a PC…Mac baby!!
i got a 360 as a gift…i get irrate cuz i’ve been Sony at heart since the original…i already know PS3 is a far more superior machine thats not my issue…my issue is Sony trying to build something and market the system all wrong with no content, no communication and one publicity stunt after another and the sad part is im not the only one that spend ALOT of $ on PS3 or even HDTV, Cables etc…and i have only 3 good games i felt were worth keeping Resistance, FEAR and RB6 and RB6 is a port
I don’t know. I think its great that Sony is looking into the whole MMO idea for the PS3, but I’m recovering World of Warcraft addict. I don’t if I want to touch one for a while. On a side note, is getting MMO’s such a good idea for Sony? I don’t know about anybody else who is involved with WoW or Guild Wars. It seems that when people play MMO’s that’s pretty much the only game they play. If everyone gets addicted to certain game on the PS3, they might now look at other games to play thus sales dropping for other games. :-D
As much as I enjoy this blog (for the most part.) I wish we could start a thread, but not like the PSUnderground. That one is so convoluted.
I liked what they gave the past 2 weeks. I wish they would give more demos of upcoming games but PSN is still in it’s infancy. Although, I really hope for a Lair and HS demo before it comes out on disc
although im not into their types of games, im glad Sony managed to get exclusivity from NC. Glad they like the open platform of the PS3 too, a huge advantage over XBL imo.
I play a few of NCSofts MMORPG titles, City of Heroes, City of Villians, Guild Wars… and Auto Assault (to be ended online 08/07).
I think that Auto Assualt would be Awsome for the PS3. If NCSoft added a video story line and this game were brought to console gaming it would probably rule the market. Look it up on the NcSoft website for more info about it.
Basically, it’s a MMORPG where you customize your own car and driver. Try it online before they shut it down .
Alright, all night and still nothing new or good to read.
Send me a message when someone updates this thing.
looking forward to what comes out from this agreement.
about the demos, I really thought we were getting Lair or Heavenly Sword this week :(
C’mon, Lair is coming out in less than a month from now.
More Demos & More PS1 games plz;) Sony wud make MILLIONS!!! if they put all there old PS1 games on there;)
On a brighter note, Congrats on selling out at Target as well!!!
Why hasn’t sony updated this in two days. After they just screwed up another update. I guess sony only posts on here when they have something to brag about like charity or nc soft.
The only think about using my PS3 for playing movies is if you accidentally sit the blu-ray remote or the game pad and the movie stop, you have to restart the movie and jump chapters back to were you stopped. It would be nice that the system would take you right back where you stopped the movie.
A memory feture would be nice for DVD and Blu-Ray movies. Yet another feture to put into a firmware update.
Just about 300 comments from fans and not one response/answer from SONY. Wait… does SONY really exist??
I just hope them games come with added Rumble. It’s about time. The touchsense we been hearing about sounds Awesome! Can’t wait!!!
All right Sony. Don’t play the laughing boy.
There’s only two things I hate in this world. People who are intolerant of other people’s cultures and the Dutch getting to play the Darkness demo before I do.
I’m super serial.
Wow, some people got issues… first, they complain about not getting any update at all, then when there is one, they complain about the content. I’m sorry, but I think that SotN is a nice thing to be had on the PS3… although, since I have the Ps1 version already, I won’t buy it, but 10$ is alot less than what you’d pay on ebay for the same game. I personally think that after home is released, everything in the store will be awesome. Until then, we get what we get, although I agree that this blog should give us a little more heads up on upcoming firmeware, add-ons and stuff. Or why home is released in october rather than september. Sony, I’m happy, but give us more info on what the console is coming to (firmware or updates)…
and I know people will always complain whatever Sony does.
Off the subject for a min.
Does anybody know what’s the word on “Eight Days”? This title was first shown at E3 2005 and CES 2006. I’ve been anticipating this title for a very long time.
You know. There is going to be always people who complain about everything.
But here it is like 95% of the people. That is not a few. That is saying something to Sony.
“Wait… does SONY really exist??”
– No one knows man…no one knows…
MGS4 on Xbox 360 ‘a few months’ after PS3, says OXM Rumor Mole
141 Comments by Christopher Grant Jul 19th 2007 6:54PM
Filed under: Sony PlayStation 3, Microsoft Xbox 360, Action
A reliable tipster has whispered in X3F’s ear that the Rumor Mole section in the latest issue of OXM claims a “bankable source” confirmed that Metal Gear Solid 4 would be coming to the Xbox 360 “a few months” after the PS3 version. Of course, there have been dozens of rumors insisting this will be the case, but the “Official Xbox Magazine” carries some weight.
Last week, Konami executive Kazumi Kitaue said, “Since Metal Gear Solid was born for the PlayStation, we would like to keep it a PlayStation game. But we might have to take some steps,” igniting renewed speculation that the title would, in fact, be coming to Microsoft’s console. Obviously, an announcement wasn’t made at E3 last week … perhaps TGS07?
i hate it when sony says only on ps3 at E3 and its not true. Some other titles end in Creed
@ blizzard182
“- No one knows man…no one knows…”
lol thanks for clearing that up : )